 * Entry point for the payment/verification flow.
 * This loads the base view, which in turn loads
 * subviews for each step in the flow.
 * We pass some information to the base view
 * using "data-" attributes on the parent div.
 * See "pay_and_verify.html" for the exact attribute names.
var edx = edx || {};

(function( $, _ ) {
    'use strict';
    var errorView,
        el = $('#pay-and-verify-container');

    edx.verify_student = edx.verify_student || {};

    // Initialize an error view for displaying top-level error messages.
    errorView = new edx.verify_student.ErrorView({
        el: $('#error-container')

    // Initialize the base view, passing in information
    // from the data attributes on the parent div.
    // The data attributes capture information that only
    // the server knows about, such as the course and course mode info,
    // full URL paths to static underscore templates,
    // and some messaging.
    return new edx.verify_student.PayAndVerifyView({
        errorModel: errorView.model,
        displaySteps: el.data('display-steps'),
        currentStep: el.data('current-step'),
        courseKey: el.data('course-key'),
        checkpointLocation: el.data('checkpoint-location'),
        stepInfo: {
            'intro-step': {
                courseName: el.data('course-name'),
                hasPaid: el.data('msg-key') === 'verify-now' || el.data('msg-key') === 'verify-later',
                isActive: el.data('is-active'),
                platformName: el.data('platform-name'),
                requirements: el.data('requirements')
            'make-payment-step': {
                isActive: el.data('is-active'),
                requirements: el.data('requirements'),
                courseKey: el.data('course-key'),
                courseName: el.data('course-name'),
                hasVisibleReqs: _.some(
                    function( isVisible ) { return isVisible; }
                upgrade: el.data('msg-key') === 'upgrade',
                minPrice: el.data('course-mode-min-price'),
                sku: el.data('course-mode-sku'),
                contributionAmount: el.data('contribution-amount'),
                suggestedPrices: _.filter(
                    function( price ) { return Boolean( price ); }
                currency: el.data('course-mode-currency'),
                processors: el.data('processors'),
                verificationDeadline: el.data('verification-deadline'),
                courseModeSlug: el.data('course-mode-slug'),
                alreadyVerified: el.data('already-verified'),
                verificationGoodUntil: el.data('verification-good-until'),
                isABTesting:  el.data('is-ab-testing')
            'payment-confirmation-step': {
                courseKey: el.data('course-key'),
                courseName: el.data('course-name'),
                courseStartDate: el.data('course-start-date'),
                coursewareUrl: el.data('courseware-url'),
                platformName: el.data('platform-name'),
                requirements: el.data('requirements')
            'face-photo-step': {
                platformName: el.data('platform-name'),
                captureSoundPath: el.data('capture-sound')
            'id-photo-step': {
                platformName: el.data('platform-name'),
                captureSoundPath: el.data('capture-sound')
            'review-photos-step': {
                fullName: el.data('full-name'),
                platformName: el.data('platform-name')
            'enrollment-confirmation-step': {
                courseName: el.data('course-name'),
                courseStartDate: el.data('course-start-date'),
                coursewareUrl: el.data('courseware-url'),
                platformName: el.data('platform-name')
})( jQuery, _ );