""" Helper functions for loading environment settings. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import json from lazy import lazy from path import path import memcache class Env(object): """ Load information about the execution environment. """ # Root of the git repository (edx-platform) REPO_ROOT = path(__file__).abspath().parent.parent.parent # Reports Directory REPORT_DIR = REPO_ROOT / 'reports' METRICS_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'metrics' # Bok_choy dirs BOK_CHOY_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "common" / "test" / "acceptance" BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" / "log" BOK_CHOY_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / "bok_choy" BOK_CHOY_COVERAGERC = BOK_CHOY_DIR / ".coveragerc" # For the time being, stubs are used by both the bok-choy and lettuce acceptance tests # For this reason, the stubs package is currently located in the Django app called "terrain" # where other lettuce configuration is stored. BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "common" / "djangoapps" / "terrain" # Directory that videos are served from VIDEO_SOURCE_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" / "data" / "video" BOK_CHOY_SERVERS = { 'lms': { 'port': 8003, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_lms.log" }, 'cms': { 'port': 8031, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_studio.log" } } BOK_CHOY_STUBS = { 'xqueue': { 'port': 8040, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_xqueue.log", 'config': 'register_submission_url=', }, 'ora': { 'port': 8041, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_ora.log", 'config': '', }, 'comments': { 'port': 4567, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_comments.log", }, 'video': { 'port': 8777, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_video_sources.log", 'config': "root_dir={}".format(VIDEO_SOURCE_DIR), }, 'youtube': { 'port': 9080, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_youtube.log", }, 'edxnotes': { 'port': 8042, 'log': BOK_CHOY_LOG_DIR / "bok_choy_edxnotes.log", } } # Mongo databases that will be dropped before/after the tests run BOK_CHOY_MONGO_DATABASE = "test" BOK_CHOY_CACHE = memcache.Client([''], debug=0) # Test Ids Directory TEST_DIR = REPO_ROOT / ".testids" # Files used to run each of the js test suites # TODO: Store this as a dict. Order seems to matter for some # reason. See issue TE-415. JS_TEST_ID_FILES = [ REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/js_test.yml', REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/js_test_coffee.yml', REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/js_test.yml', REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/js_test_squire.yml', REPO_ROOT / 'common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/js_test.yml', REPO_ROOT / 'common/static/js_test.yml', ] JS_TEST_ID_KEYS = [ 'lms', 'lms-coffee', 'cms', 'cms-squire', 'xmodule', 'common', ] JS_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'javascript' # Directories used for common/lib/ tests LIB_TEST_DIRS = [] for item in (REPO_ROOT / "common/lib").listdir(): if (REPO_ROOT / 'common/lib' / item).isdir(): LIB_TEST_DIRS.append(path("common/lib") / item.basename()) LIB_TEST_DIRS.append(path("pavelib/paver_tests")) # Directory for i18n test reports I18N_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'i18n' # Service variant (lms, cms, etc.) configured with an environment variable # We use this to determine which envs.json file to load. SERVICE_VARIANT = os.environ.get('SERVICE_VARIANT', None) # If service variant not configured in env, then pass the correct # environment for lms / cms if not SERVICE_VARIANT: # this will intentionally catch ""; if any(i in sys.argv[1:] for i in ('cms', 'studio')): SERVICE_VARIANT = 'cms' else: SERVICE_VARIANT = 'lms' @lazy def env_tokens(self): """ Return a dict of environment settings. If we couldn't find the JSON file, issue a warning and return an empty dict. """ # Find the env JSON file if self.SERVICE_VARIANT: env_path = self.REPO_ROOT.parent / "{service}.env.json".format(service=self.SERVICE_VARIANT) else: env_path = path("env.json").abspath() # If the file does not exist, here or one level up, # issue a warning and return an empty dict if not env_path.isfile(): env_path = env_path.parent.parent / env_path.basename() if not env_path.isfile(): print( "Warning: could not find environment JSON file " "at '{path}'".format(path=env_path), file=sys.stderr, ) return dict() # Otherwise, load the file as JSON and return the resulting dict try: with open(env_path) as env_file: return json.load(env_file) except ValueError: print( "Error: Could not parse JSON " "in {path}".format(path=env_path), file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) @lazy def feature_flags(self): """ Return a dictionary of feature flags configured by the environment. """ return self.env_tokens.get('FEATURES', dict())