""" This config file runs the simplest dev environment using sqlite, and db-based sessions. Assumes structure: /envroot/ /db # This is where it'll write the database file /mitx # The location of this repo /log # Where we're going to write log files """ import socket if 'eecs1' in socket.gethostname(): MITX_ROOT_URL = '/mitx2' from .common import * from logsettings import get_logger_config from .dev import * if 'eecs1' in socket.gethostname(): MITX_ROOT_URL = '/mitx2' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edx4edx content server EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' MITX_FEATURES['REROUTE_ACTIVATION_EMAIL'] = 'ichuang@mitx.mit.edu' EDX4EDX_ROOT = ENV_ROOT / "data/edx4edx" #EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ichuang DEBUG = True ENABLE_MULTICOURSE = True # set to False to disable multicourse display (see lib.util.views.mitxhome) QUICKEDIT = True MAKO_TEMPLATES['course'] = [DATA_DIR, EDX4EDX_ROOT ] #MITX_FEATURES['USE_DJANGO_PIPELINE'] = False MITX_FEATURES['DISPLAY_HISTOGRAMS_TO_STAFF'] = False MITX_FEATURES['DISPLAY_EDIT_LINK'] = True COURSE_DEFAULT = "edx4edx" COURSE_NAME = "edx4edx" COURSE_NUMBER = "edX.01" COURSE_TITLE = "edx4edx: edX Author Course" SITE_NAME = "ichuang.mitx.mit.edu" COURSE_SETTINGS = {'edx4edx': {'number' : 'edX.01', 'title' : 'edx4edx: edX Author Course', 'xmlpath': '/edx4edx/', 'github_url': 'https://github.com/MITx/edx4edx', 'active' : True, 'default_chapter' : 'Introduction', 'default_section' : 'edx4edx_Course', }, } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES + ( 'ssl_auth.ssl_auth.NginxProxyHeaderMiddleware', # ssl authentication behind nginx proxy ) AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'ssl_auth.ssl_auth.SSLLoginBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) INSTALLED_APPS = INSTALLED_APPS + ( 'ssl_auth', ) LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = MITX_ROOT_URL + '/' LOGIN_URL = MITX_ROOT_URL + '/'