import json

from django.test.client import Client, RequestFactory
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from mock import patch, MagicMock

from courseware.models import XModuleUserStateSummaryField
from courseware.tests.factories import UserStateSummaryFactory
from courseware.tests.modulestore_config import TEST_DATA_MIXED_MODULESTORE
import instructor.hint_manager as view
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory

class HintManagerTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        Makes a course, which will be the same for all tests.
        Set up mako middleware, which is necessary for template rendering to happen.
        self.course = CourseFactory.create(org='Me', number='19.002', display_name='test_course')
        self.url = '/courses/Me/19.002/test_course/hint_manager'
        self.user = UserFactory.create(username='robot', email='', password='test', is_staff=True)
        self.c = Client()
        self.c.login(username='robot', password='test')
        self.problem_id = 'i4x://Me/19.002/crowdsource_hinter/crowdsource_hinter_001'
        self.course_id = 'Me/19.002/test_course'
                              value=json.dumps({'1.0': {'1': ['Hint 1', 2],
                                                        '3': ['Hint 3', 12]},
                                                '2.0': {'4': ['Hint 4', 3]}
                              value=json.dumps({'2.0': {'2': ['Hint 2', 1]}}))

        # Mock out location_to_problem_name, which ordinarily accesses the modulestore.
        # (I can't figure out how to get fake structures into the modulestore.)
        view.location_to_problem_name = lambda course_id, loc: "Test problem"

    def test_student_block(self):
        Makes sure that students cannot see the hint management view.
        c = Client()
        UserFactory.create(username='student', email='', password='test')
        c.login(username='student', password='test')
        out = c.get(self.url)
        print out
        self.assertTrue('Sorry, but students are not allowed to access the hint manager!' in out.content)

    def test_staff_access(self):
        Makes sure that staff can access the hint management view.
        out = self.c.get('/courses/Me/19.002/test_course/hint_manager')
        print out
        self.assertTrue('Hints Awaiting Moderation' in out.content)

    def test_invalid_field_access(self):
        Makes sure that field names other than 'mod_queue' and 'hints' are
        out =, {'op': 'delete hints', 'field': 'all your private data'})
        print out
        self.assertTrue('an invalid field was accessed' in out.content)

    def test_switchfields(self):
        Checks that the op: 'switch fields' POST request works.
        out =, {'op': 'switch fields', 'field': 'mod_queue'})
        print out
        self.assertTrue('Hint 2' in out.content)

    def test_gethints(self):
        Checks that gethints returns the right data.
        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'mod_queue'})
        out = view.get_hints(post, self.course_id, 'mod_queue')
        print out
        self.assertTrue(out['other_field'] == 'hints')
        expected = {self.problem_id: [(u'2.0', {u'2': [u'Hint 2', 1]})]}
        self.assertTrue(out['all_hints'] == expected)

    def test_gethints_other(self):
        Same as above, with hints instead of mod_queue
        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'hints'})
        out = view.get_hints(post, self.course_id, 'hints')
        print out
        self.assertTrue(out['other_field'] == 'mod_queue')
        expected = {self.problem_id: [('1.0', {'1': ['Hint 1', 2],
                                               '3': ['Hint 3', 12]}),
                                      ('2.0', {'4': ['Hint 4', 3]})
        self.assertTrue(out['all_hints'] == expected)

    def test_deletehints(self):
        Checks that delete_hints deletes the right stuff.
        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'hints',
                                       'op': 'delete hints',
                                       1: [self.problem_id, '1.0', '1']})
        view.delete_hints(post, self.course_id, 'hints')
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='hints', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        self.assertTrue('1' not in json.loads(problem_hints)['1.0'])

    def test_changevotes(self):
        Checks that vote changing works.
        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'hints',
                                       'op': 'change votes',
                                       1: [self.problem_id, '1.0', '1', 5]})
        view.change_votes(post, self.course_id, 'hints')
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='hints', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        # hints[answer][hint_pk (string)] = [hint text, vote count]
        print json.loads(problem_hints)['1.0']['1']
        self.assertTrue(json.loads(problem_hints)['1.0']['1'][1] == 5)

    def test_addhint(self):
        Check that instructors can add new hints.
        # Because add_hint accesses the xmodule, this test requires a bunch
        # of monkey patching.
        hinter = MagicMock()
        hinter.validate_answer = lambda string: True

        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'mod_queue',
                                       'op': 'add hint',
                                       'problem': self.problem_id,
                                       'answer': '3.14',
                                       'hint': 'This is a new hint.'})
        post.user = 'fake user'
        with patch('courseware.module_render.get_module', MagicMock(return_value=hinter)):
            with patch('courseware.model_data.FieldDataCache', MagicMock(return_value=None)):
                view.add_hint(post, self.course_id, 'mod_queue')
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='mod_queue', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        self.assertTrue('3.14' in json.loads(problem_hints))

    def test_addbadhint(self):
        Check that instructors cannot add hints with unparsable answers.
        # Patching.
        hinter = MagicMock()
        hinter.validate_answer = lambda string: False

        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'mod_queue',
                                       'op': 'add hint',
                                       'problem': self.problem_id,
                                       'answer': 'fish',
                                       'hint': 'This is a new hint.'})
        post.user = 'fake user'
        with patch('courseware.module_render.get_module', MagicMock(return_value=hinter)):
            with patch('courseware.model_data.FieldDataCache', MagicMock(return_value=None)):
                view.add_hint(post, self.course_id, 'mod_queue')
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='mod_queue', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        self.assertTrue('fish' not in json.loads(problem_hints))

    def test_approve(self):
        Check that instructors can approve hints.  (Move them
        from the mod_queue to the hints.)
        request = RequestFactory()
        post =, {'field': 'mod_queue',
                                       'op': 'approve',
                                       1: [self.problem_id, '2.0', '2']})
        view.approve(post, self.course_id, 'mod_queue')
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='mod_queue', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        self.assertTrue('2.0' not in json.loads(problem_hints) or len(json.loads(problem_hints)['2.0']) == 0)
        problem_hints = XModuleUserStateSummaryField.objects.get(field_name='hints', usage_id=self.problem_id).value
        self.assertTrue(json.loads(problem_hints)['2.0']['2'] == ['Hint 2', 1])
        self.assertTrue(len(json.loads(problem_hints)['2.0']) == 2)