# coding=UTF-8 """ tests for overrides """ import datetime import mock import pytz from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator from django.test.utils import override_settings from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from courseware.courses import get_course_by_id from courseware.field_overrides import OverrideFieldData from courseware.testutils import FieldOverrideTestMixin from lms.djangoapps.ccx.models import CustomCourseForEdX from lms.djangoapps.ccx.overrides import override_field_for_ccx from lms.djangoapps.ccx.tests.utils import flatten, iter_blocks from lms.djangoapps.courseware.tests.test_field_overrides import inject_field_overrides from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache from student.tests.factories import AdminFactory from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import TEST_DATA_SPLIT_MODULESTORE, SharedModuleStoreTestCase from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory @attr(shard=1) @override_settings( XBLOCK_FIELD_DATA_WRAPPERS=['lms.djangoapps.courseware.field_overrides:OverrideModulestoreFieldData.wrap'], MODULESTORE_FIELD_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS=['ccx.overrides.CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider'], ) class TestFieldOverrides(FieldOverrideTestMixin, SharedModuleStoreTestCase): """ Make sure field overrides behave in the expected manner. """ MODULESTORE = TEST_DATA_SPLIT_MODULESTORE @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Course is created here and shared by all the class's tests. """ super(TestFieldOverrides, cls).setUpClass() cls.course = CourseFactory.create() cls.course.enable_ccx = True # Create a course outline start = datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 12, 2, 42, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) due = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 7, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapters = [ItemFactory.create(start=start, parent=cls.course) for _ in xrange(2)] sequentials = flatten([ [ItemFactory.create(parent=chapter) for _ in xrange(2)] for chapter in chapters]) verticals = flatten([ [ItemFactory.create(due=due, parent=sequential) for _ in xrange(2)] for sequential in sequentials]) blocks = flatten([ # pylint: disable=unused-variable [ItemFactory.create(parent=vertical) for _ in xrange(2)] for vertical in verticals]) def setUp(self): """ Set up tests """ super(TestFieldOverrides, self).setUp() self.ccx = ccx = CustomCourseForEdX( course_id=self.course.id, display_name='Test CCX', coach=AdminFactory.create()) ccx.save() patch = mock.patch('ccx.overrides.get_current_ccx') self.get_ccx = get_ccx = patch.start() get_ccx.return_value = ccx self.addCleanup(patch.stop) self.addCleanup(RequestCache.clear_request_cache) inject_field_overrides(iter_blocks(ccx.course), self.course, AdminFactory.create()) self.ccx_key = CCXLocator.from_course_locator(self.course.id, ccx.id) self.ccx_course = get_course_by_id(self.ccx_key, depth=None) def cleanup_provider_classes(): """ After everything is done, clean up by un-doing the change to the OverrideFieldData object that is done during the wrap method. """ OverrideFieldData.provider_classes = None self.addCleanup(cleanup_provider_classes) def test_override_start(self): """ Test that overriding start date on a chapter works. """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) self.assertEquals(chapter.start, ccx_start) def test_override_num_queries_new_field(self): """ Test that for creating new field executed only create query """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] # One outer SAVEPOINT/RELEASE SAVEPOINT pair around everything caused by the # transaction.atomic decorator wrapping override_field_for_ccx. # One SELECT and one INSERT. # One inner SAVEPOINT/RELEASE SAVEPOINT pair around the INSERT caused by the # transaction.atomic down in Django's get_or_create()/_create_object_from_params(). with self.assertNumQueries(6): override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) def test_override_num_queries_update_existing_field(self): """ Test that overriding existing field executed create, fetch and update queries. """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) new_ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) with self.assertNumQueries(3): override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', new_ccx_start) def test_override_num_queries_field_value_not_changed(self): """ Test that if value of field does not changed no query execute. """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) with self.assertNumQueries(2): # 2 savepoints override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) def test_overriden_field_access_produces_no_extra_queries(self): """ Test no extra queries when accessing an overriden field more than once. """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] # One outer SAVEPOINT/RELEASE SAVEPOINT pair around everything caused by the # transaction.atomic decorator wrapping override_field_for_ccx. # One SELECT and one INSERT. # One inner SAVEPOINT/RELEASE SAVEPOINT pair around the INSERT caused by the # transaction.atomic down in Django's get_or_create()/_create_object_from_params(). with self.assertNumQueries(6): override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) def test_override_is_inherited(self): """ Test that sequentials inherit overridden start date from chapter. """ ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start) self.assertEquals(chapter.get_children()[0].start, ccx_start) self.assertEquals(chapter.get_children()[1].start, ccx_start) def test_override_is_inherited_even_if_set_in_mooc(self): """ Test that a due date set on a chapter is inherited by grandchildren (verticals) even if a due date is set explicitly on grandchildren in the mooc. """ ccx_due = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) chapter = self.ccx_course.get_children()[0] chapter.display_name = 'itsme!' override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'due', ccx_due) vertical = chapter.get_children()[0].get_children()[0] self.assertEqual(vertical.due, ccx_due)