# Run acceptance tests that use the bok-choy framework # http://bok-choy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ require 'dalli' # Mongo databases that will be dropped before/after the tests run BOK_CHOY_MONGO_DATABASE = "test" # Control parallel test execution with environment variables # Process timeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for results from a particular test case BOK_CHOY_NUM_PARALLEL = ENV.fetch('NUM_PARALLEL', 1).to_i BOK_CHOY_TEST_TIMEOUT = ENV.fetch("TEST_TIMEOUT", 300).to_f # Ensure that we have a directory to put logs and reports BOK_CHOY_DIR = File.join(REPO_ROOT, "common", "test", "acceptance") BOK_CHOY_TEST_DIR = File.join(BOK_CHOY_DIR, "tests") BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR = File.join(REPO_ROOT, "test_root", "log") directory BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR # Reports BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR = report_dir_path("bok_choy") BOK_CHOY_XUNIT_REPORT = File.join(BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR, "xunit.xml") BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC = File.join(BOK_CHOY_DIR, ".coveragerc") directory BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR BOK_CHOY_SERVERS = { :lms => { :port => 8003, :log => File.join(BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR, "bok_choy_lms.log") }, :cms => { :port => 8031, :log => File.join(BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR, "bok_choy_studio.log") } } BOK_CHOY_STUBS = { :xqueue => { :port => 8040, :log => File.join(BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR, "bok_choy_xqueue.log") } } # For the time being, stubs are used by both the bok-choy and lettuce acceptance tests # For this reason, the stubs package is currently located in the Django app called "terrain" # where other lettuce configuration is stored. BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR = File.join(REPO_ROOT, "common", "djangoapps", "terrain") BOK_CHOY_CACHE = Dalli::Client.new('localhost:11211') # Start the servers we will run tests on def start_servers() BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.each do | service, info | address = "{info[:port]}" cmd = "coverage run --rcfile=#{BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC} -m manage #{service} --settings bok_choy runserver #{address} --traceback --noreload" singleton_process(cmd, logfile=info[:log]) end BOK_CHOY_STUBS.each do | service, info | Dir.chdir(BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR) do singleton_process( "python -m stubs.start #{service} #{info[:port]}", logfile=info[:log] ) end end end # Wait until we get a successful response from the servers or time out def wait_for_test_servers() BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.merge(BOK_CHOY_STUBS).each do | service, info | ready = wait_for_server("", info[:port]) if not ready fail("Could not contact #{service} test server") end end end def is_mongo_running() # The mongo command will connect to the service, # failing with a non-zero exit code if it cannot connect. output = `mongo --eval "print('running')"` return (output and output.include? "running") end def is_memcache_running() # We use a Ruby memcache client to attempt to set a key # in memcache. If we cannot do so because the service is not # available, then this will raise an exception. BOK_CHOY_CACHE.set('test', 'test') return true rescue Dalli::DalliError return false end def is_mysql_running() # We use the MySQL CLI client and capture its stderr # If the client cannot connect successfully, stderr will be non-empty output = `mysql -e "" 2>&1` return output == "" end # Run the bok choy tests # `test_spec` is a nose-style test specifier relative to the test directory # Examples: # - path/to/test.py # - path/to/test.py:TestFoo # - path/to/test.py:TestFoo.test_bar # It can also be left blank to run all tests in the suite. def run_bok_choy(test_spec) # Default to running all tests if no specific test is specified if test_spec.nil? test_spec = BOK_CHOY_TEST_DIR else test_spec = File.join(BOK_CHOY_TEST_DIR, test_spec) end # Construct the nosetests command, specifying where to save screenshots and XUnit XML reports cmd = [ "SCREENSHOT_DIR='#{BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR}'", "nosetests", test_spec, "--with-xunit", "--xunit-file=#{BOK_CHOY_XUNIT_REPORT}" ] # Configure parallel test execution, if specified if BOK_CHOY_NUM_PARALLEL > 1 cmd += ["--processes=#{BOK_CHOY_NUM_PARALLEL}", "--process-timeout=#{BOK_CHOY_TEST_TIMEOUT}"] end # Run the nosetests command sh(cmd.join(" ")) end def clear_mongo() sh("mongo #{BOK_CHOY_MONGO_DATABASE} --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' > /dev/null") end # Clean up data we created in the databases def cleanup() sh(django_admin('lms', 'bok_choy', 'flush', '--noinput')) clear_mongo() end namespace :'test:bok_choy' do # Check that required services are running task :check_services do if not is_mongo_running() fail("Mongo is not running locally.") end if not is_memcache_running() fail("Memcache is not running locally.") end if not is_mysql_running() fail("MySQL is not running locally.") end end desc "Process assets and set up database for bok-choy tests" task :setup => [:check_services, :install_prereqs, BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR] do # Clear any test data already in Mongo clear_mongo() # Invalidate the cache BOK_CHOY_CACHE.flush() # HACK: Since the CMS depends on the existence of some database tables # that are now in common but used to be in LMS (Role/Permissions for Forums) # we need to create/migrate the database tables defined in the LMS. # We might be able to address this by moving out the migrations from # lms/django_comment_client, but then we'd have to repair all the existing # migrations from the upgrade tables in the DB. # But for now for either system (lms or cms), use the lms # definitions to sync and migrate. sh(django_admin('lms', 'bok_choy', 'reset_db', '--noinput')) sh(django_admin('lms', 'bok_choy', 'syncdb', '--noinput')) sh(django_admin('lms', 'bok_choy', 'migrate', '--noinput')) # Collect static assets Rake::Task["gather_assets"].invoke('lms', 'bok_choy') Rake::Task["gather_assets"].reenable Rake::Task["gather_assets"].invoke('cms', 'bok_choy') end desc "Run acceptance tests that use the bok-choy framework but skip setup" task :fast, [:test_spec] => [ :check_services, BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR, BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR, :clean_reports_dir ] do |t, args| # Ensure the test servers are available puts "Starting test servers...".red start_servers() puts "Waiting for servers to start...".red wait_for_test_servers() begin puts "Running test suite...".red run_bok_choy(args.test_spec) rescue puts "Tests failed!".red exit 1 ensure puts "Cleaning up databases...".red cleanup() end end desc "Generate coverage reports for bok-choy tests" task :coverage => BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR do | t, args | puts "Combining coverage reports".red sh("coverage combine --rcfile=#{BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC}") puts "Generating coverage reports".red sh("coverage html --rcfile=#{BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC}") sh("coverage xml --rcfile=#{BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC}") sh("coverage report --rcfile=#{BOK_CHOY_COVERAGE_RC}") end end # Default: set up and run the tests desc "Run acceptance tests that use the bok-choy framework" task :'test:bok_choy', [:test_spec] => [:'test:bok_choy:setup'] do |t, args| Rake::Task["test:bok_choy:fast"].invoke(args.test_spec) end