import argparse import csv import json import os import sys from datetime import datetime import requests # Keys for the CSV and JSON interpretation PAGINATION_KEY = 'pagination' NUM_PAGES_KEY = 'num_pages' NEXT_PAGE_URL_KEY = 'next' RESULTS_KEY = 'results' BLOCKS_URL_KEY = 'blocks_url' BLOCK_ROOT_KEY = 'root' BLOCKS_KEY = 'blocks' BLOCK_COUNTS_KEY = 'block_counts' COURSE_NAME_KEY = 'name' COURSE_ID_KEY = 'course_id' COURSE_START_KEY = 'start' COURSE_END_KEY = 'end' def monthdelta(date, delta): """ Method to get a delta of Months from a provided datetime From this StackOverflow response: Arguments: date datetime: Date to be modified delta int: delta value Returns: datetime: The datetime with the month delta applied """ m, y = (date.month + delta) % 12, date.year + (date.month + delta - 1) // 12 if not m: m = 12 d = min(, [31, 29 if y % 4 == 0 and not y % 400 == 0 else 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m - 1]) return date.replace(day=d, month=m, year=y) def _get_course_data_summary(auth_token, months_restriction, xblock_type_set, api_root, course_count=None): """ Gets the course summary data from the Course Blocks API and returns a list of data objects summarizing each courses xBlock usage Arguments auth_token (str): Authentication token for the API months_restriction (int): Restriction on the number of months to go back xblock_type_set (set): A set of Strings containing the xBlocks types to be counted Returns: list: a list of data objects summarizing each courses xBlock usage """ # Get the Course list response = requests.get(api_root + '/api/courses/v1/courses/') json_result = response.json() num_courses = 0 num_pages = 1 if PAGINATION_KEY in json_result and NUM_PAGES_KEY in json_result[PAGINATION_KEY]: num_pages = json_result[PAGINATION_KEY][NUM_PAGES_KEY] num_courses = json_result[PAGINATION_KEY]['count'] course_summary_data = [] block_type_url = _get_block_count_url_string(xblock_type_set) if course_count is None: course_count = num_courses course_count_limit = False total_courses = 0 # Look through all pages and courses while num_pages > 0 and not course_count_limit: if RESULTS_KEY in json_result: results_list = json_result[RESULTS_KEY] for course in results_list: course_data = _get_course_data(auth_token, course, block_type_url, months_restriction=months_restriction) if course_data is not None: course_summary_data.append(course_data) if total_courses == course_count: course_count_limit = True break total_courses += 1 num_pages -= 1 # get the url for the next "page" in the pagenated course data and update the json_result page_data = json_result.get(PAGINATION_KEY, None) if page_data is not None: next_page = page_data.get('next', '') if not next_page: break json_result = requests.get(next_page).json() # print to update the screen for status sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() print 'Processed %d courses' % total_courses return course_summary_data def _get_course_data(auth_token, course, block_type_url, months_restriction=None): """ Collects the course data for the provided course data Arguments: auth_token (str): Authentication token for the API course (dict): Dictionary containing the JSON data for the given course Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the general Course information or None if date restriction is applied and course is older than restriction { name: 'Name of course', course_id: 'Course ID', start: 'Start date of course', course_end: 'End date of course', block_counts: Dictionary containing block counts, blocks_url: Url to retrieve the Blocks data, } """ course_data = {} start_time_str = course.get(COURSE_START_KEY, '') if start_time_str: if months_restriction is not None: start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') date_restriction = monthdelta(, -months_restriction) if start_time < date_restriction: return None course_data[COURSE_START_KEY] = start_time_str course_data[COURSE_NAME_KEY] = course.get(COURSE_NAME_KEY, '') course_data[COURSE_ID_KEY] = course.get(COURSE_ID_KEY, '') course_data[COURSE_END_KEY] = course.get(COURSE_END_KEY, '') if BLOCKS_URL_KEY in course: blocks_url = course.get(BLOCKS_URL_KEY, '') block_counts = _get_course_block_counts(auth_token, blocks_url + block_type_url) course_data[BLOCK_COUNTS_KEY] = block_counts course_data[BLOCKS_URL_KEY] = blocks_url return course_data def _get_block_types_from_json_file(xblock_json_file): """ Retrieves the block types from the provided xBlock configuration JSON file Arguments: xblock_json_file (str): The name of the xBlock configuration file :return: set: A set of strings for all the types that are available in the configuration file """ if not os.path.isfile(xblock_json_file): print 'xBlock configuration file does not exist: %s' % xblock_json_file sys.exit(2) with open(xblock_json_file, 'r') as json_file: type_set = set() try: json_data = json.loads( except ValueError, e: print 'xBlock configuration file does not match the expected layout and is ' \ 'missing "data" list: %s' % xblock_json_file sys.exit(e.message) if 'data' in json_data: xblock_type_list = json_data['data'] for xblock in xblock_type_list: type_set.add(xblock['name']) return type_set else: print 'xBlock configuration file does not match the expected layout and is ' \ 'missing "data" list: %s' % xblock_json_file sys.exit(2) def _get_block_count_url_string(xblock_type_set): """ Build the string from the xBlock type set to append to the Block url for block_count types Arguments: xblock_type_set (set): A set of strings for all the block types Returns: str: The portion to append to the block url """ block_url = '' if len(xblock_type_set) > 0: block_url += '&all_blocks=true&block_counts=' for index, block_type in enumerate(xblock_type_set): block_url += block_type if index < len(xblock_type_set) - 1: block_url += ',' return block_url def _get_course_block_counts(auth_token, block_url): """ Get the block counts for a given block_url Arguments: auth_token (str): The Authentication token to access the API block_url (str): The respective url for a Courses xBlock data Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the Block counts """ headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(auth_token)} response = requests.get(block_url, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: print ("url {} returned status code {}".format(block_url, response.status_code)) return {} response_json = response.json() if BLOCK_ROOT_KEY in response_json and BLOCKS_KEY in response_json: root_val = response_json[BLOCK_ROOT_KEY] counts = response_json[BLOCKS_KEY][root_val][BLOCK_COUNTS_KEY] return counts return {} def _get_block_summary_totals(course_data): """ Totals the xBlock types included in the course data and returns those counts by type Arguments: course_data (list of dicts): a list of course_data objects Returns: dict: containing the total number of blocks by type { <block_type>: <count>, ... } dict: containing the total unique courses for a block type """ block_summary_counts = {} unique_course_counts = {} for course in course_data: block_counts = course.get(BLOCK_COUNTS_KEY) for count_label, value in block_counts.items(): unique = 0 if value > 0: unique = 1 if count_label in block_summary_counts: block_summary_counts[count_label] += value unique_course_counts[count_label] += unique else: block_summary_counts[count_label] = value unique_course_counts[count_label] = unique return block_summary_counts, unique_course_counts def write_block_summary_report(course_data): """ Generate a CSV file containing a summary of the xBlock usage Arguments: course_data (list of dicts): a list of course_data objects Returns: Nothing """ (block_summary_counts, unique_course_counts) = _get_block_summary_totals(course_data) # Open and start writing the data into the CSV with open('xblock_summary_counts.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: summary_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) summary_writer.writerow(['XBLOCK_NAME', 'UNIQUE_COURSES', 'NUM_TOTAL_INSTANCES']) for block_type in sorted(block_summary_counts): block_count = block_summary_counts.get(block_type) summary_writer.writerow([block_type, str(unique_course_counts[block_type]), str(block_count)]) csvfile.close() def write_course_block_detail_report(course_data): """ Generate a CSV file containing the detailed information about the xBlocks available per course Arguments: course_data (list of dicts): a list of course_data objects Returns: Nothing """ with open('xblock_course_detail.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: detail_writer = csv.writer( csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL ) detail_writer.writerow(['XBLOCK_TYPE_NAME', 'COURSE_NAME', 'COURSE_ID', 'COURSE_START', 'COURSE_END', 'NUM_XBLOCK_INSTANCES']) for course in course_data: for block_type, count in course.get(BLOCK_COUNTS_KEY, []).items(): if count > 0: detail_writer.writerow([ block_type, course.get(COURSE_NAME_KEY, '').encode('utf-8'), course.get(COURSE_ID_KEY, ''), course.get(COURSE_START_KEY, ''), course.get(COURSE_END_KEY, ''), str(count) ]) csvfile.close() def get_access_token(username, password, oauth2_client_id, api_root): """ Get the Access token using the provided credentials Arguments: username (str): a string containing the username to log in password (str): a string containing the password for the username Returns: str: Authentication token """ response = api_root + '/oauth2/access_token/', data={ 'client_id': oauth2_client_id, 'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password }, ) return json.loads(response.text).get('access_token', None) if __name__ == "__main__": # Get username and password from command line arguments username = None password = None months_restriction = 12 xblock_json_file = 'xblock_studio_configuration.json' api_root = '' course_count_limit = None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', required=True, help='User name for destination') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', required=True, help='Password for the provided username') parser.add_argument('-c', '--clientid', required=True, help='OAuth2 Client ID for the destination') parser.add_argument('-a', '--api_root', help='The root of the api that the script is being run against', default=api_root) parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help='The months to go back when collecting course data ' '(Default 12 months)') parser.add_argument('-x', '--xblock_config', type=str, help='The xBlock configuration JSON file containing all the' 'xBlock types', default=xblock_json_file) parser.add_argument('-n', '--course_count', type=int, help='The number of courses that will be retrieved') args = parser.parse_args() username = args.username password = args.password oauth2_client_id = args.clientid if args.xblock_config: xblock_json_file = args.xblock_config if args.month: months_restriction = args.month if args.api_root: api_root = args.api_root if args.course_count: course_count_limit = args.course_count start_time = # Get User access token token = get_access_token(username, password, oauth2_client_id, api_root) if token is None: print 'Failed to retrieve user token for user: %s ' % username sys.exit(2) # Collect course data and write CSV reports xblock_type_set = _get_block_types_from_json_file(xblock_json_file) course_data = _get_course_data_summary(token, months_restriction, xblock_type_set, api_root, course_count=course_count_limit) if len(course_data) > 0: write_block_summary_report(course_data) write_course_block_detail_report(course_data) print 'Start time: %s Total run time: %s' % (str(start_time), str( - start_time))