""" Tests third_party_auth admin views """ import unittest from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.admin.sites import AdminSite from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.forms import models from student.tests.factories import UserFactory from third_party_auth.admin import OAuth2ProviderConfigAdmin from third_party_auth.models import OAuth2ProviderConfig from third_party_auth.tests import testutil # This is necessary because cms does not implement third party auth @unittest.skipUnless(settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH'), 'third party auth not enabled') class Oauth2ProviderConfigAdminTest(testutil.TestCase): """ Tests for oauth2 provider config admin """ def test_oauth2_provider_edit_icon_image(self): """ Test that we can update an OAuth provider's icon image from the admin form. OAuth providers are updated using KeyedConfigurationModelAdmin, which updates models by adding a new instance that replaces the old one, instead of editing the old instance directly. Updating the icon image is tricky here because KeyedConfigurationModelAdmin copies data over from the previous version by injecting its attributes into request.GET, but the icon ends up in request.FILES. We need to ensure that the value is prepopulated correctly, and that we can clear and update the image. """ # Login as a super user user = UserFactory.create(is_staff=True, is_superuser=True) user.save() self.client.login(username=user.username, password='test') # Get baseline provider count providers = OAuth2ProviderConfig.objects.all() pcount = len(providers) # Create a provider provider1 = self.configure_dummy_provider( enabled=True, icon_class='', icon_image=SimpleUploadedFile('icon.svg', '<svg><rect width="50" height="100"/></svg>'), ) # Get the provider instance with active flag providers = OAuth2ProviderConfig.objects.all() self.assertEquals(len(providers), 1) self.assertEquals(providers[pcount].id, provider1.id) # Edit the provider via the admin edit link admin = OAuth2ProviderConfigAdmin(provider1, AdminSite()) # pylint: disable=protected-access update_url = reverse('admin:{}_{}_add'.format(admin.model._meta.app_label, admin.model._meta.model_name)) update_url += "?source={}".format(provider1.pk) # Remove the icon_image from the POST data, to simulate unchanged icon_image post_data = models.model_to_dict(provider1) del post_data['icon_image'] # Change the name, to verify POST post_data['name'] = 'Another name' # Post the edit form: expecting redirect response = self.client.post(update_url, post_data) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302) # Editing the existing provider creates a new provider instance providers = OAuth2ProviderConfig.objects.all() self.assertEquals(len(providers), pcount + 2) self.assertEquals(providers[pcount].id, provider1.id) provider2 = providers[pcount + 1] # Ensure the icon_image was preserved on the new provider instance self.assertEquals(provider2.icon_image, provider1.icon_image) self.assertEquals(provider2.name, post_data['name'])