<%inherit file="base.html" />
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.conf import settings
<%block name="bodyclass">error</%block>
<%block name="title">
  % if error == '404':
    404 - ${_("Page Not Found")}
  % elif error == '500':
    500 - ${_("Internal Server Error")}
  % endif

help_link_start = '<a href="mailto:{email}">'.format(email=settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
help_link_end = '</a>'

<%block name="content">
  <article class="error-prompt">
    % if error == '404':
      <h1>${_("The Page You Requested Page Cannot be Found")}</h1>
      <p class="description">${_("We're sorry. We couldn't find the {studio_name} page you're looking for. You may want to return to the {studio_name} Dashboard and try again. If you are still having problems accessing things, please feel free to {link_start}contact {studio_name} support{link_end} for further help.").format(
    % elif error == '500':
      <h1>${_("The Server Encountered an Error")}</h1>
      <p class="description">${_("We're sorry. There was a problem with the server while trying to process your last request. You may want to return to the {studio_name} Dashboard or try this request again. If you are still having problems accessing things, please feel free to {link_start}contact {studio_name} support{link_end} for further help.").format(
    % endif
    <a href="/" class="back-button">${_("Back to dashboard")}</a>