******************************************* Chem module ******************************************* .. module:: chem Miller ====== .. automodule:: capa.chem.miller :members: :show-inheritance: UI part and inputtypes ---------------------- Miller module is used in the system in crystallography problems. Crystallography is a class in :mod:`capa` inputtypes module. It uses *crystallography.html* for rendering and **crystallography.js** for UI part. Documentation from **crystallography.js**:: For a crystallographic problem of the type Given a plane definition via miller indexes, specify it by plotting points on the edges of a 3D cube. Additionally, select the correct Bravais cubic lattice type depending on the physical crystal mentioned in the problem. we create a graph which contains a cube, and a 3D Cartesian coordinate system. The interface will allow to plot 3 points anywhere along the edges of the cube, and select which type of Bravais lattice should be displayed along with the basic cube outline. When 3 points are successfully plotted, an intersection of the resulting plane (defined by the 3 plotted points), and the cube, will be automatically displayed for clarity. After lotting the three points, it is possible to continue plotting additional points. By doing so, the point that was plotted first (from the three that already exist), will be removed, and the new point will be added. The intersection of the resulting new plane and the cube will be redrawn. The UI has been designed in such a way, that the user is able to determine which point will be removed next (if adding a new point). This is achieved via filling the to-be-removed point with a different color. Chemcalc ======== .. automodule:: capa.chem.chemcalc :members: :show-inheritance: Chemtools ========= .. automodule:: capa.chem.chemtools :members: :show-inheritance: Tests ===== .. automodule:: capa.chem.tests :members: :show-inheritance: