@shard_2 Feature: CMS.Course Settings As a course author, I want to be able to configure my course settings. # Safari has trouble keeps dates on refresh @skip_safari Scenario: User can set course dates Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Schedule and Details And I set course dates And I press the "Save" notification button And I reload the page Then I see the set dates # IE has trouble with saving information @skip_internetexplorer Scenario: User can clear previously set course dates (except start date) Given I have set course dates And I clear all the dates except start And I press the "Save" notification button And I reload the page Then I see cleared dates # IE has trouble with saving information @skip_internetexplorer Scenario: User cannot clear the course start date Given I have set course dates And I press the "Save" notification button And I clear the course start date Then I receive a warning about course start date And I reload the page And the previously set start date is shown # IE has trouble with saving information # Safari gets CSRF token errors @skip_internetexplorer @skip_safari Scenario: User can correct the course start date warning Given I have tried to clear the course start And I have entered a new course start date And I press the "Save" notification button Then The warning about course start date goes away And I reload the page Then my new course start date is shown # Safari does not save + refresh properly through sauce labs @skip_safari Scenario: Settings are only persisted when saved Given I have set course dates And I press the "Save" notification button When I change fields And I reload the page Then I do not see the changes # Safari does not save + refresh properly through sauce labs @skip_safari Scenario: Settings are reset on cancel Given I have set course dates And I press the "Save" notification button When I change fields And I press the "Cancel" notification button Then I do not see the changes # Safari gets CSRF token errors @skip_safari Scenario: Confirmation is shown on save Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Schedule and Details And I change the "<field>" field to "<value>" And I press the "Save" notification button Then I see a confirmation that my changes have been saved # Lettuce hooks don't get called between each example, so we need # to run the before.each_scenario hook manually to avoid database # errors. And I reset the database Examples: | field | value | | Course Start Time | 11:00 | | Course Introduction Video | 4r7wHMg5Yjg | | Course Effort | 200:00 | | Course Image URL | image.jpg | # Special case because we have to type in code mirror Scenario: Changes in Course Overview show a confirmation Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Schedule and Details And I change the course overview And I press the "Save" notification button Then I see a confirmation that my changes have been saved Scenario: User cannot save invalid settings Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Schedule and Details And I change the "Course Start Date" field to "" Then the save notification button is disabled Scenario: User can upload course image Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Schedule and Details And I click the "Upload Course Image" button And I upload a new course image Then I should see the new course image And the image URL should be present in the field