""" Discussion API views """ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.http import Http404 from rest_framework.authentication import OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator from courseware.courses import get_course_with_access from discussion_api.api import get_course_topics, get_thread_list from discussion_api.forms import ThreadListGetForm from openedx.core.lib.api.view_utils import DeveloperErrorViewMixin from xmodule.tabs import DiscussionTab class _ViewMixin(object): """ Mixin to provide common characteristics and utility functions for Discussion API views """ authentication_classes = (OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthentication) permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) def get_course_or_404(self, user, course_key): """ Get the course descriptor, raising Http404 if the course is not found, the user cannot access forums for the course, or the discussion tab is disabled for the course. """ course = get_course_with_access(user, 'load_forum', course_key) if not any([isinstance(tab, DiscussionTab) for tab in course.tabs]): raise Http404 return course class CourseTopicsView(_ViewMixin, DeveloperErrorViewMixin, APIView): """ **Use Cases** Retrieve the topic listing for a course. Only topics accessible to the authenticated user are included. **Example Requests**: GET /api/discussion/v1/course_topics/{course_id} **Response Values**: * courseware_topics: The list of topic trees for courseware-linked topics. Each item in the list includes: * id: The id of the discussion topic (null for a topic that only has children but cannot contain threads itself). * name: The display name of the topic. * children: A list of child subtrees of the same format. * non_courseware_topics: The list of topic trees that are not linked to courseware. Items are of the same format as in courseware_topics. """ def get(self, request, course_id): """Implements the GET method as described in the class docstring.""" course_key = CourseLocator.from_string(course_id) course = self.get_course_or_404(request.user, course_key) return Response(get_course_topics(course, request.user)) class ThreadViewSet(_ViewMixin, DeveloperErrorViewMixin, ViewSet): """ **Use Cases** Retrieve the list of threads for a course. **Example Requests**: GET /api/discussion/v1/threads/?course_id=ExampleX/Demo/2015 **GET Parameters**: * course_id (required): The course to retrieve threads for * page: The (1-indexed) page to retrieve (default is 1) * page_size: The number of items per page (default is 10, max is 100) **Response Values**: * results: The list of threads. Each item in the list includes: * id: The id of the thread * course_id: The id of the thread's course * topic_id: The id of the thread's topic * created_at: The ISO 8601 timestamp for the creation of the thread * updated_at: The ISO 8601 timestamp for the last modification of the thread, which may not have been an update of the title/body * type: The thread's type (either "question" or "discussion") * title: The thread's title * raw_body: The thread's raw body text without any rendering applied * pinned: Boolean indicating whether the thread has been pinned * closed: Boolean indicating whether the thread has been closed * comment_count: The number of comments within the thread * unread_comment_count: The number of comments within the thread that were created or updated since the last time the user read the thread * next: The URL of the next page (or null if first page) * previous: The URL of the previous page (or null if last page) """ def list(self, request): """ Implements the GET method for the list endpoint as described in the class docstring. """ form = ThreadListGetForm(request.GET) if not form.is_valid(): raise ValidationError(form.errors) course_key = form.cleaned_data["course_id"] self.get_course_or_404(request.user, course_key) return Response( get_thread_list( request, course_key, form.cleaned_data["page"], form.cleaned_data["page_size"] ) )