""" Tests for EmbargoMiddleware """ from contextlib import contextmanager import mock import unittest import pygeoip import ddt from django.conf import settings from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.db import connection, transaction from student.tests.factories import UserFactory from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ( ModuleStoreTestCase, mixed_store_config ) from embargo.models import ( RestrictedCourse, Country, CountryAccessRule, ) from util.testing import UrlResetMixin from embargo import api as embargo_api from embargo.exceptions import InvalidAccessPoint from mock import patch # Since we don't need any XML course fixtures, use a modulestore configuration # that disables the XML modulestore. MODULESTORE_CONFIG = mixed_store_config(settings.COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT, {}, include_xml=False) @ddt.ddt @override_settings(MODULESTORE=MODULESTORE_CONFIG) @unittest.skipUnless(settings.ROOT_URLCONF == 'lms.urls', 'Test only valid in lms') @mock.patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'EMBARGO': True}) class EmbargoCheckAccessApiTests(ModuleStoreTestCase): """Test the embargo API calls to determine whether a user has access. """ def setUp(self): super(EmbargoCheckAccessApiTests, self).setUp() self.course = CourseFactory.create() self.user = UserFactory.create() self.restricted_course = RestrictedCourse.objects.create(course_key=self.course.id) Country.objects.create(country='US') Country.objects.create(country='IR') Country.objects.create(country='CU') # Clear the cache to prevent interference between tests cache.clear() @ddt.data( # IP country, profile_country, blacklist, whitelist, allow_access ('US', None, [], [], True), ('IR', None, ['IR', 'CU'], [], False), ('US', 'IR', ['IR', 'CU'], [], False), ('IR', 'IR', ['IR', 'CU'], [], False), ('US', None, [], ['US'], True), ('IR', None, [], ['US'], False), ('US', 'IR', [], ['US'], False), ) @ddt.unpack def test_country_access_rules(self, ip_country, profile_country, blacklist, whitelist, allow_access): # Configure the access rules for whitelist_country in whitelist: CountryAccessRule.objects.create( rule_type=CountryAccessRule.WHITELIST_RULE, restricted_course=self.restricted_course, country=Country.objects.get(country=whitelist_country) ) for blacklist_country in blacklist: CountryAccessRule.objects.create( rule_type=CountryAccessRule.BLACKLIST_RULE, restricted_course=self.restricted_course, country=Country.objects.get(country=blacklist_country) ) # Configure the user's profile country if profile_country is not None: self.user.profile.country = profile_country self.user.profile.save() # Appear to make a request from an IP in a particular country with self._mock_geoip(ip_country): # Call the API. Note that the IP address we pass in doesn't # matter, since we're injecting a mock for geo-location result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') # Verify that the access rules were applied correctly self.assertEqual(result, allow_access) def test_no_user_has_access(self): CountryAccessRule.objects.create( rule_type=CountryAccessRule.BLACKLIST_RULE, restricted_course=self.restricted_course, country=Country.objects.get(country='US') ) # The user is set to None, because the user has not been authenticated. result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, ip_address='') self.assertTrue(result) def test_no_user_blocked(self): CountryAccessRule.objects.create( rule_type=CountryAccessRule.BLACKLIST_RULE, restricted_course=self.restricted_course, country=Country.objects.get(country='US') ) with self._mock_geoip('US'): # The user is set to None, because the user has not been authenticated. result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, ip_address='') self.assertFalse(result) def test_course_not_restricted(self): # No restricted course model for this course key, # so all access checks should be skipped. unrestricted_course = CourseFactory.create() with self.assertNumQueries(1): embargo_api.check_course_access(unrestricted_course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') # The second check should require no database queries with self.assertNumQueries(0): embargo_api.check_course_access(unrestricted_course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') def test_ip_v6(self): # Test the scenario that will go through every check # (restricted course, but pass all the checks) result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329') self.assertTrue(result) def test_country_access_fallback_to_continent_code(self): # Simulate PyGeoIP falling back to a continent code # instead of a country code. In this case, we should # allow the user access. with self._mock_geoip('EU'): result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') self.assertTrue(result) @mock.patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'EMBARGO': True}) def test_profile_country_db_null(self): # Django country fields treat NULL values inconsistently. # When saving a profile with country set to None, Django saves an empty string to the database. # However, when the country field loads a NULL value from the database, it sets # `country.code` to `None`. This caused a bug in which country values created by # the original South schema migration -- which defaulted to NULL -- caused a runtime # exception when the embargo middleware treated the value as a string. # In order to simulate this behavior, we can't simply set `profile.country = None`. # (because when we save it, it will set the database field to an empty string instead of NULL) query = "UPDATE auth_userprofile SET country = NULL WHERE id = %s" connection.cursor().execute(query, [str(self.user.profile.id)]) transaction.commit_unless_managed() # Verify that we can check the user's access without error result = embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') self.assertTrue(result) def test_caching(self): with self._mock_geoip('US'): # Test the scenario that will go through every check # (restricted course, but pass all the checks) # This is the worst case, so it will hit all of the # caching code. with self.assertNumQueries(3): embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') with self.assertNumQueries(0): embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') def test_caching_no_restricted_courses(self): RestrictedCourse.objects.all().delete() cache.clear() with self.assertNumQueries(1): embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') with self.assertNumQueries(0): embargo_api.check_course_access(self.course.id, user=self.user, ip_address='') @contextmanager def _mock_geoip(self, country_code): with mock.patch.object(pygeoip.GeoIP, 'country_code_by_addr') as mock_ip: mock_ip.return_value = country_code yield @ddt.ddt @override_settings(MODULESTORE=MODULESTORE_CONFIG) @unittest.skipUnless(settings.ROOT_URLCONF == 'lms.urls', 'Test only valid in lms') class EmbargoMessageUrlApiTests(UrlResetMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase): """Test the embargo API calls for retrieving the blocking message URLs. """ @patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'EMBARGO': True}) def setUp(self): super(EmbargoMessageUrlApiTests, self).setUp('embargo') self.course = CourseFactory.create() def tearDown(self): super(EmbargoMessageUrlApiTests, self).tearDown() cache.clear() @ddt.data( ('enrollment', '/embargo/blocked-message/enrollment/embargo/'), ('courseware', '/embargo/blocked-message/courseware/embargo/') ) @ddt.unpack def test_message_url_path(self, access_point, expected_url_path): self._restrict_course(self.course.id) # Retrieve the URL to the blocked message page url_path = embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, access_point) self.assertEqual(url_path, expected_url_path) def test_message_url_path_caching(self): self._restrict_course(self.course.id) # The first time we retrieve the message, we'll need # to hit the database. with self.assertNumQueries(2): embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, "enrollment") # The second time, we should be using cached values with self.assertNumQueries(0): embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, "enrollment") @ddt.data('enrollment', 'courseware') def test_message_url_path_no_restrictions_for_course(self, access_point): # No restrictions for the course url_path = embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, access_point) # Use a default path self.assertEqual(url_path, '/embargo/blocked-message/courseware/default/') def test_invalid_access_point(self): with self.assertRaises(InvalidAccessPoint): embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, "invalid") def test_message_url_stale_cache(self): # Retrieve the URL once, populating the cache with the list # of restricted courses. self._restrict_course(self.course.id) embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, 'courseware') # Delete the restricted course entry RestrictedCourse.objects.get(course_key=self.course.id).delete() # Clear the message URL cache message_cache_key = ( 'embargo.message_url_path.courseware.{course_key}' ).format(course_key=self.course.id) cache.delete(message_cache_key) # Try again. Even though the cache results are stale, # we should still get a valid URL. url_path = embargo_api.message_url_path(self.course.id, 'courseware') self.assertEqual(url_path, '/embargo/blocked-message/courseware/default/') def _restrict_course(self, course_key): """Restrict the user from accessing the course. """ country = Country.objects.create(country='us') restricted_course = RestrictedCourse.objects.create( course_key=course_key, enroll_msg_key='embargo', access_msg_key='embargo' ) CountryAccessRule.objects.create( restricted_course=restricted_course, rule_type=CountryAccessRule.BLACKLIST_RULE, country=country )