""" This config file runs the simplest dev environment using sqlite, and db-based sessions. Assumes structure: /envroot/ /db # This is where it'll write the database file /mitx # The location of this repo /log # Where we're going to write log files """ # We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and # want to import all variables from base settings files # pylint: disable=W0401, W0614 from .common import * from logsettings import get_logger_config DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True MITX_FEATURES['DISABLE_START_DATES'] = True MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_SQL_TRACKING_LOGS'] = True MITX_FEATURES['SUBDOMAIN_COURSE_LISTINGS'] = False # Enable to test subdomains--otherwise, want all courses to show up MITX_FEATURES['SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING'] = True MITX_FEATURES['FORCE_UNIVERSITY_DOMAIN'] = None # show all university courses if in dev (ie don't use HTTP_HOST) MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_MANUAL_GIT_RELOAD'] = True MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_PSYCHOMETRICS'] = False # real-time psychometrics (eg item response theory analysis in instructor dashboard) MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS'] = True MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_SERVICE_STATUS'] = True WIKI_ENABLED = True LOGGING = get_logger_config(ENV_ROOT / "log", logging_env="dev", local_loglevel="DEBUG", dev_env=True, debug=True) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ENV_ROOT / "db" / "mitx.db", } } CACHES = { # This is the cache used for most things. # In staging/prod envs, the sessions also live here. 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 'LOCATION': 'mitx_loc_mem_cache', 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', }, # The general cache is what you get if you use our util.cache. It's used for # things like caching the course.xml file for different A/B test groups. # We set it to be a DummyCache to force reloading of course.xml in dev. # In staging environments, we would grab VERSION from data uploaded by the # push process. 'general': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache', 'KEY_PREFIX': 'general', 'VERSION': 4, 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', }, 'mongo_metadata_inheritance': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache', 'LOCATION': '/var/tmp/mongo_metadata_inheritance', 'TIMEOUT': 300, 'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key', } } XQUEUE_INTERFACE = { "url": "https://sandbox-xqueue.edx.org", "django_auth": { "username": "lms", "password": "***REMOVED***" }, "basic_auth": ('anant', 'agarwal'), } # Make the keyedcache startup warnings go away CACHE_TIMEOUT = 0 # Dummy secret key for dev SECRET_KEY = '85920908f28904ed733fe576320db18cabd7b6cd' COURSE_LISTINGS = { 'default': ['BerkeleyX/CS169.1x/2012_Fall', 'BerkeleyX/CS188.1x/2012_Fall', 'HarvardX/CS50x/2012', 'HarvardX/PH207x/2012_Fall', 'MITx/3.091x/2012_Fall', 'MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall', 'MITx/6.00x/2012_Fall'], 'berkeley': ['BerkeleyX/CS169/fa12', 'BerkeleyX/CS188/fa12'], 'harvard': ['HarvardX/CS50x/2012H'], 'mit': ['MITx/3.091/MIT_2012_Fall'], 'sjsu': ['MITx/6.002x-EE98/2012_Fall_SJSU'], } SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING = { 'sjsu': 'MITx', 'mit': 'MITx', 'berkeley': 'BerkeleyX', 'harvard': 'HarvardX', } # List of `university` landing pages to display, even though they may not # have an actual course with that org set VIRTUAL_UNIVERSITIES = [] # Organization that contain other organizations META_UNIVERSITIES = {'UTx': ['UTAustinX']} COMMENTS_SERVICE_KEY = "PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" ############################## Course static files ########################## if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR): # Add the full course repo if there is no static directory STATICFILES_DIRS += [ # TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this # should no longer be added to STATICFILES (course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir) for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR) if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir) and not os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')) ] # Otherwise, add only the static directory from the course dir STATICFILES_DIRS += [ # TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this # should no longer be added to STATICFILES (course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static') for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR) if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')) ] ################################# mitx revision string ##################### MITX_VERSION_STRING = os.popen('cd %s; git describe' % REPO_ROOT).read().strip() ############################ Open ended grading config ##################### OPEN_ENDED_GRADING_INTERFACE = { 'url' : '', 'username' : 'lms', 'password' : 'abcd', 'staff_grading' : 'staff_grading', 'peer_grading' : 'peer_grading', 'grading_controller' : 'grading_controller' } ############################## LMS Migration ################################## MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_LMS_MIGRATION'] = True MITX_FEATURES['ACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE'] = False # require that user be in the staff_* group to be able to enroll MITX_FEATURES['USE_XQA_SERVER'] = 'http://xqa:server@content-qa.mitx.mit.edu/xqa' INSTALLED_APPS += ('lms_migration',) LMS_MIGRATION_ALLOWED_IPS = [''] ################################ OpenID Auth ################################# MITX_FEATURES['AUTH_USE_OPENID'] = True MITX_FEATURES['AUTH_USE_OPENID_PROVIDER'] = True MITX_FEATURES['BYPASS_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_FOR_EXTAUTH'] = True INSTALLED_APPS += ('external_auth',) INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_openid_auth',) OPENID_CREATE_USERS = False OPENID_UPDATE_DETAILS_FROM_SREG = True OPENID_SSO_SERVER_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id' # TODO: accept more endpoints OPENID_USE_AS_ADMIN_LOGIN = False OPENID_PROVIDER_TRUSTED_ROOTS = ['*'] ######################## MIT Certificates SSL Auth ############################ MITX_FEATURES['AUTH_USE_MIT_CERTIFICATES'] = True ################################# CELERY ###################################### # By default don't use a worker, execute tasks as if they were local functions CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True ################################ DEBUG TOOLBAR ################################ INSTALLED_APPS += ('debug_toolbar',) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('django_comment_client.utils.QueryCountDebugMiddleware', 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',) INTERNAL_IPS = ('',) DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS = ( 'debug_toolbar.panels.version.VersionDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.timer.TimerDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.settings_vars.SettingsVarsDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.headers.HeaderDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.request_vars.RequestVarsDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.sql.SQLDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.signals.SignalDebugPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.logger.LoggingPanel', # Enabling the profiler has a weird bug as of django-debug-toolbar==0.9.4 and # Django=1.3.1/1.4 where requests to views get duplicated (your method gets # hit twice). So you can uncomment when you need to diagnose performance # problems, but you shouldn't leave it on. # 'debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingDebugPanel', ) DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { 'INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS': False } #################### FILE UPLOADS (for discussion forums) ##################### DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage' MEDIA_ROOT = ENV_ROOT / "uploads" MEDIA_URL = "/static/uploads/" STATICFILES_DIRS.append(("uploads", MEDIA_ROOT)) FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = ENV_ROOT / "uploads" FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ( 'django.core.files.uploadhandler.MemoryFileUploadHandler', 'django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler', ) ########################### PIPELINE ################################# PIPELINE_SASS_ARGUMENTS = '--debug-info --require {proj_dir}/static/sass/bourbon/lib/bourbon.rb'.format(proj_dir=PROJECT_ROOT) ########################## PEARSON TESTING ########################### MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_PEARSON_LOGIN'] = False ########################## ANALYTICS TESTING ######################## ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL = "" ANALYTICS_API_KEY = ""