django>=1.4,<1.5 pip numpy scipy Markdown<2.3.0 pygments lxml boto mako python-memcached python-openid django_debug_toolbar fs beautifulsoup beautifulsoup4 feedparser requests newrelic glob2 pymongo django_nose nosexcover rednose GitPython >= 0.3 django-override-settings mock>=0.8, <0.9 PyYAML South pytz django-celery django-countries django-kombu django-followit django-jasmine django-keyedcache django-mako django-masquerade django-openid-auth django-robots django-ses django-storages django-threaded-multihost django-sekizai<0.7 django-mptt>=0.5.3 sorl-thumbnail networkx pygraphviz -r repo-requirements.txt pil nltk django-debug-toolbar-mongo dogstatsd-python # Taking out MySQL-python for now because it requires mysql to be installed, so breaks updates on content folks' envs. # MySQL-python sphinx