""" Table for storing information about whether or not Studio users have course creation privileges. """ from django.db import models from django.db.models.signals import post_init, post_save from django.dispatch import receiver, Signal from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ # A signal that will be sent when users should be added or removed from the creator group update_creator_state = Signal(providing_args=["caller", "user", "state"]) # A signal that will be sent when admin should be notified of a pending user request send_admin_notification = Signal(providing_args=["user"]) # A signal that will be sent when user should be notified of change in course creator privileges send_user_notification = Signal(providing_args=["user", "state"]) class CourseCreator(models.Model): """ Creates the database table model. """ UNREQUESTED = 'unrequested' PENDING = 'pending' GRANTED = 'granted' DENIED = 'denied' # Second value is the "human-readable" version. STATES = ( (UNREQUESTED, _(u'unrequested')), (PENDING, _(u'pending')), (GRANTED, _(u'granted')), (DENIED, _(u'denied')), ) user = models.OneToOneField(User, help_text=_("Studio user")) state_changed = models.DateTimeField('state last updated', auto_now_add=True, help_text=_("The date when state was last updated")) state = models.CharField(max_length=24, blank=False, choices=STATES, default=UNREQUESTED, help_text=_("Current course creator state")) note = models.CharField(max_length=512, blank=True, help_text=_("Optional notes about this user (for example, " "why course creation access was denied)")) def __unicode__(self): return u"{0} | {1} [{2}]".format(self.user, self.state, self.state_changed) @receiver(post_init, sender=CourseCreator) def post_init_callback(sender, **kwargs): """ Extend to store previous state. """ instance = kwargs['instance'] instance.orig_state = instance.state @receiver(post_save, sender=CourseCreator) def post_save_callback(sender, **kwargs): """ Extend to update state_changed time and fire event to update course creator group, if appropriate. """ instance = kwargs['instance'] # We only wish to modify the state_changed time if the state has been modified. We don't wish to # modify it for changes to the notes field. if instance.state != instance.orig_state: granted_state_change = instance.state == CourseCreator.GRANTED or instance.orig_state == CourseCreator.GRANTED # If either old or new state is 'granted', we must manipulate the course creator # group maintained by authz. That requires staff permissions (stored admin). if granted_state_change: assert hasattr(instance, 'admin'), 'Must have stored staff user to change course creator group' update_creator_state.send( sender=sender, caller=instance.admin, user=instance.user, state=instance.state ) # If user has been denied access, granted access, or previously granted access has been # revoked, send a notification message to the user. if instance.state == CourseCreator.DENIED or granted_state_change: send_user_notification.send( sender=sender, user=instance.user, state=instance.state ) # If the user has gone into the 'pending' state, send a notification to interested admin. if instance.state == CourseCreator.PENDING: send_admin_notification.send( sender=sender, user=instance.user ) instance.state_changed = timezone.now() instance.orig_state = instance.state instance.save()