import json from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from override_settings import override_settings from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from path import path from student.models import Registration from django.contrib.auth.models import User import xmodule.modulestore.django from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml import copy from factories import * def parse_json(response): """Parse response, which is assumed to be json""" return json.loads(response.content) def user(email): """look up a user by email""" return User.objects.get(email=email) def registration(email): """look up registration object by email""" return Registration.objects.get(user__email=email) class ContentStoreTestCase(TestCase): def _login(self, email, pw): """Login. View should always return 200. The success/fail is in the returned json""" resp ='login_post'), {'email': email, 'password': pw}) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) return resp def login(self, email, pw): """Login, check that it worked.""" resp = self._login(email, pw) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertTrue(data['success']) return resp def _create_account(self, username, email, pw): """Try to create an account. No error checking""" resp ='/create_account', { 'username': username, 'email': email, 'password': pw, 'location': 'home', 'language': 'Franglish', 'name': 'Fred Weasley', 'terms_of_service': 'true', 'honor_code': 'true', }) return resp def create_account(self, username, email, pw): """Create the account and check that it worked""" resp = self._create_account(username, email, pw) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(data['success'], True) # Check both that the user is created, and inactive self.assertFalse(user(email).is_active) return resp def _activate_user(self, email): """Look up the activation key for the user, then hit the activate view. No error checking""" activation_key = registration(email).activation_key # and now we try to activate resp = self.client.get(reverse('activate', kwargs={'key': activation_key})) return resp def activate_user(self, email): resp = self._activate_user(email) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) # Now make sure that the user is now actually activated self.assertTrue(user(email).is_active) class AuthTestCase(ContentStoreTestCase): """Check that various permissions-related things work""" def setUp(self): = '' = 'xyz' self.username = 'testuser' self.client = Client() def check_page_get(self, url, expected): resp = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, expected) return resp def test_public_pages_load(self): """Make sure pages that don't require login load without error.""" pages = ( reverse('login'), reverse('signup'), ) for page in pages: print "Checking '{0}'".format(page) self.check_page_get(page, 200) def test_create_account_errors(self): # No post data -- should fail resp ='/create_account', {}) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(data['success'], False) def test_create_account(self): self.create_account(self.username,, self.activate_user( def test_login(self): self.create_account(self.username,, # Not activated yet. Login should fail. resp = self._login(, data = parse_json(resp) self.assertFalse(data['success']) self.activate_user( # Now login should work self.login(, def test_private_pages_auth(self): """Make sure pages that do require login work.""" auth_pages = ( reverse('index'), ) # These are pages that should just load when the user is logged in # (no data needed) simple_auth_pages = ( reverse('index'), ) # need an activated user self.test_create_account() # Create a new session self.client = Client() # Not logged in. Should redirect to login. print 'Not logged in' for page in auth_pages: print "Checking '{0}'".format(page) self.check_page_get(page, expected=302) # Logged in should work. self.login(, print 'Logged in' for page in simple_auth_pages: print "Checking '{0}'".format(page) self.check_page_get(page, expected=200) def test_index_auth(self): # not logged in. Should return a redirect. resp = self.client.get(reverse('index')) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 302) # Logged in should work. TEST_DATA_MODULESTORE = copy.deepcopy(settings.MODULESTORE) TEST_DATA_MODULESTORE['default']['OPTIONS']['fs_root'] = path('common/test/data') TEST_DATA_MODULESTORE['direct']['OPTIONS']['fs_root'] = path('common/test/data') @override_settings(MODULESTORE=TEST_DATA_MODULESTORE) class ContentStoreTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): uname = 'testuser' email = '' password = 'foo' # Create the use so we can log them in. self.user = User.objects.create_user(uname, email, password) # Note that we do not actually need to do anything # for registration if we directly mark them active. self.user.is_active = True # Staff has access to view all courses self.user.is_staff = True # Flush and initialize the module store # It needs the templates because it creates new records # by cloning from the template. # Note that if your test module gets in some weird state # (though it shouldn't), do this manually # from the bash shell to drop it: # $ mongo test_xmodule --eval "db.dropDatabase()" xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {} xmodule.modulestore.django.modulestore().collection.drop() xmodule.templates.update_templates() self.client = Client() self.client.login(username=uname, password=password) self.course_data = { 'template': 'i4x://edx/templates/course/Empty', 'org': 'MITx', 'number': '999', 'display_name': 'Robot Super Course', } def tearDown(self): # Make sure you flush out the test modulestore after the end # of the last test because otherwise on the next run # cms/djangoapps/contentstore/ # update_templates() will try to update the templates # via upsert and it sometimes seems to be messing things up. xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {} xmodule.modulestore.django.modulestore().collection.drop() def test_create_course(self): """Test new course creation - happy path""" resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(data['id'], 'i4x://MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course') def test_create_course_duplicate_course(self): """Test new course creation - error path""" resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(data['ErrMsg'], 'There is already a course defined with this name.') def test_create_course_duplicate_number(self): """Test new course creation - error path""" resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) self.course_data['display_name'] = 'Robot Super Course Two' resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(data['ErrMsg'], 'There is already a course defined with the same organization and course number.') def test_create_course_with_bad_organization(self): """Test new course creation - error path for bad organization name""" self.course_data['org'] = 'University of California, Berkeley' resp ='create_new_course'), self.course_data) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(data['ErrMsg'], "Unable to create course 'Robot Super Course'.\n\nInvalid characters in 'University of California, Berkeley'.") def test_course_index_view_with_no_courses(self): """Test viewing the index page with no courses""" # Create a course so there is something to view resp = self.client.get(reverse('index')) self.assertContains(resp, '<h1>My Courses</h1>', status_code=200, html=True) def test_course_factory(self): course = CourseFactory.create() self.assertIsInstance(course, xmodule.course_module.CourseDescriptor) def test_item_factory(self): course = CourseFactory.create() item = ItemFactory.create(parent_location=course.location) self.assertIsInstance(item, xmodule.seq_module.SequenceDescriptor) def test_course_index_view_with_course(self): """Test viewing the index page with an existing course""" CourseFactory.create(display_name='Robot Super Educational Course') resp = self.client.get(reverse('index')) self.assertContains(resp, '<span class="class-name">Robot Super Educational Course</span>', status_code=200, html=True) def test_course_overview_view_with_course(self): """Test viewing the course overview page with an existing course""" CourseFactory.create(org='MITx', course='999', display_name='Robot Super Course') data = { 'org': 'MITx', 'course': '999', 'name': Location.clean('Robot Super Course'), } resp = self.client.get(reverse('course_index', kwargs=data)) self.assertContains(resp, '<a href="/MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course" class="class-name">Robot Super Course</a>', status_code=200, html=True) def test_clone_item(self): """Test cloning an item. E.g. creating a new section""" CourseFactory.create(org='MITx', course='999', display_name='Robot Super Course') section_data = { 'parent_location' : 'i4x://MITx/999/course/Robot_Super_Course', 'template' : 'i4x://edx/templates/chapter/Empty', 'display_name': 'Section One', } resp ='clone_item'), section_data) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) data = parse_json(resp) self.assertRegexpMatches(data['id'], '^i4x:\/\/MITx\/999\/chapter\/([0-9]|[a-f]){32}$') def check_edit_unit(self, test_course_name): import_from_xml(modulestore(), 'common/test/data/', [test_course_name]) for descriptor in modulestore().get_items(Location(None, None, 'vertical', None, None)): print "Checking ", descriptor.location.url() print descriptor.__class__, descriptor.location resp = self.client.get(reverse('edit_unit', kwargs={'location': descriptor.location.url()})) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_edit_unit_toy(self): self.check_edit_unit('toy') def test_edit_unit_full(self): self.check_edit_unit('full')