""" Module implementing `xblock.runtime.Runtime` functionality for the LMS """ import re import xblock.reference.plugins from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache from lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock.models import XBlockAsidesConfig from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.course_tag import api as user_course_tag_api from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.services import SettingsService from xmodule.library_tools import LibraryToolsService from xmodule.x_module import ModuleSystem from xmodule.partitions.partitions_service import PartitionService def _quote_slashes(match): """ Helper function for `quote_slashes` """ matched = match.group(0) # We have to escape ';', because that is our # escape sequence identifier (otherwise, the escaping) # couldn't distinguish between us adding ';_' to the string # and ';_' appearing naturally in the string if matched == ';': return ';;' elif matched == '/': return ';_' else: return matched def quote_slashes(text): """ Quote '/' characters so that they aren't visible to django's url quoting, unquoting, or url regex matching. Escapes '/'' to the sequence ';_', and ';' to the sequence ';;'. By making the escape sequence fixed length, and escaping identifier character ';', we are able to reverse the escaping. """ return re.sub(ur'[;/]', _quote_slashes, text) def _unquote_slashes(match): """ Helper function for `unquote_slashes` """ matched = match.group(0) if matched == ';;': return ';' elif matched == ';_': return '/' else: return matched def unquote_slashes(text): """ Unquote slashes quoted by `quote_slashes` """ return re.sub(r'(;;|;_)', _unquote_slashes, text) def handler_url(block, handler_name, suffix='', query='', thirdparty=False): """ This method matches the signature for `xblock.runtime:Runtime.handler_url()` See :method:`xblock.runtime:Runtime.handler_url` """ view_name = 'xblock_handler' if handler_name: # Be sure this is really a handler. # # We're checking the .__class__ instead of the block itself to avoid # auto-proxying from Descriptor -> Module, in case descriptors want # to ask for handler URLs without a student context. func = getattr(block.__class__, handler_name, None) if not func: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a function name".format(handler_name)) # Is the following necessary? ProxyAttribute causes an UndefinedContext error # if trying this without the module system. # #if not getattr(func, "_is_xblock_handler", False): # raise ValueError("{!r} is not a handler name".format(handler_name)) if thirdparty: view_name = 'xblock_handler_noauth' url = reverse(view_name, kwargs={ 'course_id': unicode(block.location.course_key), 'usage_id': quote_slashes(unicode(block.scope_ids.usage_id).encode('utf-8')), 'handler': handler_name, 'suffix': suffix, }) # If suffix is an empty string, remove the trailing '/' if not suffix: url = url.rstrip('/') # If there is a query string, append it if query: url += '?' + query # If third-party, return fully-qualified url if thirdparty: scheme = "https" if settings.HTTPS == "on" else "http" url = '{scheme}://{host}{path}'.format( scheme=scheme, host=settings.SITE_NAME, path=url ) return url def local_resource_url(block, uri): """ local_resource_url for Studio """ path = reverse('xblock_resource_url', kwargs={ 'block_type': block.scope_ids.block_type, 'uri': uri, }) return '//{}{}'.format(settings.SITE_NAME, path) class LmsPartitionService(PartitionService): """ Another runtime mixin that provides access to the student partitions defined on the course. (If and when XBlock directly provides access from one block (e.g. a split_test_module) to another (e.g. a course_module), this won't be necessary, but for now it seems like the least messy way to hook things through) """ @property def course_partitions(self): course = modulestore().get_course(self._course_id) return course.user_partitions class UserTagsService(object): """ A runtime class that provides an interface to the user service. It handles filling in the current course id and current user. """ COURSE_SCOPE = user_course_tag_api.COURSE_SCOPE def __init__(self, runtime): self.runtime = runtime def _get_current_user(self): """Returns the real, not anonymized, current user.""" real_user = self.runtime.get_real_user(self.runtime.anonymous_student_id) return real_user def get_tag(self, scope, key): """ Get a user tag for the current course and the current user for a given key scope: the current scope of the runtime key: the key for the value we want """ if scope != user_course_tag_api.COURSE_SCOPE: raise ValueError("unexpected scope {0}".format(scope)) return user_course_tag_api.get_course_tag( self._get_current_user(), self.runtime.course_id, key ) def set_tag(self, scope, key, value): """ Set the user tag for the current course and the current user for a given key scope: the current scope of the runtime key: the key that to the value to be set value: the value to set """ if scope != user_course_tag_api.COURSE_SCOPE: raise ValueError("unexpected scope {0}".format(scope)) return user_course_tag_api.set_course_tag( self._get_current_user(), self.runtime.course_id, key, value ) class LmsModuleSystem(ModuleSystem): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """ ModuleSystem specialized to the LMS """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): request_cache_dict = RequestCache.get_request_cache().data services = kwargs.setdefault('services', {}) services['user_tags'] = UserTagsService(self) services['partitions'] = LmsPartitionService( user=kwargs.get('user'), course_id=kwargs.get('course_id'), track_function=kwargs.get('track_function', None), cache=request_cache_dict ) services['library_tools'] = LibraryToolsService(modulestore()) services['fs'] = xblock.reference.plugins.FSService() services['settings'] = SettingsService() self.request_token = kwargs.pop('request_token', None) super(LmsModuleSystem, self).__init__(**kwargs) def handler_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Implement the XBlock runtime handler_url interface. This is mostly just proxying to the module level `handler_url` function defined higher up in this file. We're doing this indirection because the module level `handler_url` logic is also needed by the `DescriptorSystem`. The particular `handler_url` that a `DescriptorSystem` needs will be different when running an LMS process or a CMS/Studio process. That's accomplished by monkey-patching a global. It's a long story, but please know that you can't just refactor and fold that logic into here without breaking things. https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PLAT/Convert+from+Storage-centric+runtimes+to+Application-centric+runtimes See :method:`xblock.runtime:Runtime.handler_url` """ return handler_url(*args, **kwargs) def local_resource_url(self, *args, **kwargs): return local_resource_url(*args, **kwargs) def wrap_aside(self, block, aside, view, frag, context): """ Creates a div which identifies the aside, points to the original block, and writes out the json_init_args into a script tag. The default implementation creates a frag to wraps frag w/ a div identifying the xblock. If you have javascript, you'll need to override this impl """ extra_data = { 'block-id': quote_slashes(unicode(block.scope_ids.usage_id)), 'url-selector': 'asideBaseUrl', 'runtime-class': 'LmsRuntime', } if self.request_token: extra_data['request-token'] = self.request_token return self._wrap_ele( aside, view, frag, extra_data, ) def applicable_aside_types(self, block): """ Return all of the asides which might be decorating this `block`. Arguments: block (:class:`.XBlock`): The block to render retrieve asides for. """ config = XBlockAsidesConfig.current() if not config.enabled: return [] if block.scope_ids.block_type in config.disabled_blocks.split(): return [] return super(LmsModuleSystem, self).applicable_aside_types()