""" Asset compilation and collection. """ from __future__ import print_function from datetime import datetime from functools import wraps from threading import Timer import argparse import glob import traceback from paver import tasks from paver.easy import sh, path, task, cmdopts, needs, consume_args, call_task, no_help from watchdog.observers.polling import PollingObserver from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler from .utils.envs import Env from .utils.cmd import cmd, django_cmd # setup baseline paths ALL_SYSTEMS = ['lms', 'studio'] COFFEE_DIRS = ['lms', 'cms', 'common'] # A list of directories. Each will be paired with a sibling /css directory. COMMON_SASS_DIRECTORIES = [ path("common/static/sass"), ] LMS_SASS_DIRECTORIES = [ path("lms/static/sass"), path("lms/static/themed_sass"), path("lms/static/certificates/sass"), ] CMS_SASS_DIRECTORIES = [ path("cms/static/sass"), ] THEME_SASS_DIRECTORIES = [] SASS_LOAD_PATHS = [ 'common/static', 'common/static/sass', 'node_modules', 'node_modules/edx-pattern-library/node_modules', ] # A list of NPM installed libraries that should be copied into the common # static directory. NPM_INSTALLED_LIBRARIES = [ 'underscore/underscore.js', 'underscore.string/dist/underscore.string.js', 'picturefill/dist/picturefill.js', 'backbone/backbone.js', ] # Directory to install static vendor files NPM_VENDOR_DIRECTORY = path("common/static/common/js/vendor") def configure_paths(): """Configure our paths based on settings. Called immediately.""" edxapp_env = Env() if edxapp_env.feature_flags.get('USE_CUSTOM_THEME', False): theme_name = edxapp_env.env_tokens.get('THEME_NAME', '') parent_dir = path(edxapp_env.REPO_ROOT).abspath().parent theme_root = parent_dir / "themes" / theme_name COFFEE_DIRS.append(theme_root) sass_dir = theme_root / "static" / "sass" css_dir = theme_root / "static" / "css" if sass_dir.isdir(): css_dir.mkdir_p() THEME_SASS_DIRECTORIES.append(sass_dir) if edxapp_env.env_tokens.get("COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR", ""): theme_dir = path(edxapp_env.env_tokens["COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR"]) lms_sass = theme_dir / "lms" / "static" / "sass" lms_css = theme_dir / "lms" / "static" / "css" if lms_sass.isdir(): lms_css.mkdir_p() THEME_SASS_DIRECTORIES.append(lms_sass) cms_sass = theme_dir / "cms" / "static" / "sass" cms_css = theme_dir / "cms" / "static" / "css" if cms_sass.isdir(): cms_css.mkdir_p() THEME_SASS_DIRECTORIES.append(cms_sass) configure_paths() def applicable_sass_directories(systems=None): """ Determine the applicable set of SASS directories to be compiled for the specified list of systems. Args: systems: A list of systems (defaults to all) Returns: A list of SASS directories to be compiled. """ if not systems: systems = ALL_SYSTEMS applicable_directories = [] applicable_directories.extend(COMMON_SASS_DIRECTORIES) if "lms" in systems: applicable_directories.extend(LMS_SASS_DIRECTORIES) if "studio" in systems or "cms" in systems: applicable_directories.extend(CMS_SASS_DIRECTORIES) applicable_directories.extend(THEME_SASS_DIRECTORIES) return applicable_directories def debounce(seconds=1): """ Prevents the decorated function from being called more than every `seconds` seconds. Waits until calls stop coming in before calling the decorated function. """ def decorator(func): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring func.timer = None @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def call(): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring func(*args, **kwargs) func.timer = None if func.timer: func.timer.cancel() func.timer = Timer(seconds, call) func.timer.start() return wrapper return decorator class CoffeeScriptWatcher(PatternMatchingEventHandler): """ Watches for coffeescript changes """ ignore_directories = True patterns = ['*.coffee'] def register(self, observer): """ register files with observer """ dirnames = set() for filename in sh(coffeescript_files(), capture=True).splitlines(): dirnames.add(path(filename).dirname()) for dirname in dirnames: observer.schedule(self, dirname) @debounce() def on_any_event(self, event): print('\tCHANGED:', event.src_path) try: compile_coffeescript(event.src_path) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() class SassWatcher(PatternMatchingEventHandler): """ Watches for sass file changes """ ignore_directories = True patterns = ['*.scss'] ignore_patterns = ['common/static/xmodule/*'] def register(self, observer): """ register files with observer """ for dirname in SASS_LOAD_PATHS + applicable_sass_directories(): paths = [] if '*' in dirname: paths.extend(glob.glob(dirname)) else: paths.append(dirname) for dirname in paths: observer.schedule(self, dirname, recursive=True) @debounce() def on_any_event(self, event): print('\tCHANGED:', event.src_path) try: compile_sass() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() class XModuleSassWatcher(SassWatcher): """ Watches for sass file changes """ ignore_directories = True ignore_patterns = [] @debounce() def on_any_event(self, event): print('\tCHANGED:', event.src_path) try: process_xmodule_assets() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() class XModuleAssetsWatcher(PatternMatchingEventHandler): """ Watches for css and js file changes """ ignore_directories = True patterns = ['*.css', '*.js'] def register(self, observer): """ Register files with observer """ observer.schedule(self, 'common/lib/xmodule/', recursive=True) @debounce() def on_any_event(self, event): print('\tCHANGED:', event.src_path) try: process_xmodule_assets() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() # To refresh the hash values of static xmodule content restart_django_servers() def coffeescript_files(): """ return find command for paths containing coffee files """ dirs = " ".join(Env.REPO_ROOT / coffee_dir for coffee_dir in COFFEE_DIRS) return cmd('find', dirs, '-type f', '-name \"*.coffee\"') @task @no_help def compile_coffeescript(*files): """ Compile CoffeeScript to JavaScript. """ if not files: files = ["`{}`".format(coffeescript_files())] sh(cmd( "node_modules/.bin/coffee", "--compile", *files )) @task @no_help @cmdopts([ ('system=', 's', 'The system to compile sass for (defaults to all)'), ('debug', 'd', 'Debug mode'), ('force', '', 'Force full compilation'), ]) def compile_sass(options): """ Compile Sass to CSS. """ # Note: import sass only when it is needed and not at the top of the file. # This allows other paver commands to operate even without libsass being # installed. In particular, this allows the install_prereqs command to be # used to install the dependency. import sass debug = options.get('debug') force = options.get('force') systems = getattr(options, 'system', ALL_SYSTEMS) if isinstance(systems, basestring): systems = systems.split(',') if debug: source_comments = True output_style = 'nested' else: source_comments = False output_style = 'compressed' timing_info = [] system_sass_directories = applicable_sass_directories(systems) all_sass_directories = applicable_sass_directories() dry_run = tasks.environment.dry_run for sass_dir in system_sass_directories: start = datetime.now() css_dir = sass_dir.parent / "css" if force: if dry_run: tasks.environment.info("rm -rf {css_dir}/*.css".format( css_dir=css_dir, )) else: sh("rm -rf {css_dir}/*.css".format(css_dir=css_dir)) if dry_run: tasks.environment.info("libsass {sass_dir}".format( sass_dir=sass_dir, )) else: sass.compile( dirname=(sass_dir, css_dir), include_paths=SASS_LOAD_PATHS + all_sass_directories, source_comments=source_comments, output_style=output_style, ) duration = datetime.now() - start timing_info.append((sass_dir, css_dir, duration)) print("\t\tFinished compiling Sass:") if not dry_run: for sass_dir, css_dir, duration in timing_info: print(">> {} -> {} in {}s".format(sass_dir, css_dir, duration)) def compile_templated_sass(systems, settings): """ Render Mako templates for Sass files. `systems` is a list of systems (e.g. 'lms' or 'studio' or both) `settings` is the Django settings module to use. """ for system in systems: if system == "studio": system = "cms" sh(django_cmd( system, settings, 'preprocess_assets', '{system}/static/sass/*.scss'.format(system=system), '{system}/static/themed_sass'.format(system=system) )) print("\t\tFinished preprocessing {} assets.".format(system)) def process_npm_assets(): """ Process vendor libraries installed via NPM. """ # Skip processing of the libraries if this is just a dry run if tasks.environment.dry_run: tasks.environment.info("install npm_assets") return # Ensure that the vendor directory exists NPM_VENDOR_DIRECTORY.mkdir_p() # Copy each file to the vendor directory, overwriting any existing file. for library in NPM_INSTALLED_LIBRARIES: sh('/bin/cp -rf node_modules/{library} {vendor_dir}'.format( library=library, vendor_dir=NPM_VENDOR_DIRECTORY, )) def process_xmodule_assets(): """ Process XModule static assets. """ sh('xmodule_assets common/static/xmodule') print("\t\tFinished processing xmodule assets.") def restart_django_servers(): """ Restart the django server. `$ touch` makes the Django file watcher thinks that something has changed, therefore it restarts the server. """ sh(cmd( "touch", 'lms/urls.py', 'cms/urls.py', )) def collect_assets(systems, settings): """ Collect static assets, including Django pipeline processing. `systems` is a list of systems (e.g. 'lms' or 'studio' or both) `settings` is the Django settings module to use. """ for sys in systems: sh(django_cmd(sys, settings, "collectstatic --noinput > /dev/null")) print("\t\tFinished collecting {} assets.".format(sys)) @task @cmdopts([('background', 'b', 'Background mode')]) def watch_assets(options): """ Watch for changes to asset files, and regenerate js/css """ # Don't watch assets when performing a dry run if tasks.environment.dry_run: return observer = PollingObserver() CoffeeScriptWatcher().register(observer) SassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleSassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleAssetsWatcher().register(observer) print("Starting asset watcher...") observer.start() if not getattr(options, 'background', False): # when running as a separate process, the main thread needs to loop # in order to allow for shutdown by contrl-c try: while True: observer.join(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() print("\nStopped asset watcher.") @task @needs( 'pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs', ) @consume_args def update_assets(args): """ Compile CoffeeScript and Sass, then collect static assets. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='paver update_assets') parser.add_argument( 'system', type=str, nargs='*', default=ALL_SYSTEMS, help="lms or studio", ) parser.add_argument( '--settings', type=str, default="devstack", help="Django settings module", ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="Disable Sass compression", ) parser.add_argument( '--skip-collect', dest='collect', action='store_false', default=True, help="Skip collection of static assets", ) parser.add_argument( '--watch', action='store_true', default=False, help="Watch files for changes", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) compile_templated_sass(args.system, args.settings) process_xmodule_assets() process_npm_assets() compile_coffeescript() call_task('pavelib.assets.compile_sass', options={'system': args.system, 'debug': args.debug}) if args.collect: collect_assets(args.system, args.settings) if args.watch: call_task('pavelib.assets.watch_assets', options={'background': not args.debug})