""" LTI Provider view functions """ import logging from django.conf import settings from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey, UsageKey from lti_provider.models import LtiConsumer from lti_provider.outcomes import store_outcome_parameters from lti_provider.signature_validator import SignatureValidator from lti_provider.users import authenticate_lti_user from openedx.core.lib.url_utils import unquote_slashes from util.views import add_p3p_header log = logging.getLogger("edx.lti_provider") # LTI launch parameters that must be present for a successful launch REQUIRED_PARAMETERS = [ 'roles', 'context_id', 'oauth_version', 'oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_signature', 'oauth_signature_method', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_nonce', 'user_id' ] OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS = [ 'lis_result_sourcedid', 'lis_outcome_service_url', 'tool_consumer_instance_guid' ] @csrf_exempt @add_p3p_header def lti_launch(request, course_id, usage_id): """ Endpoint for all requests to embed edX content via the LTI protocol. This endpoint will be called by a POST message that contains the parameters for an LTI launch (we support version 1.2 of the LTI specification): http://www.imsglobal.org/lti/ltiv1p2/ltiIMGv1p2.html An LTI launch is successful if: - The launch contains all the required parameters - The launch data is correctly signed using a known client key/secret pair """ if not settings.FEATURES['ENABLE_LTI_PROVIDER']: return HttpResponseForbidden() # Check the LTI parameters, and return 400 if any required parameters are # missing params = get_required_parameters(request.POST) if not params: return HttpResponseBadRequest() params.update(get_optional_parameters(request.POST)) # Get the consumer information from either the instance GUID or the consumer # key try: lti_consumer = LtiConsumer.get_or_supplement( params.get('tool_consumer_instance_guid', None), params['oauth_consumer_key'] ) except LtiConsumer.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseForbidden() # Check the OAuth signature on the message if not SignatureValidator(lti_consumer).verify(request): return HttpResponseForbidden() # Add the course and usage keys to the parameters array try: course_key, usage_key = parse_course_and_usage_keys(course_id, usage_id) except InvalidKeyError: log.error( 'Invalid course key %s or usage key %s from request %s', course_id, usage_id, request ) raise Http404() params['course_key'] = course_key params['usage_key'] = usage_key # Create an edX account if the user identifed by the LTI launch doesn't have # one already, and log the edX account into the platform. authenticate_lti_user(request, params['user_id'], lti_consumer) # Store any parameters required by the outcome service in order to report # scores back later. We know that the consumer exists, since the record was # used earlier to verify the oauth signature. store_outcome_parameters(params, request.user, lti_consumer) return render_courseware(request, params['usage_key']) def get_required_parameters(dictionary, additional_params=None): """ Extract all required LTI parameters from a dictionary and verify that none are missing. :param dictionary: The dictionary that should contain all required parameters :param additional_params: Any expected parameters, beyond those required for the LTI launch. :return: A new dictionary containing all the required parameters from the original dictionary and additional parameters, or None if any expected parameters are missing. """ params = {} additional_params = additional_params or [] for key in REQUIRED_PARAMETERS + additional_params: if key not in dictionary: return None params[key] = dictionary[key] return params def get_optional_parameters(dictionary): """ Extract all optional LTI parameters from a dictionary. This method does not fail if any parameters are missing. :param dictionary: A dictionary containing zero or more optional parameters. :return: A new dictionary containing all optional parameters from the original dictionary, or an empty dictionary if no optional parameters were present. """ return {key: dictionary[key] for key in OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS if key in dictionary} def render_courseware(request, usage_key): """ Render the content requested for the LTI launch. TODO: This method depends on the current refactoring work on the courseware/courseware.html template. It's signature may change depending on the requirements for that template once the refactoring is complete. Return an HttpResponse object that contains the template and necessary context to render the courseware. """ # return an HttpResponse object that contains the template and necessary context to render the courseware. from courseware.views.views import render_xblock return render_xblock(request, unicode(usage_key), check_if_enrolled=False) def parse_course_and_usage_keys(course_id, usage_id): """ Convert course and usage ID strings into key objects. Return a tuple of (course_key, usage_key), or throw an InvalidKeyError if the translation fails. """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) usage_id = unquote_slashes(usage_id) usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_id).map_into_course(course_key) return course_key, usage_key