define(["jquery", "underscore", "js/views/modals/base_modal", "js/spec_helpers/modal_helpers"], function ($, _, BaseModal, modal_helpers) { describe("BaseModal", function() { var MockModal, modal, showMockModal; MockModal = BaseModal.extend({ getContentHtml: function() { return readFixtures('mock/mock-modal.underscore'); } }); showMockModal = function() { modal = new MockModal({ title: "Mock Modal" });; }; beforeEach(function () { modal_helpers.installModalTemplates(); }); afterEach(function() { modal_helpers.hideModalIfShowing(modal); }); describe("Single Modal", function() { it('is visible after show is called', function () { showMockModal(); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(modal)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('is removed after hide is called', function () { showMockModal(); modal.hide(); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(modal)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('is removed after cancel is clicked', function () { showMockModal(); modal_helpers.cancelModal(modal); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(modal)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("Nested Modal", function() { var nestedModal, showNestedModal; showNestedModal = function() { showMockModal(); nestedModal = new MockModal({ title: "Nested Modal", parent: modal });; }; afterEach(function() { if (nestedModal && modal_helpers.isShowingModal(nestedModal)) { nestedModal.hide(); } }); it('is visible after show is called', function () { showNestedModal(); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(nestedModal)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('is removed after hide is called', function () { showNestedModal(); nestedModal.hide(); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(nestedModal)).toBeFalsy(); // Verify that the parent modal is still showing expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(modal)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('is removed after cancel is clicked', function () { showNestedModal(); modal_helpers.cancelModal(nestedModal); expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(nestedModal)).toBeFalsy(); // Verify that the parent modal is still showing expect(modal_helpers.isShowingModal(modal)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); });