/** * @fileoverview YouTube Media Controller - Wrapper for YouTube Media API */ /** * YouTube Media Controller - Wrapper for YouTube Media API * @param {videojs.Player|Object} player * @param {Object=} options * @param {Function=} ready * @constructor */ videojs.Youtube = videojs.MediaTechController.extend({ /** @constructor */ init: function(player, options, ready){ videojs.MediaTechController.call(this, player, options, ready); // No event is triggering this for YouTube this.features['progressEvents'] = false; this.features['timeupdateEvents'] = false; // Copy the JavaScript options if they exists if (typeof options['source'] != 'undefined') { for (var key in options['source']) { player.options()[key] = options['source'][key]; } } this.userQuality = videojs.Youtube.convertQualityName(player.options()['quality']); // Save those for internal usage this.player_ = player; this.player_el_ = document.getElementById(player.id()); this.player_el_.className += ' vjs-youtube'; // Mobile devices are using their own native players if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*AppleWebKit/i)) { player.options()['ytcontrols'] = true; } // Create the Quality button this.qualityButton = document.createElement('div'); this.qualityButton.setAttribute('class', 'vjs-quality-button vjs-menu-button vjs-control'); this.qualityButton.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); var qualityContent = document.createElement('div'); this.qualityButton.appendChild(qualityContent); this.qualityTitle = document.createElement('span'); qualityContent.appendChild(this.qualityTitle); var qualityMenu = document.createElement('div'); qualityMenu.setAttribute('class', 'vjs-menu'); this.qualityButton.appendChild(qualityMenu); this.qualityMenuContent = document.createElement('ul'); this.qualityMenuContent.setAttribute('class', 'vjs-menu-content'); qualityMenu.appendChild(this.qualityMenuContent); this.id_ = this.player_.id() + '_youtube_api'; this.el_ = videojs.Component.prototype.createEl('iframe', { id: this.id_, className: 'vjs-tech', scrolling: 'no', marginWidth: 0, marginHeight: 0, frameBorder: 0, webkitAllowFullScreen: 'true', mozallowfullscreen: 'true', allowFullScreen: 'true' }); // This makes sure the mousemove is not lost within the iframe // Only way to make sure the control bar shows when we come back in the video player this.iframeblocker = videojs.Component.prototype.createEl('div', { className: 'iframeblocker' }); // Make sure to not block the play or pause var self = this; var toggleThis = function() { if (self.paused()) { self.play(); } else { self.pause(); } }; this.iframeblocker.addEventListener('click', toggleThis); this.iframeblocker.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { if (!self.player_.userActive()) { self.player_.userActive(true); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); if (!this.player_.options()['ytcontrols']) { // Before the tech is ready, we have to take care of the play action this.iframeblocker.style.display = 'block'; } this.player_el_.insertBefore(this.iframeblocker, this.player_el_.firstChild); this.player_el_.insertBefore(this.el_, this.iframeblocker); this.parseSrc(player.options()['src']); this.playOnReady = this.player_.options()['autoplay'] || false; var params = { enablejsapi: 1, iv_load_policy: 3, playerapiid: this.id(), disablekb: 1, wmode: 'transparent', controls: (this.player_.options()['ytcontrols'])?1:0, showinfo: 0, modestbranding: 1, rel: 0, autoplay: (this.playOnReady)?1:0, loop: (this.player_.options()['loop'])?1:0, list: this.playlistId, vq: this.userQuality }; if (typeof params.list == 'undefined') { delete params.list; } // If we are not on a server, don't specify the origin (it will crash) if (window.location.protocol != 'file:'){ params.origin = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; this.el_.src = window.location.protocol + '//www.youtube.com/embed/' + this.videoId + '?' + videojs.Youtube.makeQueryString(params); } else { this.el_.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + this.videoId + '?' + videojs.Youtube.makeQueryString(params); } var self = this; player.ready(function(){ var controlBar = self.player_el_.getElementsByClassName('vjs-control-bar')[0]; controlBar.appendChild(self.qualityButton); if (self.playOnReady && !self.player_.options()['ytcontrols']) { self.player_.loadingSpinner.show(); self.player_.bigPlayButton.hide(); } }); if (this.player_.options()['ytcontrols']){ // Disable the video.js controls if we use the YouTube controls this.player_.controls(false); } else { // Show the YouTube poster if their is no custom poster if (!this.player_.poster()) { if (this.videoId == null) { // Set the black background if their is no video initially this.iframeblocker.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; } else { this.player_.poster('https://img.youtube.com/vi/' + this.videoId + '/0.jpg'); } } } if (videojs.Youtube.apiReady){ this.loadYoutube(); } else { // Add to the queue because the YouTube API is not ready videojs.Youtube.loadingQueue.push(this); // Load the YouTube API if it is the first YouTube video if(!videojs.Youtube.apiLoading){ var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = '//www.youtube.com/iframe_api'; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); videojs.Youtube.apiLoading = true; } } this.on('dispose', function() { // Get rid of the created DOM elements this.el_.parentNode.removeChild(this.el_); this.iframeblocker.parentNode.removeChild(this.iframeblocker); this.qualityButton.parentNode.removeChild(this.qualityButton); this.player_.loadingSpinner.hide(); this.player_.bigPlayButton.hide(); }); } }); videojs.Youtube.prototype.parseSrc = function(src){ this.srcVal = src; if (src) { // Regex to parse the video ID var regId = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = src.match(regId); if (match && match[2].length == 11){ this.videoId = match[2]; } else { this.videoId = null; } // Regex to parse the playlist ID var regPlaylist = /[?&]list=([^#\&\?]+)/; match = src.match(regPlaylist); if (match != null && match.length > 1) { this.playlistId = match[1]; } else { // Make sure their is no playlist if (this.playlistId) { delete this.playlistId; } } // Parse video quality option var regVideoQuality = /[?&]vq=([^#\&\?]+)/; match = src.match(regVideoQuality); if (match != null && match.length > 1) { this.userQuality = match[1]; } } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.src = function(src){ if (src) { this.parseSrc(src); if (this.videoId == null) { // Set the black background if the URL isn't valid this.iframeblocker.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; this.iframeblocker.style.display = 'block'; } else { this.ytplayer.loadVideoById({ videoId: this.videoId, suggestedQuality: this.userQuality }); // Update the poster this.player_el_.getElementsByClassName('vjs-poster')[0].style.backgroundImage = 'url(https://img.youtube.com/vi/' + this.videoId + '/0.jpg)'; this.iframeblocker.style.backgroundColor = ''; this.iframeblocker.style.display = ''; this.player_.poster('https://img.youtube.com/vi/' + this.videoId + '/0.jpg'); } } return this.srcVal; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.load = function(){}; videojs.Youtube.prototype.play = function(){ if (this.videoId != null) { // Make sure to not display the spinner for mobile if (!this.player_.options()['ytcontrols']) { // Display the spinner until the video is playing by YouTube this.player_.trigger('waiting'); } if (this.isReady_){ this.ytplayer.playVideo(); } else { this.playOnReady = true; } } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.pause = function(){ this.ytplayer.pauseVideo(); }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.paused = function(){ return (this.ytplayer)?(this.lastState !== YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && this.lastState !== YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING):true; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.currentTime = function(){ return (this.ytplayer && this.ytplayer.getCurrentTime)?this.ytplayer.getCurrentTime():0; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.setCurrentTime = function(seconds){ this.ytplayer.seekTo(seconds, true); this.player_.trigger('timeupdate'); }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.duration = function(){ return (this.ytplayer && this.ytplayer.getDuration)?this.ytplayer.getDuration():0; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.volume = function() { if (this.ytplayer && isNaN(this.volumeVal)) { this.volumeVal = this.ytplayer.getVolume() / 100.0; } return this.volumeVal; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.setVolume = function(percentAsDecimal){ if (percentAsDecimal && percentAsDecimal != this.volumeVal) { this.ytplayer.setVolume(percentAsDecimal * 100.0); this.volumeVal = percentAsDecimal; this.player_.trigger('volumechange'); } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.muted = function() { return this.mutedVal; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.setMuted = function(muted) { if (muted) { this.ytplayer.mute(); } else { this.ytplayer.unMute(); } this.mutedVal = muted; this.player_.trigger('volumechange'); }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.buffered = function(){ if (this.ytplayer && this.ytplayer.getVideoBytesLoaded) { var loadedBytes = this.ytplayer.getVideoBytesLoaded(); var totalBytes = this.ytplayer.getVideoBytesTotal(); if (!loadedBytes || !totalBytes) return 0; var duration = this.ytplayer.getDuration(); var secondsBuffered = (loadedBytes / totalBytes) * duration; var secondsOffset = (this.ytplayer.getVideoStartBytes() / totalBytes) * duration; return videojs.createTimeRange(secondsOffset, secondsOffset + secondsBuffered); } else { return videojs.createTimeRange(0, 0); } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.supportsFullScreen = function(){ return true; }; // YouTube is supported on all platforms videojs.Youtube.isSupported = function(){ return true; }; // You can use video/youtube as a media in your HTML5 video to specify the source videojs.Youtube.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){ return (srcObj.type == 'video/youtube'); }; // Always can control the volume videojs.Youtube.canControlVolume = function(){ return true; }; ////////////////////////////// YouTube specific functions ////////////////////////////// // All videos created before YouTube API is loaded videojs.Youtube.loadingQueue = []; // Create the YouTube player videojs.Youtube.prototype.loadYoutube = function(){ this.ytplayer = new YT.Player(this.id_, { events: { onReady: function(e) { e.target.vjsTech.onReady(); }, onStateChange: function(e) { e.target.vjsTech.onStateChange(e.data); }, onPlaybackQualityChange: function(e){ e.target.vjsTech.onPlaybackQualityChange(e.data); }, onError: function(e){ e.target.vjsTech.onError(e.data); } } }); this.ytplayer.vjsTech = this; }; // Transform a JavaScript object into URL params videojs.Youtube.makeQueryString = function(args){ var array = []; for (var key in args){ if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)){ array.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(args[key])); } } return array.join('&'); }; // Called when YouTube API is ready to be used window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function(){ var yt; while ((yt = videojs.Youtube.loadingQueue.shift())){ yt.loadYoutube(); } videojs.Youtube.loadingQueue = []; videojs.Youtube.apiReady = true; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.onReady = function(){ this.isReady_ = true; this.triggerReady(); // Let the player take care of itself as soon as the YouTube is ready // The loading spinner while waiting for the tech would be impossible otherwise this.iframeblocker.style.display = ''; this.player_.loadingSpinner.hide(); if (this.player_.options()['muted']) { this.setMuted(true); } // Play ASAP if they clicked play before it's ready if (this.playOnReady) { this.playOnReady = false; this.play(); } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.updateQualities = function(){ var qualities = this.ytplayer.getAvailableQualityLevels(); if (qualities.length == 0) { this.qualityButton.style.display = 'none'; } else { this.qualityButton.style.display = ''; while (this.qualityMenuContent.hasChildNodes()) { this.qualityMenuContent.removeChild(this.qualityMenuContent.lastChild); } for (var i = 0; i < qualities.length; ++i) { var el = document.createElement('li'); el.setAttribute('class', 'vjs-menu-item'); setInnerText(el, videojs.Youtube.parseQualityName(qualities[i])); el.setAttribute('data-val', qualities[i]); if (qualities[i] == this.quality) el.classList.add('vjs-selected'); var self = this; el.addEventListener('click', function() { var quality = this.getAttribute('data-val'); self.ytplayer.setPlaybackQuality(quality); setInnerText(self.qualityTitle, videojs.Youtube.parseQualityName(quality)); var selected = self.qualityMenuContent.querySelector('.vjs-selected'); if (selected) selected.classList.remove('vjs-selected'); this.classList.add('vjs-selected'); }); this.qualityMenuContent.appendChild(el); } } }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.onStateChange = function(state){ if (state != this.lastState){ switch(state){ case -1: this.player_.trigger('durationchange'); break; case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: // Replace YouTube play button by our own if (!this.player_.options()['ytcontrols']) { this.player_el_.getElementsByClassName('vjs-poster')[0].style.display = 'block'; this.player_.bigPlayButton.show(); } this.player_.trigger('ended'); break; case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: // Make sure the big play is not there this.player_.bigPlayButton.hide(); this.updateQualities(); this.player_.trigger('timeupdate'); this.player_.trigger('durationchange'); this.player_.trigger('playing'); this.player_.trigger('play'); break; case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: this.player_.trigger('pause'); break; case YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING: this.player_.trigger('timeupdate'); // Make sure to not display the spinner for mobile if (!this.player_.options()['ytcontrols']) { this.player_.trigger('waiting'); } break; case YT.PlayerState.CUED: break; } this.lastState = state; } }; videojs.Youtube.convertQualityName = function(name) { switch (name) { case '144p': return 'tiny'; case '240p': return 'small'; case '360p': return 'medium'; case '480p': return 'large'; case '720p': return 'hd720'; case '1080p': return 'hd1080'; } return name; }; videojs.Youtube.parseQualityName = function(name) { switch (name) { case 'tiny': return '144p'; case 'small': return '240p'; case 'medium': return '360p'; case 'large': return '480p'; case 'hd720': return '720p'; case 'hd1080': return '1080p'; } return name; }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.onPlaybackQualityChange = function(quality){ this.quality = quality; setInnerText(this.qualityTitle, videojs.Youtube.parseQualityName(quality)); switch(quality){ case 'medium': this.player_.videoWidth = 480; this.player_.videoHeight = 360; break; case 'large': this.player_.videoWidth = 640; this.player_.videoHeight = 480; break; case 'hd720': this.player_.videoWidth = 960; this.player_.videoHeight = 720; break; case 'hd1080': this.player_.videoWidth = 1440; this.player_.videoHeight = 1080; break; case 'highres': this.player_.videoWidth = 1920; this.player_.videoHeight = 1080; break; case 'small': this.player_.videoWidth = 320; this.player_.videoHeight = 240; break; case 'tiny': this.player_.videoWidth = 144; this.player_.videoHeight = 108; break; default: this.player_.videoWidth = 0; this.player_.videoHeight = 0; break; } this.player_.trigger('ratechange'); }; videojs.Youtube.prototype.onError = function(error){ this.player_.error = error; this.player_.trigger('error'); }; //Cross browser solution to add text content to an element function setInnerText(element, text) { var textProperty = ('innerText' in element)? 'innerText' : 'textContent'; element[textProperty] = text; } // Stretch the YouTube poster // Keep the iframeblocker in front of the player when the user is inactive // (ONLY way because the iframe is so selfish with events) (function() { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = 'text/css'; var css = " .vjs-youtube .vjs-poster { background-size: cover; }.iframeblocker { display:none;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;cursor:pointer;z-index:2; }.vjs-youtube.vjs-user-inactive .iframeblocker { display:block; } .vjs-quality-button > div:first-child > span:first-child { position:relative;top:7px }"; setInnerText(style, css); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); })();