[nosetests] logging-clear-handlers=1 with-ignore-docstrings=1 exclude-dir=lms/envs cms/envs # Without this flag, nose adds /lib directories to the path, # which shadows the xblock library (among other things) no-path-adjustment=1 process-timeout=300 # Uncomment the following lines to open pdb when a test fails #nocapture=1 #pdb=1 [pep8] # error codes: http://pep8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes # E501: line too long # E265: block comment should start with ‘# ‘ # We have lots of comments that look like "##### HEADING #####" which violate # this rule, because they don't have a space after the first #. However, # they're still perfectly reasonable comments, so we disable this rule. # W602: deprecated form of raising exception # We do this in a few places to modify the exception message while preserving # the traceback. See this blog post for more info: # http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200711/rethrowing_exceptions_in_python.html # It's a little unusual, but we have good reasons for doing so, so we disable # this rule. ignore=E501,E265,W602 exclude=migrations,.git,.pycharm_helpers,test_root/staticfiles,node_modules