<problem display_name="Multiple Choice" markdown="A multiple choice problem presents radio buttons for student input. Students can only select a single option presented. Multiple Choice questions have been the subject of many areas of research due to the early invention and adoption of bubble sheets.&#10;&#10;One of the main elements that goes into a good multiple choice question is the existence of good distractors. That is, each of the alternate responses presented to the student should be the result of a plausible mistake that a student might make.&#10;&#10;&gt;&gt;What Apple device competed with the portable CD player?&lt;&lt;&#10;     ( ) The iPad&#10;     ( ) Napster&#10;     (x) The iPod&#10;     ( ) The vegetable peeler&#10;     &#10;[explanation]&#10;The release of the iPod allowed consumers to carry their entire music library with them in a format that did not rely on fragile and energy-intensive spinning disks.&#10;[explanation]&#10;">
A multiple choice problem presents radio buttons for student
input. Students can only select a single option presented. Multiple Choice questions have been the subject of many areas of research due to the early invention and adoption of bubble sheets.</p>
  <p> One of the main elements that goes into a good multiple choice question is the existence of good distractors. That is, each of the alternate responses presented to the student should be the result of a plausible mistake that a student might make. 
  <p>What Apple device competed with the portable CD player?</p>
    <choicegroup type="MultipleChoice" label="What Apple device competed with the portable CD player?">
      <choice correct="false" name="ipad">The iPad</choice>
      <choice correct="false" name="beatles">Napster</choice>
      <choice correct="true" name="ipod">The iPod</choice>
      <choice correct="false" name="peeler">The vegetable peeler</choice>
    <div class="detailed-solution">
      <p>The release of the iPod allowed consumers to carry their entire music library with them in a format that did not rely on fragile and energy-intensive spinning disks. </p>