""" API for for getting information about the user's shopping cart. """ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from xmodule.modulestore.django import ModuleI18nService from shoppingcart.models import OrderItem def order_history(user, **kwargs): """ Returns the list of previously purchased orders for a user. Only the orders with PaidCourseRegistration and CourseRegCodeItem are returned. Params: course_org_filter: Current Microsite's ORG. org_filter_out_set: A list of all other Microsites' ORGs. """ course_org_filter = kwargs['course_org_filter'] if 'course_org_filter' in kwargs else None org_filter_out_set = kwargs['org_filter_out_set'] if 'org_filter_out_set' in kwargs else [] order_history_list = [] purchased_order_items = OrderItem.objects.filter(user=user, status='purchased').select_subclasses().order_by('-fulfilled_time') for order_item in purchased_order_items: # Avoid repeated entries for the same order id. if order_item.order.id not in [item['order_id'] for item in order_history_list]: # If we are in a Microsite, then include the orders having courses attributed (by ORG) to that Microsite. # Conversely, if we are not in a Microsite, then include the orders having courses # not attributed (by ORG) to any Microsite. order_item_course_id = getattr(order_item, 'course_id', None) if order_item_course_id: if (course_org_filter and course_org_filter == order_item_course_id.org) or \ (course_org_filter is None and order_item_course_id.org not in org_filter_out_set): order_history_list.append({ 'order_id': order_item.order.id, 'receipt_url': reverse('shoppingcart.views.show_receipt', kwargs={'ordernum': order_item.order.id}), 'order_date': ModuleI18nService().strftime(order_item.order.purchase_time, 'SHORT_DATE') }) return order_history_list