""" This config file extends the test environment configuration so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests. """ # We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and # want to import all variables from base settings files # pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import from .test import * from .sauce import * # You need to start the server in debug mode, # otherwise the browser will not render the pages correctly DEBUG = True SITE_NAME = 'localhost:{}'.format(LETTUCE_SERVER_PORT) # Output Django logs to a file import logging logging.basicConfig(filename=TEST_ROOT / "log" / "lms_acceptance.log", level=logging.ERROR) # set root logger level logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) import os from random import choice def seed(): return os.getppid() # Silence noisy logs LOG_OVERRIDES = [ ('track.middleware', logging.CRITICAL), ('codejail.safe_exec', logging.ERROR), ('edx.courseware', logging.ERROR), ('audit', logging.ERROR), ('lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api_helper', logging.ERROR), ] for log_name, log_level in LOG_OVERRIDES: logging.getLogger(log_name).setLevel(log_level) update_module_store_settings( MODULESTORE, doc_store_settings={ 'db': 'acceptance_xmodule', 'collection': 'acceptance_modulestore_%s' % seed(), }, module_store_options={ 'fs_root': TEST_ROOT / "data", }, default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'), ) CONTENTSTORE = { 'ENGINE': 'xmodule.contentstore.mongo.MongoContentStore', 'DOC_STORE_CONFIG': { 'host': 'localhost', 'db': 'acceptance_xcontent_%s' % seed(), } } # Set this up so that 'paver lms --settings=acceptance' and running the # harvest command both use the same (test) database # which they can flush without messing up your dev db DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db", 'TEST_NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_edx.db", 'OPTIONS': { 'timeout': 30, }, 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True, }, 'student_module_history': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db", 'TEST_NAME': TEST_ROOT / "db" / "test_student_module_history.db", 'OPTIONS': { 'timeout': 30, }, } } TRACKING_BACKENDS.update({ 'mongo': { 'ENGINE': 'track.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend' } }) EVENT_TRACKING_BACKENDS['tracking_logs']['OPTIONS']['backends'].update({ 'mongo': { 'ENGINE': 'eventtracking.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend', 'OPTIONS': { 'database': 'track' } } }) BULK_EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "test@test.org" # Forums are disabled in test.py to speed up unit tests, but we do not have # per-test control for lettuce acceptance tests. # If you are writing an acceptance test that needs the discussion service enabled, # do not write it in lettuce, but instead write it using bok-choy. # DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING HERE. FEATURES['ENABLE_DISCUSSION_SERVICE'] = False # Use the auto_auth workflow for creating users and logging them in FEATURES['AUTOMATIC_AUTH_FOR_TESTING'] = True # Enable third-party authentication FEATURES['ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH'] = True THIRD_PARTY_AUTH = { "Google": { "SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY": "test", "SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET": "test" }, "Facebook": { "SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY": "test", "SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET": "test" } } # Enable fake payment processing page FEATURES['ENABLE_PAYMENT_FAKE'] = True # Enable special exams FEATURES['ENABLE_SPECIAL_EXAMS'] = True # Don't actually send any requests to Software Secure for student identity # verification. FEATURES['AUTOMATIC_VERIFY_STUDENT_IDENTITY_FOR_TESTING'] = True # HACK # Setting this flag to false causes imports to not load correctly in the lettuce python files # We do not yet understand why this occurs. Setting this to true is a stopgap measure USE_I18N = True FEATURES['ENABLE_FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION'] = False # Include the lettuce app for acceptance testing, including the 'harvest' django-admin command INSTALLED_APPS += ('lettuce.django',) LETTUCE_APPS = ('courseware', 'instructor') # Lettuce appears to have a bug that causes it to search # `instructor_task` when we specify the `instructor` app. # This causes some pretty cryptic errors as lettuce tries # to parse files in `instructor_task` as features. # As a quick workaround, explicitly exclude the `instructor_task` app. # The coursewarehistoryextended app also falls prey to this fuzzy # for the courseware app. LETTUCE_AVOID_APPS = ('instructor_task', 'coursewarehistoryextended') LETTUCE_BROWSER = os.environ.get('LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome') # Where to run: local, saucelabs, or grid LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT = os.environ.get('LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT', 'local') SELENIUM_GRID = { 'URL': '', 'BROWSER': LETTUCE_BROWSER, } ##################################################################### # See if the developer has any local overrides. try: from .private import * # pylint: disable=import-error except ImportError: pass # Because an override for where to run will affect which ports to use, # set these up after the local overrides. # Configure XQueue interface to use our stub XQueue server XQUEUE_INTERFACE = { "url": "{0:d}".format(XQUEUE_PORT), "django_auth": { "username": "lms", "password": "***REMOVED***" }, "basic_auth": ('anant', 'agarwal'), } # Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server YOUTUBE['API'] = "{0}/get_youtube_api/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "{0}/test_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{0}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) YOUTUBE['TEST_TIMEOUT'] = 1500 if FEATURES.get('ENABLE_COURSEWARE_SEARCH') or \ FEATURES.get('ENABLE_DASHBOARD_SEARCH') or \ FEATURES.get('ENABLE_COURSE_DISCOVERY'): # Use MockSearchEngine as the search engine for test scenario SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine" # Generate a random UUID so that different runs of acceptance tests don't break each other import uuid SECRET_KEY = uuid.uuid4().hex ############################### PIPELINE ####################################### PIPELINE_ENABLED = False # We want to make sure that any new migrations are run # see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/django-developers/PWPj3etj3-U/kCl6pMsQYYoJ MIGRATION_MODULES = {}