""" Stub implementation of EdxNotes for acceptance tests """ import json import re from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from math import ceil from urllib import urlencode from uuid import uuid4 from .http import StubHttpRequestHandler, StubHttpService class StubEdxNotesServiceHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler): """ Handler for EdxNotes requests. """ URL_HANDLERS = { "GET": { "/api/v1/annotations$": "_collection", "/api/v1/annotations/(?P<note_id>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$": "_read", "/api/v1/search$": "_search", }, "POST": { "/api/v1/annotations$": "_create", "/create_notes": "_create_notes", }, "PUT": { "/api/v1/annotations/(?P<note_id>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$": "_update", "/cleanup$": "_cleanup", }, "DELETE": { "/api/v1/annotations/(?P<note_id>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$": "_delete", }, } def _match_pattern(self, pattern_handlers): """ Finds handler by the provided handler patterns and delegate response to the matched handler. """ for pattern in pattern_handlers: match = re.match(pattern, self.path_only) if match: handler = getattr(self, pattern_handlers[pattern], None) if handler: handler(**match.groupdict()) return True return None def _send_handler_response(self, method): """ Delegate response to handler methods. If no handler defined, send a 404 response. """ # Choose the list of handlers based on the HTTP method if method in self.URL_HANDLERS: handlers_list = self.URL_HANDLERS[method] else: self.log_error("Unrecognized method '{method}'".format(method=method)) return # Check the path (without querystring params) against our list of handlers if self._match_pattern(handlers_list): return # If we don't have a handler for this URL and/or HTTP method, # respond with a 404. else: self.send_response(404, content="404 Not Found") def do_GET(self): """ Handle GET methods to the EdxNotes API stub. """ self._send_handler_response("GET") def do_POST(self): """ Handle POST methods to the EdxNotes API stub. """ self._send_handler_response("POST") def do_PUT(self): """ Handle PUT methods to the EdxNotes API stub. """ if self.path.startswith("/set_config"): return StubHttpRequestHandler.do_PUT(self) self._send_handler_response("PUT") def do_DELETE(self): """ Handle DELETE methods to the EdxNotes API stub. """ self._send_handler_response("DELETE") def do_OPTIONS(self): """ Handle OPTIONS methods to the EdxNotes API stub. """ self.send_response(200, headers={ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Length, Content-Type, X-Annotator-Auth-Token, X-Requested-With, X-Annotator-Auth-Token, X-Requested-With, X-CSRFToken", }) def respond(self, status_code=200, content=None): """ Send a response back to the client with the HTTP `status_code` (int), the given content serialized as JSON (str), and the headers set appropriately. """ headers = { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", } if status_code < 400 and content: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" content = json.dumps(content) else: headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html" self.send_response(status_code, content, headers) def _create(self): """ Create a note, assign id, annotator_schema_version, created and updated dates. """ note = json.loads(self.request_content) note.update({ "id": uuid4().hex, "annotator_schema_version": "v1.0", "created": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "updated": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), }) self.server.add_notes(note) self.respond(content=note) def _create_notes(self): """ The same as self._create, but it works a list of notes. """ try: notes = json.loads(self.request_content) except ValueError: self.respond(400, "Bad Request") return if not isinstance(notes, list): self.respond(400, "Bad Request") return for note in notes: note.update({ "id": uuid4().hex, "annotator_schema_version": "v1.0", "created": note["created"] if note.get("created") else datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "updated": note["updated"] if note.get("updated") else datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), }) self.server.add_notes(note) self.respond(content=notes) def _read(self, note_id): """ Return the note by note id. """ notes = self.server.get_all_notes() result = self.server.filter_by_id(notes, note_id) if result: self.respond(content=result[0]) else: self.respond(404, "404 Not Found") def _update(self, note_id): """ Update the note by note id. """ note = self.server.update_note(note_id, json.loads(self.request_content)) if note: self.respond(content=note) else: self.respond(404, "404 Not Found") def _delete(self, note_id): """ Delete the note by note id. """ if self.server.delete_note(note_id): self.respond(204, "No Content") else: self.respond(404, "404 Not Found") @staticmethod def _get_next_prev_url(url_path, query_params, page_num, page_size): """ makes url with the query params including pagination params for pagination next and previous urls """ query_params = deepcopy(query_params) query_params.update({ "page": page_num, "page_size": page_size }) return url_path + "?" + urlencode(query_params) def _get_paginated_response(self, notes, page_num, page_size): """ Returns a paginated response of notes. """ start = (page_num - 1) * page_size end = start + page_size total_notes = len(notes) url_path = "http://{server_address}:{port}{path}".format( server_address=self.client_address[0], port=self.server.port, path=self.path_only ) next_url = None if end >= total_notes else self._get_next_prev_url( url_path, self.get_params, page_num + 1, page_size ) prev_url = None if page_num == 1 else self._get_next_prev_url( url_path, self.get_params, page_num - 1, page_size) # Get notes from range notes = deepcopy(notes[start:end]) paginated_response = { 'total': total_notes, 'num_pages': int(ceil(float(total_notes) / page_size)), 'current_page': page_num, 'rows': notes, 'next': next_url, 'start': start, 'previous': prev_url } return paginated_response def _search(self): """ Search for a notes by user id, course_id and usage_id. """ search_with_usage_id = False user = self.get_params.get("user", None) usage_ids = self.get_params.get("usage_id", []) course_id = self.get_params.get("course_id", None) text = self.get_params.get("text", None) page = int(self.get_params.get("page", 1)) page_size = int(self.get_params.get("page_size", 2)) if user is None: self.respond(400, "Bad Request") return notes = self.server.get_all_notes() if course_id is not None: notes = self.server.filter_by_course_id(notes, course_id) if len(usage_ids) > 0: search_with_usage_id = True notes = self.server.filter_by_usage_id(notes, usage_ids) if text: notes = self.server.search(notes, text) if not search_with_usage_id: notes = self._get_paginated_response(notes, page, page_size) self.respond(content=notes) def _collection(self): """ Return all notes for the user. """ user = self.get_params.get("user", None) page = int(self.get_params.get("page", 1)) page_size = int(self.get_params.get("page_size", 2)) notes = self.server.get_all_notes() if user is None: self.send_response(400, content="Bad Request") return notes = self._get_paginated_response(notes, page, page_size) self.respond(content=notes) def _cleanup(self): """ Helper method that removes all notes to the stub EdxNotes service. """ self.server.cleanup() self.respond() class StubEdxNotesService(StubHttpService): """ Stub EdxNotes service. """ HANDLER_CLASS = StubEdxNotesServiceHandler def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StubEdxNotesService, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.notes = list() def get_all_notes(self): """ Returns a list of all notes without pagination """ notes = deepcopy(self.notes) notes.reverse() return notes def add_notes(self, notes): """ Adds `notes(list)` to the stub EdxNotes service. """ if not isinstance(notes, list): notes = [notes] for note in notes: self.notes.append(note) def update_note(self, note_id, note_info): """ Updates the note with `note_id(str)` by the `note_info(dict)` to the stub EdxNotes service. """ note = self.filter_by_id(self.notes, note_id) if note: note[0].update(note_info) return note else: return None def delete_note(self, note_id): """ Removes the note with `note_id(str)` to the stub EdxNotes service. """ note = self.filter_by_id(self.notes, note_id) if note: index = self.notes.index(note[0]) self.notes.pop(index) return True else: return False def cleanup(self): """ Removes all notes to the stub EdxNotes service. """ self.notes = list() def filter_by_id(self, data, note_id): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `note_id(str)`. """ return self.filter_by(data, "id", note_id) def filter_by_user(self, data, user): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `user(str)`. """ return self.filter_by(data, "user", user) def filter_by_usage_id(self, data, usage_ids): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `usage_id(str)`. """ if not isinstance(usage_ids, list): usage_ids = [usage_ids] return self.filter_by_list(data, "usage_id", usage_ids) def filter_by_course_id(self, data, course_id): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `course_id(str)`. """ return self.filter_by(data, "course_id", course_id) def filter_by(self, data, field_name, value): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `field_name(str)` with `value`. """ return [note for note in data if note.get(field_name) == value] def filter_by_list(self, data, field_name, values): """ Filters provided `data(list)` by the `field_name(str)` in values. """ return [note for note in data if note.get(field_name) in values] def search(self, data, query): """ Search the `query(str)` text in the provided `data(list)`. """ return [note for note in data if unicode(query).strip() in note.get("text", "").split()]