# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This config file runs the simplest dev environment using sqlite, and db-based sessions. Assumes structure: /envroot/ /db # This is where it'll write the database file /edx-platform # The location of this repo /log # Where we're going to write log files """ # We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and # want to import all variables from base settings files # pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import # Pylint gets confused by path.py instances, which report themselves as class # objects. As a result, pylint applies the wrong regex in validating names, # and throws spurious errors. Therefore, we disable invalid-name checking. # pylint: disable=invalid-name from .common import * import os from path import Path as path from warnings import filterwarnings, simplefilter from uuid import uuid4 from util.db import NoOpMigrationModules # import settings from LMS for consistent behavior with CMS # pylint: disable=unused-import from lms.envs.test import ( WIKI_ENABLED, PLATFORM_NAME, SITE_NAME, DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE, MEDIA_ROOT, MEDIA_URL, COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS, JWT_AUTH, REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS, ) # mongo connection settings MONGO_PORT_NUM = int(os.environ.get('EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_PORT', '27017')) MONGO_HOST = os.environ.get('EDXAPP_TEST_MONGO_HOST', 'localhost') THIS_UUID = uuid4().hex[:5] # Nose Test Runner TEST_RUNNER = 'openedx.core.djangolib.nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner' _SYSTEM = 'cms' _REPORT_DIR = REPO_ROOT / 'reports' / _SYSTEM _REPORT_DIR.makedirs_p() _NOSEID_DIR = REPO_ROOT / '.testids' / _SYSTEM _NOSEID_DIR.makedirs_p() NOSE_ARGS = [ '--id-file', _NOSEID_DIR / 'noseids', ] NOSE_PLUGINS = [ 'openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils.NoseDatabaseIsolation' ] TEST_ROOT = path('test_root') # Want static files in the same dir for running on jenkins. STATIC_ROOT = TEST_ROOT / "staticfiles" INSTALLED_APPS = [app for app in INSTALLED_APPS if app != 'webpack_loader'] INSTALLED_APPS.append('openedx.tests.util.webpack_loader') WEBPACK_LOADER['DEFAULT']['STATS_FILE'] = STATIC_ROOT / "webpack-stats.json" GITHUB_REPO_ROOT = TEST_ROOT / "data" DATA_DIR = TEST_ROOT / "data" COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT = COMMON_ROOT / "test" / "data" # For testing "push to lms" FEATURES['ENABLE_EXPORT_GIT'] = True GIT_REPO_EXPORT_DIR = TEST_ROOT / "export_course_repos" # Makes the tests run much faster... SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE = False # To disable migrations and use syncdb instead # TODO (cpennington): We need to figure out how envs/test.py can inject things into common.py so that we don't have to repeat this sort of thing STATICFILES_DIRS = [ COMMON_ROOT / "static", PROJECT_ROOT / "static", ] STATICFILES_DIRS += [ (course_dir, COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT / course_dir) for course_dir in os.listdir(COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT) if os.path.isdir(COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT / course_dir) ] # Avoid having to run collectstatic before the unit test suite # If we don't add these settings, then Django templates that can't # find pipelined assets will raise a ValueError. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12816941/unit-testing-with-django-pipeline STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.NonPackagingPipelineStorage' STATIC_URL = "/static/" # Update module store settings per defaults for tests update_module_store_settings( MODULESTORE, module_store_options={ 'default_class': 'xmodule.raw_module.RawDescriptor', 'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data", }, doc_store_settings={ 'db': 'test_xmodule', 'host': MONGO_HOST, 'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM, 'collection': 'test_modulestore{0}'.format(THIS_UUID), }, ) CONTENTSTORE = { 'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore', 'DOC_STORE_CONFIG': { 'host': MONGO_HOST, 'db': 'test_xcontent', 'port': MONGO_PORT_NUM, 'collection': 'dont_trip', }, # allow for additional options that can be keyed on a name, e.g. 'trashcan' 'ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS': { 'trashcan': { 'bucket': 'trash_fs' } } } DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "cms.db", 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True, }, } if os.environ.get('DISABLE_MIGRATIONS'): # Create tables directly from apps' models. This can be removed once we upgrade # to Django 1.9, which allows setting MIGRATION_MODULES to None in order to skip migrations. MIGRATION_MODULES = NoOpMigrationModules() LMS_BASE = "localhost:8000" LMS_ROOT_URL = "http://{}".format(LMS_BASE) FEATURES['PREVIEW_LMS_BASE'] = "preview.localhost" CACHES = { # This is the cache used for most things. Askbot will not work without a # functioning cache -- it relies on caching to load its settings in places. # In staging/prod envs, the sessions also live here. 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'LOCATION': 'edx_loc_mem_cache', 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', }, # The general cache is what you get if you use our util.cache. It's used for # things like caching the course.xml file for different A/B test groups. # We set it to be a DummyCache to force reloading of course.xml in dev. # In staging environments, we would grab VERSION from data uploaded by the # push process. 'general': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache', 'KEY_PREFIX': 'general', 'VERSION': 4, 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', }, 'mongo_metadata_inheritance': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'LOCATION': os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'mongo_metadata_inheritance'), 'TIMEOUT': 300, 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', }, 'loc_cache': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'LOCATION': 'edx_location_mem_cache', }, 'course_structure_cache': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache', }, } # hide ratelimit warnings while running tests filterwarnings('ignore', message='No request passed to the backend, unable to rate-limit') # Ignore deprecation warnings (so we don't clutter Jenkins builds/production) # https://docs.python.org/2/library/warnings.html#the-warnings-filter # Change to "default" to see the first instance of each hit # or "error" to convert all into errors simplefilter('ignore') ################################# CELERY ###################################### CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'djcelery.backends.cache:CacheBackend' CLEAR_REQUEST_CACHE_ON_TASK_COMPLETION = False ########################### Server Ports ################################### # These ports are carefully chosen so that if the browser needs to # access them, they will be available through the SauceLabs SSH tunnel LETTUCE_SERVER_PORT = 8003 XQUEUE_PORT = 8040 YOUTUBE_PORT = 8031 LTI_PORT = 8765 VIDEO_SOURCE_PORT = 8777 ################### Make tests faster # http://slacy.com/blog/2012/04/make-your-tests-faster-in-django-1-4/ PASSWORD_HASHERS = [ 'django.contrib.auth.hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher', 'django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher', ] # No segment key CMS_SEGMENT_KEY = None FEATURES['ENABLE_SERVICE_STATUS'] = True # Toggles embargo on for testing FEATURES['EMBARGO'] = True # set up some testing for microsites FEATURES['USE_MICROSITES'] = True MICROSITE_ROOT_DIR = COMMON_ROOT / 'test' / 'test_sites' MICROSITE_CONFIGURATION = { "test_site": { "domain_prefix": "test-site", "university": "test_site", "platform_name": "Test Site", "logo_image_url": "test_site/images/header-logo.png", "email_from_address": "test_site@edx.org", "payment_support_email": "test_site@edx.org", "ENABLE_MKTG_SITE": False, "SITE_NAME": "test_site.localhost", "course_org_filter": "TestSiteX", "course_about_show_social_links": False, "css_overrides_file": "test_site/css/test_site.css", "show_partners": False, "show_homepage_promo_video": False, "course_index_overlay_text": "This is a Test Site Overlay Text.", "course_index_overlay_logo_file": "test_site/images/header-logo.png", "homepage_overlay_html": "<h1>This is a Test Site Overlay HTML</h1>", "ALWAYS_REDIRECT_HOMEPAGE_TO_DASHBOARD_FOR_AUTHENTICATED_USER": False, "COURSE_CATALOG_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION": "see_in_catalog", "COURSE_ABOUT_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION": "see_about_page", "ENABLE_SHOPPING_CART": True, "ENABLE_PAID_COURSE_REGISTRATION": True, "SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN": "test_site.localhost", "urls": { 'ABOUT': 'test-site/about', 'PRIVACY': 'test-site/privacy', 'TOS_AND_HONOR': 'test-site/tos-and-honor', }, }, "site_with_logistration": { "domain_prefix": "logistration", "university": "logistration", "platform_name": "Test logistration", "logo_image_url": "test_site/images/header-logo.png", "email_from_address": "test_site@edx.org", "payment_support_email": "test_site@edx.org", "ENABLE_MKTG_SITE": False, "ENABLE_COMBINED_LOGIN_REGISTRATION": True, "SITE_NAME": "test_site.localhost", "course_org_filter": "LogistrationX", "course_about_show_social_links": False, "css_overrides_file": "test_site/css/test_site.css", "show_partners": False, "show_homepage_promo_video": False, "course_index_overlay_text": "Logistration.", "course_index_overlay_logo_file": "test_site/images/header-logo.png", "homepage_overlay_html": "<h1>This is a Logistration HTML</h1>", "ALWAYS_REDIRECT_HOMEPAGE_TO_DASHBOARD_FOR_AUTHENTICATED_USER": False, "COURSE_CATALOG_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION": "see_in_catalog", "COURSE_ABOUT_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION": "see_about_page", "ENABLE_SHOPPING_CART": True, "ENABLE_PAID_COURSE_REGISTRATION": True, "SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN": "test_logistration.localhost", }, "default": { "university": "default_university", "domain_prefix": "www", } } MICROSITE_TEST_HOSTNAME = 'test-site.testserver' MICROSITE_LOGISTRATION_HOSTNAME = 'logistration.testserver' TEST_THEME = COMMON_ROOT / "test" / "test-theme" # For consistency in user-experience, keep the value of this setting in sync with # the one in lms/envs/test.py FEATURES['ENABLE_DISCUSSION_SERVICE'] = False # Enable a parental consent age limit for testing PARENTAL_CONSENT_AGE_LIMIT = 13 # Enable content libraries code for the tests FEATURES['ENABLE_CONTENT_LIBRARIES'] = True FEATURES['ENABLE_EDXNOTES'] = True # MILESTONES FEATURES['MILESTONES_APP'] = True # ENTRANCE EXAMS FEATURES['ENTRANCE_EXAMS'] = True ENTRANCE_EXAM_MIN_SCORE_PCT = 50 VIDEO_CDN_URL = { 'CN': 'http://api.xuetangx.com/edx/video?s3_url=' } # Courseware Search Index FEATURES['ENABLE_COURSEWARE_INDEX'] = True FEATURES['ENABLE_LIBRARY_INDEX'] = True SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine" FEATURES['ENABLE_ENROLLMENT_TRACK_USER_PARTITION'] = True ########################## AUTHOR PERMISSION ####################### FEATURES['ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP'] = False # teams feature FEATURES['ENABLE_TEAMS'] = True # Dummy secret key for dev/test SECRET_KEY = '85920908f28904ed733fe576320db18cabd7b6cd' ######### custom courses ######### INSTALLED_APPS.append('openedx.core.djangoapps.ccxcon') FEATURES['CUSTOM_COURSES_EDX'] = True # API access management -- needed for simple-history to run. INSTALLED_APPS.append('openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin') ########################## VIDEO IMAGE STORAGE ############################ VIDEO_IMAGE_SETTINGS = dict( VIDEO_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES=2 * 1024 * 1024, # 2 MB VIDEO_IMAGE_MIN_BYTES=2 * 1024, # 2 KB STORAGE_KWARGS=dict( location=MEDIA_ROOT, base_url=MEDIA_URL, ), DIRECTORY_PREFIX='video-images/', ) VIDEO_IMAGE_DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'default_video_image.png' ########################## VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS STORAGE ############################ VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTS_SETTINGS = dict( VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTS_MAX_BYTES=3 * 1024 * 1024, # 3 MB STORAGE_KWARGS=dict( location=MEDIA_ROOT, base_url=MEDIA_URL, ), DIRECTORY_PREFIX='video-transcripts/', )