Share Annotation Plugin v1.0 (https://github.com/danielcebrian/share-annotator)
Copyright (C) 2014 Daniel Cebrian Robles
License: https://github.com/danielcebrian/share-annotator/blob/master/License.rst

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
var _ref,
  __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
  __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
  __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };

Annotator.Plugin.Share = (function(_super) {
    __extends(Share, _super);
    // Default Share configuration
    Share.prototype.options = {
        shareIn: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'email', 'google'],
        getUrl: {
            'facebook':function(title, link, noteText){
                return 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?s=100&p[url]=' + link + '&p[title]=' + encodeURIComponent('Open Video Annotation') + '&p[summary]=' + noteText;
            'twitter':function(title, link, noteText){
                return 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=' + link + '&source=tweetbutton&url=' + link + "&via=OpenVideoAnnotation&text=" + encodeURIComponent('I want to share the following Open Video Annotation: ');
            'google':function(title, link, noteText){
                return 'https://plus.google.com/share?url=' + link;
            'email': function(title, link, noteText){
                return 'mailto:?subject=' + title + '&body=' + link;
        baseUrl: '', // baseUrl = the base url for all the shared annotations

    function Share(element, options) {
        if (typeof options!='undefined')
            this.options.shareIn = typeof options.shareIn!='undefined'?options.shareIn:this.options.shareIn;
        this.buildHTMLShareButton = __bind(this.buildHTMLShareButton, this);
        this.runningAPI = __bind(this.runningAPI, this);
        this.updateViewer = __bind(this.updateViewer, this);
        _ref = Share.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
        return _ref;

    Share.prototype.field = null;

    Share.prototype.input = null;

    Share.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
        // Check that annotator is working
        if (!Annotator.supported()) {
        // -- Editor
        this.field = this.annotator.editor.addField({
            type: 'input', // options (textarea, input, select, checkbox)

        // Modify the element created with annotator to be an invisible span
        var newfield = Annotator.$('<li class="annotator-item">' + this.buildHTMLShareButton('Share without saving:') + '</li>');
        // Create the actions for the buttons
        this.buttonsActions(this.field, 2, this.options.baseUrl); // 2 is the method of the API that will be for share without saving
        // Init the API plugin
        var APIoptions = this.initAPI();
        // -- Viewer
        var newview = this.annotator.viewer.addField({
            load: this.updateViewer,

        return this.input = $(this.field).find(':input');
    // Share button HTML
    Share.prototype.buildHTMLShareButton = function(title, id) {
        var title = title || '';
        var id = typeof id!='undefined'?'annotationId="' + id + '"':'';
        var titleText = title!=''?'<div class="share-text-annotator">' + title + '</div>':'';
        var shareButton = '<div class="share-button-annotator share-button" ' + id + '></div>';
        var popup = '<div class="share-popup-overlay-bg" style="z-index:30000000000"><div class="share-popup"><div class="share-popup-items"></div><div class="close-btn">Close</div></div></div>';
        // checks to make sure that no popup overlay already exists (though hidden) and creates a new one if it does not exist
        if($('.share-popup-overlay-bg').length === 0)
        return '<div class="share-container-annotator">' + titleText + shareButton + '</div>';
    // template for the design of the Share Plugin
    Share.prototype.buildHTMLPopup = function(title) {
        var buttons = '';
        if (typeof this.options.shareIn != 'undefined'){
            this.options.shareIn.forEach(function(item) { 
                buttons += '<div class="share-' + item + '-annotator share-button">' + item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.slice(1) + '</div>';
        this.uri = (typeof this.uri != 'undefined') ? this.uri : '';
        var title = '<div class="share-popup-title">' + title.replace(":", "") + '</div>';
        var copy = '<div class="share-popup-copy">Copy and Share:</div>';
        var uri = '<input type="text" class="share-popup-uri" onclick="javascript:this.select();" readonly="true" value="' + this.uri + '">';
        var popup = title + buttons + copy + uri;
        return popup;
    // Create the actions for the buttons
    Share.prototype.buttonsActions = function(field, method, url, annotation) {
        var share = this;
        //  hide popup when user clicks on close button
        $('.close-btn').click(function() {
        //  hides the popup if user clicks anywhere outside the container
        $('.share-popup-overlay-bg').click(function() {
        //  prevents the overlay from closing if user clicks inside the popup overlay
        $('.share-popup').click(function() {
            return false;
        //  Share button
        $(field).find('.share-button-annotator.share-button').click(function(event) {
            event.preventDefault(); //  disable normal link function so that it doesn't refresh the page
            annotation = share.getAnnotationFromId(event.currentTarget.attributes.annotationid);
            var _field = this;
            var ovaId = annotation.id;
            var title;
            if (method == 1) {
            	title = 'Share';
            } else {
            	title = 'Share without saving';
            //  share.uri will be useful for buildHTMLPopup functions
            share.uri = share.createAPIURL(method, ovaId, url, annotation); 
            // display your popup
            // build buttons
            // buttons actions
            if (typeof share.options.shareIn!='undefined'){
                share.options.shareIn.forEach(function(item) {
                    $('.share-' + item + '-annotator.share-button').click(function() {
                        var url = share.createAPIURL(method, ovaId, url, annotation);
                        var title = "Sharing a annotation with Open Video Annotation";
                        var link = encodeURIComponent(url);
                        var noteText = share.getSource('ovaText');
                        var finalUrl = '';
                        if (method==1){
                            var viewer = share.annotator.viewer;
                            var textarea = $(viewer.element).find('div:first').html();
                            noteText = encodeURIComponent(textarea);
                        finalUrl = typeof share.options.getUrl[item]!='undefined'?share.options.getUrl[item](title, link, noteText):'';
                        if (typeof share.options.getUrl[item]!='undefined')
    Share.prototype.createAPIURL = function(method, ovaId, url, annotation) {
        var annotator = this.annotator;
        var editor = annotator.editor;
        var method = method || 1;
        var url = annotation.uri || window.location.href;
        url += (url.indexOf('?') >= 0)? '&' : '?';
        if (method === 1){
            var ovaId = (typeof ovaId !='undefined') ? ovaId : '';
            url += 'ovaId=' + ovaId;
        } else if (method === 2){
            var ovaStart = this.getSource('ovaStart');
            var ovaEnd = this.getSource('ovaEnd');
            var ovaText = this.getSource('ovaText');

            url += 'ovaStart=' + ovaStart
                     + '&ovaEnd=' + ovaEnd
                     + '&ovaText=' + ovaText;
            if (typeof editor.VideoJS != 'undefined' && editor.VideoJS !== -1){// Video Annotation
                var ovaContainer = this.getSource('ovaContainer');
                var ovaSrc = this.getSource('ovaSrc');
                url += '&ovaContainer=' + ovaContainer
                     + '&ovaSrc=' + ovaSrc;
            } else {// Text Annotation
                var ovastartOffset = this.getSource('ovastartOffset');
                var ovaendOffset = this.getSource('ovaendOffset');
                url += '&ovastartOffset=' + ovastartOffset + '&ovaendOffset=' + ovaendOffset;
        return url;
    Share.prototype.getSource = function(source) {
        var source = source || '';
        if (source == 'ovaId') {// method 1
        } else {// method 2
            var annotator = this.annotator;
            var editor = annotator.editor;
            var textarea = $(editor.element).find('textarea')[0];

            if (source == 'ovaText')
                source = textarea.value;

            if (typeof editor.VideoJS!='undefined' && editor.VideoJS !== -1){// Video Annotation
                if (source == 'ovaContainer')
                    source = editor.VideoJS;
                else if (source == 'ovaSrc')
                    source = annotator.mplayer[editor.VideoJS].tech.options_.source.src;
                else if (source == 'ovaStart')
                    source = annotator.mplayer[editor.VideoJS].rangeslider.getValues().start;
                else if (source == 'ovaEnd')
                    source = annotator.mplayer[editor.VideoJS].rangeslider.getValues().end;
            } else {// Text Annotation
                var annotation = editor.annotation;
                if(source == 'ovastartOffset')
                    source = annotation.ranges[0].startOffset;
                else if (source == 'ovaendOffset')
                    source = annotation.ranges[0].endOffset;
                else if (source == 'ovaStart')
                    source = annotation.ranges[0].start;
                else if (source == 'ovaEnd')
                    source = annotation.ranges[0].end;
        return encodeURIComponent(source);
    Share.prototype.initAPI = function() {
        //  -- Detect API in the URL -- //
        The first option is to give a known id of an annotation
        Example http:// url.com/#id=rTcpOjIMT2aF1apDtboC-Q
        var API = {};
        var ovaId = this.getParameterByName('ovaId'); // Method 1 (Obligatory)
        var start = this.getParameterByName('ovaStart'); // Method 2 (Obligatory)
        var end = this.getParameterByName('ovaEnd'); // Method 2 (Obligatory)
        var container = this.getParameterByName('ovaContainer'); // Method 2 (Obligatory)
        var src = this.getParameterByName('ovaSrc'); // Method 2 (Obligatory)
        var text = this.getParameterByName('ovaText'); // Method 2 
        var user = this.getParameterByName('ovaUser'); // Method 2 
        var startOffset = this.getParameterByName('ovastartOffset'); // Method 2 
        var endOffset = this.getParameterByName('ovaendOffset');// Method 2 
        // remove the variables from the url browser
        var stripped_url = top.location.href;
        if (ovaId != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaId');
        if (start != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaStart');
        if (end != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaEnd');
        if (container != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaContainer');
        if (src != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaSrc');
        if (text != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaText');
        if (user != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaUser');
        if (startOffset != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovastartOffset');
        if (endOffset != '') stripped_url = this.removeVariableFromURL(stripped_url, 'ovaendOffset');
        window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", stripped_url);
        //  Method 1 API with the Id of the annotation
        // Example: http://danielcebrian.com/annotations/demo.html?&ovaId=wtva_SjnQb2HtqppDihKug
        if (ovaId != '') {
            $.extend(API, {method:1, ovaId:ovaId});
        // Method 2 API with all the parameter to load the annotation
        // Example with video: http://danielcebrian.com/annotations/demo.html?ovaContainer=vid1&ovaSrc=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo-js.zencoder.com%2Foceans-clip.mp4&ovaStart=2&ovaEnd=10&ovaText=This%20is%20test&ovaUser=Test%20User
        // Example with text: http://danielcebrian.com/annotations/demo.html?ovaStart=%2Fp%5B1%5D&ovaEnd=%2Fp%5B1%5D&ovastartOffset=542&ovaendOffset=572&ovaText=API
        if (start!='' && end!='' && container!='' && src!='') {// video api
            $.extend(API, {method:2, start:start, end:end, container:container, src:src, text:text, user:user});
        } else if(start!='' && end!='' && startOffset!='' && endOffset!='') {// text api
            $.extend(API, {method:2, start:start, end:end, startOffset:startOffset, endOffset:endOffset, text:text, user:user});
        return API;
    Share.prototype.runningAPI = function (annotations, API) {
        var wrapper = $('.annotator-wrapper').parent()[0];
        var mplayer;
        var osda;
        var self=this;
        // Set Annotator in wrapper to fix quick DOM
        $.data(wrapper, 'annotator', self.annotator);// Set the object in the span
        annotator = window.annotator = $.data(wrapper, 'annotator');
        mplayer = (typeof annotator.mplayer != 'undefined') ? annotator.mplayer : [];
        osda = (typeof annotator.osda != 'undefined') ? annotator.osda : [];
        // Detect if the URL has an API element
        if (typeof API != 'undefined' && typeof API.method != 'undefined' && (API.method == '1' || API.method == '2')) {
            if (API.method=='1'){
                var allannotations = annotator.plugins['Store'].annotations;
                var ovaId = decodeURIComponent(API.ovaId);
                for (var item in allannotations) {
                    var an = allannotations[item];
                    if (typeof an.id!='undefined' && an.id == ovaId){// this is the annotation
                        if (self._isVideo(an)){// It is a video
                            if (typeof mplayer[an.target.container] != 'undefined'){
                                var player = mplayer[an.target.container];
                                if (player.id_ == an.target.container){
                                    var anFound = an;
                                        if (player.techName != 'Youtube'){
                                        player.autoPlayAPI = anFound;
                        } else if (self._isImage(an)) {// It is a OpenSeaDragon Annotation
                            var bounds = new OpenSeadragon.Rect(an.bounds.x, an.bounds.y, an.bounds.width, an.bounds.height);
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                osda.viewer.viewport.fitBounds(bounds, false);
                                $('html, body').animate( {
                                    scrollTop: $("#" + an.target.container).offset().top
                                }, 'slow');
                            }, 250);
                        } else {// It is a text
                            var hasRanges = typeof an.ranges != 'undefined' && typeof an.ranges[0] != 'undefined';
                            var startOffset = hasRanges?an.ranges[0].startOffset:'';
                            var endOffset = hasRanges?an.ranges[0].endOffset:'';
                            if (typeof startOffset != 'undefined' && typeof endOffset != 'undefined'){ 
                                // change the color
                                // animate to the annotation
                                $('html, body').animate({
                                    scrollTop: $(an.highlights[0]).offset().top}, 'slow');
            } else if (API.method == '2'){
                if (typeof mplayer != 'undefined'){
                    // variable for Video
                    var    container = decodeURIComponent(API.container);
                    var player = mplayer[container];
                    var isVideo = (typeof player != 'undefined' && container == player.id_);
                    var isNumber = (!isNaN(parseFloat(API.start)) && isFinite(API.start) && !isNaN(parseFloat(API.end)) && isFinite(API.end));
                    var isSource = false;
                    if (isVideo){
                        // Compare without extension
                        var src = decodeURIComponent(API.src);
                        var targetSrc = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("."));
                        var playerSrc = (player.tech.options_.source.src == '') ? player.tag.currentSrc : player.tech.options_.source.src;
                        playerSrc = playerSrc.substring(0, playerSrc.lastIndexOf("."))
                        isSource = (targetSrc == playerSrc);
                    // Open Video Annotation
                    if (isVideo && isNumber && isSource){ 
                        var annotation = {
                                rangeTime: {
                                    start: API.start,
                                    end: API.end
                                created: new Date().toISOString(),
                                updated: new Date().toISOString(),
                                target: {
                                    container: container,
                                    src: src
                                media: 'video',
                                text: decodeURIComponent(API.text),
                                user: decodeURIComponent(API.user)
                            if (player.techName != 'Youtube'){
                            player.autoPlayAPI = annotation;
                // variable for text
                var startOffset = API.startOffset;
                var endOffset = API.endOffset;
                // Text Annotation
                if (!isVideo && typeof startOffset != 'undefined' && typeof endOffset != 'undefined'){ 
                    var annotation = {
                        ranges: [{
                            start: decodeURIComponent(API.start),
                            end: decodeURIComponent(API.end),
                            startOffset: decodeURIComponent(API.startOffset),
                            endOffset: decodeURIComponent(API.endOffset),
                        created: new Date().toISOString(),
                        updated: new Date().toISOString(),
                        media: 'text',
                        text: decodeURIComponent(API.text),
                        user: decodeURIComponent(API.user)
                    // show the annotation
                    // to change the color
                    // animate to the annotation
                    $('html, body').animate({
                        scrollTop: $(annotation.highlights[0]).offset().top},
        // Let know to others API that this plugin is loaded
        annotator.isShareLoaded = true;
    Share.prototype.runAPI = function(API) {
        var self = this;
        var func = function(annotations) {
            self.runningAPI(annotations, API);
            self.annotator.unsubscribe("annotationsLoaded", func);    
            // -- Finished the Annotator DOM
            .subscribe("annotationsLoaded", func);
    Share.prototype._isVideo = function(an){
        // Detect if the annotation is a Open Video Annotation
        var an = an || {};
        var rt = an.rangeTime;
        var isVideo = (typeof an.media != 'undefined' && an.media == 'video');
        var hasContainer = (typeof an.target != 'undefined' && typeof an.target.container != 'undefined' );
        var isNumber = (typeof rt != 'undefined' && !isNaN(parseFloat(rt.start)) && isFinite(rt.start) && !isNaN(parseFloat(rt.end)) && isFinite(rt.end));
        return (isVideo && hasContainer && isNumber);
    Share.prototype._isImage = function(annotation) {
        return annotation.media === 'image';
    Share.prototype.getParameterByName = function(name) {
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
        var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)");
        var results = regex.exec('?' + window.location.href.split('?')[1]);
        return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\ + /g, " "));
    Share.prototype.removeVariableFromURL = function(url_string, variable_name) {
        var URL = String(url_string);
        var regex = new RegExp( "\\?" + variable_name + "=[^&]*&?", "gi");
        URL = URL.replace(regex,'?');
        regex = new RegExp( "\\&" + variable_name + "=[^&]*&?", "gi");
        URL = URL.replace(regex,'&');
        URL = URL.replace(/(\?|&)$/,'');
        regex = null;
        return URL;
    Share.prototype.getAnnotationFromId = function(ovaId) {
        var annotationList = this.annotator.plugins.Store.annotations;
        return $.grep(annotationList, function(elementOfArray, indexInArray){
            return parseInt(elementOfArray.id, 10) === parseInt(ovaId.nodeValue, 10);

    Share.prototype.updateViewer = function(field, annotation) {
        this.annotation = annotation;
        var self = this;
        var field = $(field);
        var ret = field.addClass('share-viewer-annotator').html(function() {
            return self.buildHTMLShareButton('Share:', self.getSource('ovaId'));
        // Create the actions for the buttons
        this.buttonsActions(field[0], 1, this.options.baseUrl, annotation); // 1 is the method of the API that will be for share some annotation in the database
        return ret;

    return Share;
