define ["js/models/section", "edx-ui-toolkit/js/utils/spec-helpers/ajax-helpers", "js/utils/module"], (Section, AjaxHelpers, ModuleUtils) -> describe "Section", -> describe "basic", -> beforeEach -> @model = new Section({ id: 42 name: "Life, the Universe, and Everything" }) it "should take an id argument", -> expect(@model.get("id")).toEqual(42) it "should take a name argument", -> expect(@model.get("name")).toEqual("Life, the Universe, and Everything") it "should have a URL set", -> expect(@model.url()).toEqual(ModuleUtils.getUpdateUrl(42)) it "should serialize to JSON correctly", -> expect(@model.toJSON()).toEqual({ metadata: { display_name: "Life, the Universe, and Everything" } }) describe "XHR", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(Section.prototype, 'showNotification') spyOn(Section.prototype, 'hideNotification') @model = new Section({ id: 42 name: "Life, the Universe, and Everything" }) it "show/hide a notification when it saves to the server", -> server = AjaxHelpers.server([200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "{}"]) expect(Section.prototype.showNotification).toHaveBeenCalled() server.respond() expect(Section.prototype.hideNotification).toHaveBeenCalled() it "don't hide notification when saving fails", -> # this is handled by the global AJAX error handler server = AjaxHelpers.server([500, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "{}"]) server.respond() expect(Section.prototype.hideNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled()