"""Certificates API This is a Python API for generating certificates asynchronously. Other Django apps should use the API functions defined in this module rather than importing Django models directly. """ import logging from certificates.models import ( CertificateStatuses as cert_status, certificate_status_for_student, CertificateGenerationCourseSetting, CertificateGenerationConfiguration, ExampleCertificateSet ) from certificates.queue import XQueueCertInterface log = logging.getLogger("edx.certificate") def generate_user_certificates(student, course_key, course=None): """ It will add the add-cert request into the xqueue. A new record will be created to track the certificate generation task. If an error occurs while adding the certificate to the queue, the task will have status 'error'. Args: student (User) course_key (CourseKey) Keyword Arguments: course (Course): Optionally provide the course object; if not provided it will be loaded. """ xqueue = XQueueCertInterface() xqueue.add_cert(student, course_key, course=course) def certificate_downloadable_status(student, course_key): """ Check the student existing certificates against a given course. if status is not generating and not downloadable or error then user can view the generate button. Args: student (user object): logged-in user course_key (CourseKey): ID associated with the course Returns: Dict containing student passed status also download url for cert if available """ current_status = certificate_status_for_student(student, course_key) # If the certificate status is an error user should view that status is "generating". # On the back-end, need to monitor those errors and re-submit the task. response_data = { 'is_downloadable': False, 'is_generating': True if current_status['status'] in [cert_status.generating, cert_status.error] else False, 'download_url': None } if current_status['status'] == cert_status.downloadable: response_data['is_downloadable'] = True response_data['download_url'] = current_status['download_url'] return response_data def set_cert_generation_enabled(course_key, is_enabled): """Enable or disable self-generated certificates for a course. There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates are enabled for a course: 1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled. 2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course. The second flag should be enabled *only* when someone has successfully generated example certificates for the course. This helps avoid configuration errors (for example, not having a template configured for the course installed on the workers). The UI for the instructor dashboard enforces this constraint. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Keyword Arguments: is_enabled (boolean): If provided, enable/disable self-generated certificates for this course. """ CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.set_enabled_for_course(course_key, is_enabled) if is_enabled: log.info(u"Enabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key)) else: log.info(u"Disabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key)) def cert_generation_enabled(course_key): """Check whether certificate generation is enabled for a course. There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates are enabled for a course: 1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled. 2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course. Certificates are enabled for a course only when both switches are set to True. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: boolean: Whether self-generated certificates are enabled for the course. """ return ( CertificateGenerationConfiguration.current().enabled and CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.is_enabled_for_course(course_key) ) def generate_example_certificates(course_key): """Generate example certificates for a course. Example certificates are used to validate that certificates are configured correctly for the course. Staff members can view the example certificates before enabling the self-generated certificates button for students. Several example certificates may be generated for a course. For example, if a course offers both verified and honor certificates, examples of both types of certificate will be generated. If an error occurs while starting the certificate generation job, the errors will be recorded in the database and can be retrieved using `example_certificate_status()`. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: None """ xqueue = XQueueCertInterface() for cert in ExampleCertificateSet.create_example_set(course_key): xqueue.add_example_cert(cert) def example_certificates_status(course_key): """Check the status of example certificates for a course. This will check the *latest* example certificate task. This is generally what we care about in terms of enabling/disabling self-generated certificates for a course. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: list Example Usage: >>> from certificates import api as certs_api >>> certs_api.example_certificate_status(course_key) [ { 'description': 'honor', 'status': 'success', 'download_url': 'http://www.example.com/abcd/honor_cert.pdf' }, { 'description': 'verified', 'status': 'error', 'error_reason': 'No template found!' } ] """ return ExampleCertificateSet.latest_status(course_key)