Utilities for django models.
import unicodedata
import re

from eventtracking import tracker

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.dispatch import Signal

from django_countries.fields import Country

# The setting name used for events when "settings" (account settings, preferences, profile information) change.
USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED_EVENT_NAME = u'edx.user.settings.changed'
# Used to signal a field value change
USER_FIELD_CHANGED = Signal(providing_args=["user", "table", "setting", "old_value", "new_value"])

def get_changed_fields_dict(instance, model_class):
    Helper method for tracking field changes on a model.

    Given a model instance and class, return a dict whose keys are that
    instance's fields which differ from the last saved ones and whose values
    are the old values of those fields.  Related fields are not considered.

        instance (Model instance): the model instance with changes that are
            being tracked
        model_class (Model class): the class of the model instance we are

        dict: a mapping of field names to current database values of those
            fields, or an empty dict if the model is new
        old_model = model_class.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)
    except model_class.DoesNotExist:
        # Object is new, so fields haven't technically changed.  We'll return
        # an empty dict as a default value.
        return {}
        # We want to compare all of the scalar fields on the model, but none of
        # the relations.
        field_names = [f.name for f in model_class._meta.get_fields() if not f.is_relation]     # pylint: disable=protected-access
        changed_fields = {
            field_name: getattr(old_model, field_name) for field_name in field_names
            if getattr(old_model, field_name) != getattr(instance, field_name)

        return changed_fields

def emit_field_changed_events(instance, user, db_table, excluded_fields=None, hidden_fields=None):
    """Emits a settings changed event for each field that has changed.

    Note that this function expects that a `_changed_fields` dict has been set
    as an attribute on `instance` (see `get_changed_fields_dict`.

        instance (Model instance): the model instance that is being saved
        user (User): the user that this instance is associated with
        db_table (str): the name of the table that we're modifying
        excluded_fields (list): a list of field names for which events should
            not be emitted
        hidden_fields (list): a list of field names specifying fields whose
            values should not be included in the event (None will be used

    def clean_field(field_name, value):
        Prepare a field to be emitted in a JSON serializable format.  If
        `field_name` is a hidden field, return None.
        if field_name in hidden_fields:
            return None
        # Country is not JSON serializable.  Return the country code.
        if isinstance(value, Country):
            if value.code:
                return value.code
                return None
        return value

    excluded_fields = excluded_fields or []
    hidden_fields = hidden_fields or []
    changed_fields = getattr(instance, '_changed_fields', {})
    for field_name in changed_fields:
        if field_name not in excluded_fields:
            old_value = clean_field(field_name, changed_fields[field_name])
            new_value = clean_field(field_name, getattr(instance, field_name))
            emit_setting_changed_event(user, db_table, field_name, old_value, new_value)
    # Remove the now inaccurate _changed_fields attribute.
    if hasattr(instance, '_changed_fields'):
        del instance._changed_fields

def truncate_fields(old_value, new_value):
    Truncates old_value and new_value for analytics event emission if necessary.

        old_value(obj): the value before the change
        new_value(obj): the new value being saved

        a dictionary with the following fields:
            'old': the truncated old value
            'new': the truncated new value
            'truncated': the list of fields that have been truncated
    # Compute the maximum value length so that two copies can fit into the maximum event size
    # in addition to all the other fields recorded.
    max_value_length = settings.TRACK_MAX_EVENT / 4

    serialized_old_value, old_was_truncated = _get_truncated_setting_value(old_value, max_length=max_value_length)
    serialized_new_value, new_was_truncated = _get_truncated_setting_value(new_value, max_length=max_value_length)
    truncated_values = []
    if old_was_truncated:
    if new_was_truncated:

    return {'old': serialized_old_value, 'new': serialized_new_value, 'truncated': truncated_values}

def emit_setting_changed_event(user, db_table, setting_name, old_value, new_value):
    """Emits an event for a change in a setting.

        user (User): the user that this setting is associated with.
        db_table (str): the name of the table that we're modifying.
        setting_name (str): the name of the setting being changed.
        old_value (object): the value before the change.
        new_value (object): the new value being saved.

    truncated_fields = truncate_fields(old_value, new_value)

    truncated_fields['setting'] = setting_name
    truncated_fields['user_id'] = user.id
    truncated_fields['table'] = db_table


    # Announce field change
    USER_FIELD_CHANGED.send(sender=None, user=user, table=db_table, setting=setting_name,
                            old_value=old_value, new_value=new_value)

def _get_truncated_setting_value(value, max_length=None):
    Returns the truncated form of a setting value.

        truncated_value (object): the possibly truncated version of the value.
        was_truncated (bool): returns true if the serialized value was truncated.
    if isinstance(value, basestring) and max_length is not None and len(value) > max_length:
        return value[0:max_length], True
        return value, False

# Taken from Django 1.8 source code because it's not supported in 1.4
def slugify(value):
    """Converts value into a string suitable for readable URLs.

    Converts to ASCII. Converts spaces to hyphens. Removes characters that
    aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Converts to lowercase.
    Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.

        value (string): String to slugify.
    value = force_unicode(value)
    value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
    value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower()
    return mark_safe(re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value))