This is a middleware layer which keeps a log of all requests made
to the server. It is responsible for removing security tokens and
similar from such events, and relaying them to the event tracking

import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import logging
import re
import sys

from django.conf import settings

from track import views
from track import contexts
from eventtracking import tracker

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONTEXT_NAME = 'edx.request'
    'REMOTE_ADDR': 'ip',
    'SERVER_NAME': 'host',
    'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'agent',
    'PATH_INFO': 'path',
    # Not a typo. See:
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer#Origin_of_the_term_referer
    'HTTP_REFERER': 'referer',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'accept_language',

class TrackMiddleware(object):
    Tracks all requests made, as well as setting up context for other server
    emitted events.

    def process_request(self, request):

            if not self.should_process_request(request):

            # Removes passwords from the tracking logs
            # WARNING: This list needs to be changed whenever we change
            # password handling functionality.
            # As of the time of this comment, only 'password' is used
            # The rest are there for future extension.
            # Passwords should never be sent as GET requests, but
            # this can happen due to older browser bugs. We censor
            # this too.
            # We should manually confirm no passwords make it into log
            # files when we change this.

            censored_strings = ['password', 'newpassword', 'new_password',
                                'oldpassword', 'old_password']
            post_dict = dict(request.POST)
            get_dict = dict(request.GET)
            for string in censored_strings:
                if string in post_dict:
                    post_dict[string] = '*' * 8
                if string in get_dict:
                    get_dict[string] = '*' * 8

            event = {
                'GET': dict(get_dict),
                'POST': dict(post_dict),

            # TODO: Confirm no large file uploads
            event = json.dumps(event)
            event = event[:512]

            views.server_track(request, request.META['PATH_INFO'], event)
            ## Why do we have the overly broad except?
            ## I added instrumentation so if we drop events on the
            ## floor, we at least know about it. However, we really
            ## should just return a 500 here: (1) This will translate
            ## to much more insidious user-facing bugs if we make any
            ## decisions based on incorrect data.  (2) If the system
            ## is down, we should fail and fix it.
            event = {'event-type': 'exception', 'exception': repr(sys.exc_info()[0])}
                views.server_track(request, request.META['PATH_INFO'], event)
                # At this point, things are really broken. We really
                # should fail return a 500 to the user here.  However,
                # the interim decision is to just fail in order to be
                # consistent with current policy, and expedite the PR.
                # This version of the code makes no compromises
                # relative to the code before, while a proper failure
                # here would involve shifting compromises and
                # discussion.

    def should_process_request(self, request):
        """Don't track requests to the specified URL patterns"""
        path = request.META['PATH_INFO']

        ignored_url_patterns = getattr(settings, 'TRACKING_IGNORE_URL_PATTERNS', [])
        for pattern in ignored_url_patterns:
            # Note we are explicitly relying on python's internal caching of
            # compiled regular expressions here.
            if re.match(pattern, path):
                return False
        return True

    def enter_request_context(self, request):
        Extract information from the request and add it to the tracking

        The following fields are injected into the context:

        * session - The Django session key that identifies the user's session.
        * user_id - The numeric ID for the logged in user.
        * username - The username of the logged in user.
        * ip - The IP address of the client.
        * host - The "SERVER_NAME" header, which should be the name of the server running this code.
        * agent - The client browser identification string.
        * path - The path part of the requested URL.
        * client_id - The unique key used by Google Analytics to identify a user
        context = {
            'session': self.get_session_key(request),
            'user_id': self.get_user_primary_key(request),
            'username': self.get_username(request),
        for header_name, context_key in META_KEY_TO_CONTEXT_KEY.iteritems():
            context[context_key] = request.META.get(header_name, '')

        # Google Analytics uses the clientId to keep track of unique visitors. A GA cookie looks like
        # this: _ga=GA1.2.1033501218.1368477899. The clientId is this part: 1033501218.1368477899.
        google_analytics_cookie = request.COOKIES.get('_ga')
        if google_analytics_cookie is None:
            context['client_id'] = None
            context['client_id'] = '.'.join(google_analytics_cookie.split('.')[2:])



    def get_session_key(self, request):
        """ Gets and encrypts the Django session key from the request or an empty string if it isn't found."""
            return self.encrypt_session_key(request.session.session_key)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''

    def encrypt_session_key(self, session_key):
        """Encrypts a Django session key to another 32-character hex value."""
        if not session_key:
            return ''

        # Follow the model of django.utils.crypto.salted_hmac() and
        # django.contrib.sessions.backends.base._hash() but use MD5
        # instead of SHA1 so that the result has the same length (32)
        # as the original session_key.

        # TODO: Switch to SHA224, which is secure.
        # If necessary, drop the last little bit of the hash to make it the same length.
        # Using a known-insecure hash to shorten is silly.
        # Also, why do we need same length?
        key_salt = "common.djangoapps.track" + self.__class__.__name__
        key = hashlib.md5(key_salt + settings.SECRET_KEY).digest()
        encrypted_session_key = hmac.new(key, msg=session_key, digestmod=hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
        return encrypted_session_key

    def get_user_primary_key(self, request):
        """Gets the primary key of the logged in Django user"""
            return request.user.pk
        except AttributeError:
            return ''

    def get_username(self, request):
        """Gets the username of the logged in Django user"""
            return request.user.username
        except AttributeError:
            return ''

    def process_response(self, _request, response):
        """Exit the context if it exists."""
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

        return response