""" Helper functions for bok_choy test tasks """ import sys import os import time import httplib import subprocess from paver.easy import sh from pavelib.utils.envs import Env from pavelib.utils.process import run_background_process try: from pygments.console import colorize except ImportError: colorize = lambda color, text: text __test__ = False # do not collect def start_servers(default_store, coveragerc=None): """ Start the servers we will run tests on, returns PIDs for servers. """ coveragerc = coveragerc or Env.BOK_CHOY_COVERAGERC def start_server(cmd, logfile, cwd=None): """ Starts a single server. """ print cmd, logfile run_background_process(cmd, out_log=logfile, err_log=logfile, cwd=cwd) for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.iteritems(): address = "{}".format(info['port']) cmd = ( "DEFAULT_STORE={default_store} " "coverage run --rcfile={coveragerc} -m " "manage {service} --settings bok_choy runserver " "{address} --traceback --noreload".format( default_store=default_store, coveragerc=coveragerc, service=service, address=address, ) ) start_server(cmd, info['log']) for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_STUBS.iteritems(): cmd = ( "python -m stubs.start {service} {port} " "{config}".format( service=service, port=info['port'], config=info.get('config', ''), ) ) start_server(cmd, info['log'], cwd=Env.BOK_CHOY_STUB_DIR) def wait_for_server(server, port): """ Wait for a server to respond with status 200 """ print( "Checking server {server} on port {port}".format( server=server, port=port, ) ) attempts = 0 server_ok = False while attempts < 20: try: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(server, port, timeout=10) connection.request('GET', '/') response = connection.getresponse() if int(response.status) == 200: server_ok = True break except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass attempts += 1 time.sleep(1) return server_ok def wait_for_test_servers(): """ Wait until we get a successful response from the servers or time out """ for service, info in Env.BOK_CHOY_SERVERS.iteritems(): ready = wait_for_server("", info['port']) if not ready: msg = colorize( "red", "Could not contact {} test server".format(service) ) print msg sys.exit(1) def is_mongo_running(): """ Returns True if mongo is running, False otherwise. """ # The mongo command will connect to the service, # failing with a non-zero exit code if it cannot connect. output = os.popen('mongo --eval "print(\'running\')"').read() return output and "running" in output def is_memcache_running(): """ Returns True if memcache is running, False otherwise. """ # Attempt to set a key in memcache. If we cannot do so because the # service is not available, then this will return False. return Env.BOK_CHOY_CACHE.set('test', 'test') def is_mysql_running(): """ Returns True if mysql is running, False otherwise. """ # We need to check whether or not mysql is running as a process # even if it is not daemonized. with open(os.devnull, 'w') as os_devnull: #pgrep returns the PID, which we send to /dev/null returncode = subprocess.call("pgrep mysqld", stdout=os_devnull, shell=True) return returncode == 0 def clear_mongo(): """ Clears mongo database. """ sh( "mongo {} --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' > /dev/null".format( Env.BOK_CHOY_MONGO_DATABASE, ) ) def check_mongo(): """ Check that mongo is running """ if not is_mongo_running(): msg = colorize('red', "Mongo is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) def check_memcache(): """ Check that memcache is running """ if not is_memcache_running(): msg = colorize('red', "Memcache is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) def check_mysql(): """ Check that mysql is running """ if not is_mysql_running(): msg = colorize('red', "MySQL is not running locally.") print msg sys.exit(1) def check_services(): """ Check that all required services are running """ check_mongo() check_memcache() check_mysql()