""" WSGI config for LMS. This module contains the WSGI application used by Django's development server and any production WSGI deployments. It exposes a module-level variable named ``application``. Django's ``runserver`` and ``runfcgi`` commands discover this application via the ``WSGI_APPLICATION`` setting. """ # Patch the xml libs from safe_lxml import defuse_xml_libs defuse_xml_libs() # Disable PyContract contract checking when running as a webserver import contracts contracts.disable_all() import openedx.core.operations openedx.core.operations.install_memory_dumper() import os os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "lms.envs.aws") import lms.startup as startup startup.run() from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore # Trigger a forced initialization of our modulestores since this can take a # while to complete and we want this done before HTTP requests are accepted. modulestore() # This application object is used by the development server # as well as any WSGI server configured to use this file. from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application application = get_wsgi_application() # pylint: disable=invalid-name