<div id="content"> <div class="wrapper-mast wrapper"> <header class="mast mast-wizard has-actions"> <h1 class="page-header"> <span class="page-header-sub">Create a re-run of a course</span> </h1> <nav class="nav-actions"> <h3 class="sr">Page Actions</h3> <ul> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="" class="button cancel-button">Cancel</a> </li> </ul> </nav> <h2 class="page-header-super course-original"> <span class="sr">You are creating a re-run from:</span> <span class="course-original-title-id">edX Open_DemoX 2014_T1</span> <span class="course-original-title">edX Demonstration Course</span> </h2> </header> </div> <div class="wrapper-content wrapper"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <section class="content"> <article class="content-primary"> <div class="introduction"> <div class="copy"> <p> Provide identifying information for this re-run of the course. The original course is not affected in any way by a re-run. <strong>Note: Together, the organization, course number, and course run must uniquely identify this new course instance.</strong> <p> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper-rerun-course"> <form class="form-create rerun-course course-info" id="rerun-course-form" name="rerun-course-form"> <div class="wrapper-error is-hidden"> <div id="course_rerun_error" name="course_rerun_error" class="message message-status error" role="alert"> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper-form"> <fieldset> <legend class="sr">Required Information to Create a re-run of a course</legend> <ol class="list-input"> <li class="field text required" id="field-course-name"> <label for="rerun-course-name">Course Name</label> <input class="rerun-course-name" id="rerun-course-name" type="text" name="rerun-course-name" aria-required="true" value="edX Demonstration Course" placeholder="e.g. Introduction to Computer Science"/> <span class="tip"> The public display name for the new course. (This name is often the same as the original course name.) </span> <span class="tip tip-error is-hidden"></span> </li> <li class="field text required" id="field-organization"> <label for="rerun-course-org">Organization</label> <input class="rerun-course-org" id="rerun-course-org" type="text" name="rerun-course-org" aria-required="true" value="edX" placeholder="e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX"/> <span class="tip"> The name of the organization sponsoring the new course. (This name is often the same as the original organization name.) <strong class="tip-note" class="tip-note">Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed.</strong> </span> <span class="tip tip-error is-hidden"></span> </li> <li class="row"> <div class="column field text required" id="field-course-number"> <label for="rerun-course-number">Course Number</label> <input class="rerun-course-number" id="rerun-course-number" type="text" name="rerun-course-number" aria-required="true" value="Open_DemoX" placeholder="e.g. CS101"/> <span class="tip"> The unique number that identifies the new course within the organization. (This number is often the same as the original course number.) <strong class="tip-note" class="tip-note">Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed.</strong> </span> <span class="tip tip-error is-hidden"></span> </div> <div class="column field text required" id="field-course-run"> <label for="rerun-course-run">Course Run</label> <input class="rerun-course-run" id="rerun-course-run" type="text" name="rerun-course-run" aria-required="true" placeholder="e.g. 2014_T1"/> <span class="tip"> The term in which the new course will run. (This value is often different than the original course run value.) <strong class="tip-note" class="tip-note">Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed.</strong> </span> <span class="tip tip-error is-hidden"></span> </div> </li> </ol> <input type="hidden" value="false" class="allow-unicode-course-id"/> </fieldset> </div> <div class="actions"> <button type="submit" class="action action-primary rerun-course-save is-disabled" aria-disabled="true" >Create Re-run</button> <button type="button" class="action action-secondary action-cancel rerun-course-cancel">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </article> </section> </div> </div> </div>