Feature: One-click unsubscribe As a user with notifications enabled I want to be able to unsubscribe from notifications Scenario: Unsubscribe when not logged in Given I am an edX user And I am not logged in And I have notifications enabled When I access my unsubscribe url Then my notifications should be disabled And I should see "Unsubscribe Successful!" somewhere on the page And I should see "Click here to return to your dashboard" somewhere on the page And I should see a link to "/dashboard" with the text "here" Scenario: Unsubscribe when logged in Given I am a logged in user And I have notifications enabled When I access my unsubscribe url Then my notifications should be disabled And I should see "Unsubscribe Successful!" somewhere on the page And I should see "Click here to return to your dashboard" somewhere on the page And I should see a link to "/dashboard" with the text "here"