""" Settings for Bok Choy tests that are used when running Studio. Bok Choy uses two different settings files: 1. test_static_optimized is used when invoking collectstatic 2. bok_choy is used when running the tests Note: it isn't possible to have a single settings file, because Django doesn't support both generating static assets to a directory and also serving static from the same directory. """ import os from path import Path as path ########################## Prod-like settings ################################### # These should be as close as possible to the settings we use in production. # As in prod, we read in environment and auth variables from JSON files. # Unlike in prod, we use the JSON files stored in this repo. # This is a convenience for ensuring (a) that we can consistently find the files # and (b) that the files are the same in Jenkins as in local dev. os.environ['SERVICE_VARIANT'] = 'bok_choy' os.environ['CONFIG_ROOT'] = path(__file__).abspath().dirname() from .aws import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import ######################### Testing overrides #################################### # Needed for the reset database management command INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_extensions',) # Redirect to the test_root folder within the repo TEST_ROOT = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" GITHUB_REPO_ROOT = (TEST_ROOT / "data").abspath() LOG_DIR = (TEST_ROOT / "log").abspath() DATA_DIR = TEST_ROOT / "data" # Configure modulestore to use the test folder within the repo update_module_store_settings( MODULESTORE, module_store_options={ 'fs_root': (TEST_ROOT / "data").abspath(), }, xml_store_options={ 'data_dir': (TEST_ROOT / "data").abspath(), }, default_store=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_STORE', 'draft'), ) ############################ STATIC FILES ############################# # Enable debug so that static assets are served by Django DEBUG = True # Serve static files at /static directly from the staticfiles directory under test root # Note: optimized files for testing are generated with settings from test_static_optimized STATIC_URL = "/static/" STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', ) STATICFILES_DIRS = ( (TEST_ROOT / "staticfiles" / "cms").abspath(), ) # Silence noisy logs import logging LOG_OVERRIDES = [ ('track.middleware', logging.CRITICAL), ('edx.discussion', logging.CRITICAL), ] for log_name, log_level in LOG_OVERRIDES: logging.getLogger(log_name).setLevel(log_level) # Use the auto_auth workflow for creating users and logging them in FEATURES['AUTOMATIC_AUTH_FOR_TESTING'] = True # Enable milestones app FEATURES['MILESTONES_APP'] = True # Enable pre-requisite course FEATURES['ENABLE_PREREQUISITE_COURSES'] = True # Enable student notes FEATURES['ENABLE_EDXNOTES'] = True # Enable teams feature FEATURES['ENABLE_TEAMS'] = True # Enable custom content licensing FEATURES['LICENSING'] = True FEATURES['ENABLE_MOBILE_REST_API'] = True # Enable video bumper in Studio FEATURES['ENABLE_VIDEO_BUMPER'] = True # Enable video bumper in Studio settings # Enable partner support link in Studio footer PARTNER_SUPPORT_EMAIL = 'partner-support@example.com' # Disable some block types to test block deprecation logic DEPRECATED_BLOCK_TYPES = ['poll', 'survey'] ########################### Entrance Exams ################################# FEATURES['ENTRANCE_EXAMS'] = True FEATURES['ENABLE_SPECIAL_EXAMS'] = True # Point the URL used to test YouTube availability to our stub YouTube server YOUTUBE_PORT = 9080 YOUTUBE['API'] = "{0}/get_youtube_api/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) YOUTUBE['METADATA_URL'] = "{0}/test_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) YOUTUBE['TEXT_API']['url'] = "{0}/test_transcripts_youtube/".format(YOUTUBE_PORT) FEATURES['ENABLE_COURSEWARE_INDEX'] = True FEATURES['ENABLE_LIBRARY_INDEX'] = True FEATURES['ORGANIZATIONS_APP'] = True SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine" # Path at which to store the mock index MOCK_SEARCH_BACKING_FILE = ( TEST_ROOT / "index_file.dat" ).abspath() # this secret key should be the same as lms/envs/bok_choy.py's SECRET_KEY = "very_secret_bok_choy_key" ##################################################################### # Lastly, see if the developer has any local overrides. try: from .private import * # pylint: disable=import-error except ImportError: pass