<%inherit file="main.html" /> <%block name="title"><title>Help - MITx 6.002x</title></%block> <%include file="navigation.html" args="active_page='help'"/> <section class="help main-content"> <h1>Help</h1> <section class="self-help"> <h2>Self-help</h2> <ul> <li>Read the <a href="http://mitx.mit.edu/6002x-faq.html">FAQ</a> carefully</li> <li>Check the <a href="/info">course updates</a> -- we will announce major errors and issues there </li> <li>Check whether the issues has been asked on the <a href="/discussion">discussion forums</a>, and if not, ask</li> <li>Ask in the IRC channel (irc.mitx.mit.edu, channel #6002)]</li> <li>Check the <a href="/info">course handouts.</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="help-email"> <h2>Help email</h2> <p> If you can't solve your problems with self-help, we have several e-mail addresses set up:</p> <dl> <dt>System-related questions</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:technical@mitx.mit.edu">technical@mitx.mit.edu</a></dd> <dt>Content-related questions</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:content@mitx.mit.edu">content@mitx.mit.edu</a></dd> <dt>Bug reports</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:bugs@mitx.mit.edu">bugs@mitx.mit.edu</a></dd> <dt>Suggestions</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:suggestions@mitx.mit.edu">suggestions@mitx.mit.edu</a></dd> </dl> <p> Please bear in mind that while we read them, we do not expect to have time to respond to all e-mails. For technical questions, please make sure you are using the latest version of <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/">Firefox</a> or <a href="https://www.google.com/chrome/">Chrome</a>, and include browser and version in your e-mail, as well as screenshots or other pertinent details. </p> </section> </section>