""" Asynchronous tasks for the LTI provider app. """ import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.dispatch import receiver from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey import lti_provider.outcomes as outcomes from lms import CELERY_APP from lms.djangoapps.grades.course_grade_factory import CourseGradeFactory from lms.djangoapps.grades.signals.signals import PROBLEM_WEIGHTED_SCORE_CHANGED from lti_provider.models import GradedAssignment from lti_provider.views import parse_course_and_usage_keys from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore log = logging.getLogger("edx.lti_provider") @receiver(PROBLEM_WEIGHTED_SCORE_CHANGED) def score_changed_handler(sender, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Consume signals that indicate score changes. See the definition of PROBLEM_WEIGHTED_SCORE_CHANGED for a description of the signal. """ points_possible = kwargs.get('weighted_possible', None) points_earned = kwargs.get('weighted_earned', None) user_id = kwargs.get('user_id', None) course_id = kwargs.get('course_id', None) usage_id = kwargs.get('usage_id', None) if None not in (points_earned, points_possible, user_id, course_id): course_key, usage_key = parse_course_and_usage_keys(course_id, usage_id) assignments = increment_assignment_versions(course_key, usage_key, user_id) for assignment in assignments: if assignment.usage_key == usage_key: send_leaf_outcome.delay( assignment.id, points_earned, points_possible ) else: send_composite_outcome.apply_async( (user_id, course_id, assignment.id, assignment.version_number), countdown=settings.LTI_AGGREGATE_SCORE_PASSBACK_DELAY ) else: log.error( "Outcome Service: Required signal parameter is None. " "points_possible: %s, points_earned: %s, user_id: %s, " "course_id: %s, usage_id: %s", points_possible, points_earned, user_id, course_id, usage_id ) def increment_assignment_versions(course_key, usage_key, user_id): """ Update the version numbers for all assignments that are affected by a score change event. Returns a list of all affected assignments. """ problem_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key) # Get all assignments involving the current problem for which the campus LMS # is expecting a grade. There may be many possible graded assignments, if # a problem has been added several times to a course at different # granularities (such as the unit or the vertical). assignments = outcomes.get_assignments_for_problem( problem_descriptor, user_id, course_key ) for assignment in assignments: assignment.version_number += 1 assignment.save() return assignments @CELERY_APP.task(name='lti_provider.tasks.send_composite_outcome') def send_composite_outcome(user_id, course_id, assignment_id, version): """ Calculate and transmit the score for a composite module (such as a vertical). A composite module may contain multiple problems, so we need to calculate the total points earned and possible for all child problems. This requires calculating the scores for the whole course, which is an expensive operation. Callers should be aware that the score calculation code accesses the latest scores from the database. This can lead to a race condition between a view that updates a user's score and the calculation of the grade. If the Celery task attempts to read the score from the database before the view exits (and its transaction is committed), it will see a stale value. Care should be taken that this task is not triggered until the view exits. The GradedAssignment model has a version_number field that is incremented whenever the score is updated. It is used by this method for two purposes. First, it allows the task to exit if it detects that it has been superseded by another task that will transmit the score for the same assignment. Second, it prevents a race condition where two tasks calculate different scores for a single assignment, and may potentially update the campus LMS in the wrong order. """ assignment = GradedAssignment.objects.get(id=assignment_id) if version != assignment.version_number: log.info( "Score passback for GradedAssignment %s skipped. More recent score available.", assignment.id ) return course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) mapped_usage_key = assignment.usage_key.map_into_course(course_key) user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) course = modulestore().get_course(course_key, depth=0) course_grade = CourseGradeFactory().read(user, course) earned, possible = course_grade.score_for_module(mapped_usage_key) if possible == 0: weighted_score = 0 else: weighted_score = float(earned) / float(possible) assignment = GradedAssignment.objects.get(id=assignment_id) if assignment.version_number == version: outcomes.send_score_update(assignment, weighted_score) @CELERY_APP.task def send_leaf_outcome(assignment_id, points_earned, points_possible): """ Calculate and transmit the score for a single problem. This method assumes that the individual problem was the source of a score update, and so it directly takes the points earned and possible values. As such it does not have to calculate the scores for the course, making this method far faster than send_outcome_for_composite_assignment. """ assignment = GradedAssignment.objects.get(id=assignment_id) if points_possible == 0: weighted_score = 0 else: weighted_score = float(points_earned) / float(points_possible) outcomes.send_score_update(assignment, weighted_score)