Instructions for creating js/tinymce.full.min.js 1. Ensure that the dependencies (NodeJS, Jake, and other dependencies) are installed. If necessary, install them per the directions on 2. Unzip edx-platform/vendor_extra/tinymce/ into this directory (so that Jakefile.js resides in this directory). 3. Run the following command in the tinymce directory: jake minify bundle[themes:modern,plugins:image,link,codemirror,paste,table,textcolor] 4. Cleanup by deleting the Unversioned files that were created from unzipping Instructions for updating tinymce to a newer version: 1. Download the desired version from 2. Find all the EDX specific changes that were made to the currently used version of tinymce by searching for the string "EDX" in this directory. 3. Merge the EDX specific changes with the new version. 4. Follow the instructions above for creating the new version of js/tinymce.full.min.js