from bok_choy.page_object import PageLoadError, PageObject, unguarded from bok_choy.promise import BrokenPromise, EmptyPromise from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from common.test.acceptance.pages.common.paging import PaginatedUIMixin from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms.course_page import CoursePage from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import disable_animations class NoteChild(PageObject): url = None BODY_SELECTOR = None def __init__(self, browser, item_id): super(NoteChild, self).__init__(browser) self.item_id = item_id def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css="{}#{}".format(self.BODY_SELECTOR, self.item_id)).present def _bounded_selector(self, selector): """ Return `selector`, but limited to this particular `NoteChild` context """ return "{}#{} {}".format( self.BODY_SELECTOR, self.item_id, selector, ) def _get_element_text(self, selector): element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(selector)).first if element: return element.text[0] else: return None class EdxNotesChapterGroup(NoteChild): """ Helper class that works with chapter (section) grouping of notes in the Course Structure view on the Note page. """ BODY_SELECTOR = ".note-group" @property def title(self): return self._get_element_text(".course-title") @property def subtitles(self): return [section.title for section in self.children] @property def children(self): children = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector('.note-section')) return [EdxNotesSubsectionGroup(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] class EdxNotesGroupMixin(object): """ Helper mixin that works with note groups (used for subsection and tag groupings). """ @property def title(self): return self._get_element_text(self.TITLE_SELECTOR) @property def children(self): children = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector('.note')) return [EdxNotesPageItem(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] @property def notes(self): return [section.text for section in self.children] class EdxNotesSubsectionGroup(NoteChild, EdxNotesGroupMixin): """ Helper class that works with subsection grouping of notes in the Course Structure view on the Note page. """ BODY_SELECTOR = ".note-section" TITLE_SELECTOR = ".course-subtitle" class EdxNotesTagsGroup(NoteChild, EdxNotesGroupMixin): """ Helper class that works with tags grouping of notes in the Tags view on the Note page. """ BODY_SELECTOR = ".note-group" TITLE_SELECTOR = ".tags-title" def scrolled_to_top(self, group_index): """ Returns True if the group with supplied group)index is scrolled near the top of the page (expects 10 px padding). The group_index must be supplied because JQuery must be used to get this information, and it does not have access to the bounded selector. """ title_selector = "$('" + self.TITLE_SELECTOR + "')[" + str(group_index) + "]" top_script = "return " + title_selector + ".getBoundingClientRect().top;" EmptyPromise( lambda: 8 < self.browser.execute_script(top_script) < 12, "Expected tag title '{}' to scroll to top, but was at location {}".format( self.title, self.browser.execute_script(top_script) ) ).fulfill() # Now also verify that focus has moved to this title (for screen readers): active_script = "return " + title_selector + " === document.activeElement;" return self.browser.execute_script(active_script) class EdxNotesPageItem(NoteChild): """ Helper class that works with note items on Note page of the course. """ BODY_SELECTOR = ".note" UNIT_LINK_SELECTOR = "a.reference-unit-link" TAG_SELECTOR = "span.reference-tags" def go_to_unit(self, unit_page=None): self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.UNIT_LINK_SELECTOR)).click() if unit_page is not None: unit_page.wait_for_page() @property def unit_name(self): return self._get_element_text(self.UNIT_LINK_SELECTOR) @property def text(self): return self._get_element_text(".note-comment-p") @property def quote(self): return self._get_element_text(".note-excerpt") @property def time_updated(self): return self._get_element_text(".reference-updated-date") @property def tags(self): """ The tags associated with this note. """ tag_links = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.TAG_SELECTOR)) if len(tag_links) == 0: return None return[tag_link.text for tag_link in tag_links] def go_to_tag(self, tag_name): """ Clicks a tag associated with the note to change to the tags view (and scroll to the tag group). """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.TAG_SELECTOR)).filter(lambda el: tag_name in el.text).click() class EdxNotesPageView(PageObject): """ Base class for EdxNotes views: Recent Activity, Location in Course, Search Results. """ url = None BODY_SELECTOR = ".tab-panel" TAB_SELECTOR = ".tab" CHILD_SELECTOR = ".note" CHILD_CLASS = EdxNotesPageItem @unguarded def visit(self): """ Open the page containing this page object in the browser. Raises: PageLoadError: The page did not load successfully. Returns: PageObject """ self.q(css=self.TAB_SELECTOR) try: return self.wait_for_page() except BrokenPromise: raise PageLoadError("Timed out waiting to load page '{!r}'".format(self)) def is_browser_on_page(self): return all([ self.q(css="{}".format(self.BODY_SELECTOR)).present, self.q(css="{}.is-active".format(self.TAB_SELECTOR)).present, not self.q(css=".ui-loading").visible, ]) @property def is_closable(self): """ Indicates if tab is closable or not. """ return self.q(css="{} .action-close".format(self.TAB_SELECTOR)).present def close(self): """ Closes the tab. """ self.q(css="{} .action-close".format(self.TAB_SELECTOR)) @property def children(self): """ Returns all notes on the page. """ children = self.q(css=self.CHILD_SELECTOR) return [self.CHILD_CLASS(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] class RecentActivityView(EdxNotesPageView): """ Helper class for Recent Activity view. """ BODY_SELECTOR = "#recent-panel" TAB_SELECTOR = ".tab#view-recent-activity" class CourseStructureView(EdxNotesPageView): """ Helper class for Location in Course view. """ BODY_SELECTOR = "#structure-panel" TAB_SELECTOR = ".tab#view-course-structure" CHILD_SELECTOR = ".note-group" CHILD_CLASS = EdxNotesChapterGroup class TagsView(EdxNotesPageView): """ Helper class for Tags view. """ BODY_SELECTOR = "#tags-panel" TAB_SELECTOR = ".tab#view-tags" CHILD_SELECTOR = ".note-group" CHILD_CLASS = EdxNotesTagsGroup class SearchResultsView(EdxNotesPageView): """ Helper class for Search Results view. """ BODY_SELECTOR = "#search-results-panel" TAB_SELECTOR = ".tab#view-search-results" class EdxNotesPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin): """ EdxNotes page. """ url_path = "edxnotes/" MAPPING = { "recent": RecentActivityView, "structure": CourseStructureView, "tags": TagsView, "search": SearchResultsView, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EdxNotesPage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.current_view = self.MAPPING["recent"](self.browser) def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css=".wrapper-student-notes .note-group").visible def switch_to_tab(self, tab_name): """ Switches to the appropriate tab `tab_name(str)`. """ self.current_view = self.MAPPING[tab_name](self.browser) self.current_view.visit() def close_tab(self): """ Closes the current view. """ self.current_view.close() self.current_view = self.MAPPING["recent"](self.browser) def search(self, text): """ Runs search with `text(str)` query. """ self.q(css="#search-notes-form #search-notes-input").first.fill(text) self.q(css='#search-notes-form .search-notes-submit') # Frontend will automatically switch to Search results tab when search # is running, so the view also needs to be changed. self.current_view = self.MAPPING["search"](self.browser) if text.strip(): self.current_view.wait_for_page() @property def tabs(self): """ Returns all tabs on the page. """ tabs = self.q(css=".tabs .tab-label") if tabs: return map(lambda x: x.replace("Current tab\n", ""), tabs.text) else: return None @property def is_error_visible(self): """ Indicates whether error message is visible or not. """ return self.q(css=".inline-error").visible @property def error_text(self): """ Returns error message. """ element = self.q(css=".inline-error").first if element and self.is_error_visible: return element.text[0] else: return None @property def notes(self): """ Returns all notes on the page. """ children = self.q(css='.note') return [EdxNotesPageItem(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] @property def chapter_groups(self): """ Returns all chapter groups on the page. """ children = self.q(css='.note-group') return [EdxNotesChapterGroup(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] @property def subsection_groups(self): """ Returns all subsection groups on the page. """ children = self.q(css='.note-section') return [EdxNotesSubsectionGroup(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] @property def tag_groups(self): """ Returns all tag groups on the page. """ children = self.q(css='.note-group') return [EdxNotesTagsGroup(self.browser, child.get_attribute("id")) for child in children] def count(self): """ Returns the total number of notes in the list """ return len(self.q(css='div.wrapper-note-excerpts').results) class EdxNotesPageNoContent(CoursePage): """ EdxNotes page -- when no notes have been added. """ url_path = "edxnotes/" def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css=".wrapper-student-notes .is-empty").visible @property def no_content_text(self): """ Returns no content message. """ element = self.q(css=".is-empty").first if element: return element.text[0] else: return None class EdxNotesUnitPage(CoursePage): """ Page for the Unit with EdxNotes. """ url_path = "courseware/" def is_browser_on_page(self): return self.q(css="body.courseware .edx-notes-wrapper").present def move_mouse_to(self, selector): """ Moves mouse to the element that matches `selector(str)`. """ body = self.q(css=selector)[0] ActionChains(self.browser).move_to_element(body).perform() return self def click(self, selector): """ Clicks on the element that matches `selector(str)`. """ self.q(css=selector) return self def toggle_visibility(self): """ Clicks on the "Show notes" checkbox. """ self.q(css=".action-toggle-notes") return self @property def components(self): """ Returns a list of annotatable components. """ components = self.q(css=".edx-notes-wrapper") return [AnnotatableComponent(self.browser, component.get_attribute("id")) for component in components] @property def notes(self): """ Returns a list of notes for the page. """ notes = [] for component in self.components: notes.extend(component.notes) return notes def refresh(self): """ Refreshes the page and returns a list of annotatable components. """ self.browser.refresh() return self.components class AnnotatableComponent(NoteChild): """ Helper class that works with annotatable components. """ BODY_SELECTOR = ".edx-notes-wrapper" @property def notes(self): """ Returns a list of notes for the component. """ notes = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-hl")) return [EdxNoteHighlight(self.browser, note, self.item_id) for note in notes] def create_note(self, selector=".annotate-id"): """ Create the note by the selector, return a context manager that will show and save the note popup. """ for element in self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(selector)): note = EdxNoteHighlight(self.browser, element, self.item_id) note.select_and_click_adder() yield note def edit_note(self, selector=".annotator-hl"): """ Edit the note by the selector, return a context manager that will show and save the note popup. """ for element in self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(selector)): note = EdxNoteHighlight(self.browser, element, self.item_id) yield note def remove_note(self, selector=".annotator-hl"): """ Removes the note by the selector. """ for element in self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(selector)): note = EdxNoteHighlight(self.browser, element, self.item_id) class EdxNoteHighlight(NoteChild): """ Helper class that works with notes. """ BODY_SELECTOR = "" ADDER_SELECTOR = ".annotator-adder" VIEWER_SELECTOR = ".annotator-viewer" EDITOR_SELECTOR = ".annotator-editor" NOTE_SELECTOR = ".annotator-note" def __init__(self, browser, element, parent_id): super(EdxNoteHighlight, self).__init__(browser, parent_id) self.element = element self.item_id = parent_id disable_animations(self) @property def is_visible(self): """ Returns True if the note is visible. """ viewer_is_visible = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.VIEWER_SELECTOR)).visible editor_is_visible = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.EDITOR_SELECTOR)).visible return viewer_is_visible or editor_is_visible def wait_for_adder_visibility(self): """ Waiting for visibility of note adder button. """ self.wait_for_element_visibility( self._bounded_selector(self.ADDER_SELECTOR), "Adder is visible." ) def wait_for_viewer_visibility(self): """ Waiting for visibility of note viewer. """ self.wait_for_element_visibility( self._bounded_selector(self.VIEWER_SELECTOR), "Note Viewer is visible." ) def wait_for_editor_visibility(self): """ Waiting for visibility of note editor. """ self.wait_for_element_visibility( self._bounded_selector(self.EDITOR_SELECTOR), "Note Editor is visible." ) def wait_for_notes_invisibility(self, text="Notes are hidden"): """ Waiting for invisibility of all notes. """ selector = self._bounded_selector(".annotator-outer") self.wait_for_element_invisibility(selector, text) def select_and_click_adder(self): """ Creates selection for the element and clicks `add note` button. """ ActionChains(self.browser).double_click(self.element).perform() self.wait_for_adder_visibility() self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(self.ADDER_SELECTOR)) self.wait_for_editor_visibility() return self def click_on_highlight(self): """ Clicks on the highlighted text. """ ActionChains(self.browser).move_to_element(self.element).click().perform() return self def click_on_viewer(self): """ Clicks on the note viewer. """ self.q(css=self.NOTE_SELECTOR) return self def show(self): """ Hover over highlighted text -> shows note. """ ActionChains(self.browser).move_to_element(self.element).perform() self.wait_for_viewer_visibility() return self def cancel(self): """ Clicks cancel button. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-close")) self.wait_for_notes_invisibility("Note is canceled.") return self def save(self): """ Clicks save button. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-save")) self.wait_for_notes_invisibility("Note is saved.") self.wait_for_ajax() return self def remove(self): """ Clicks delete button. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-delete")) self.wait_for_notes_invisibility("Note is removed.") self.wait_for_ajax() return self def edit(self): """ Clicks edit button. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-edit")) self.wait_for_editor_visibility() return self @property def text(self): """ Returns text of the note. """ element = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-annotation > div.annotator-note")) if element: text = element.text[0].strip() else: text = None self.cancel() return text @text.setter def text(self, value): """ Sets text for the note. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-item textarea")).first.fill(value) @property def tags(self): """ Returns the tags associated with the note. Tags are returned as a list of strings, with each tag as an individual string. """ tag_text = [] tags = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-annotation > div.annotator-tags > span.annotator-tag")) if tags: for tag in tags: tag_text.append(tag.text) self.cancel() return tag_text @tags.setter def tags(self, tags): """ Sets tags for the note. Tags should be supplied as a list of strings, with each tag as an individual string. """ self.q(css=self._bounded_selector(".annotator-item input")).first.fill(" ".join(tags)) def has_sr_label(self, sr_index, field_index, expected_text): """ Returns true iff a screen reader label (of index sr_index) exists for the annotator field with the specified field_index and text. """ label_exists = False EmptyPromise( lambda: len(self.q(css=self._bounded_selector("li.annotator-item >"))) > sr_index, "Expected more than '{}' sr labels".format(sr_index) ).fulfill() annotator_field_label = self.q(css=self._bounded_selector("li.annotator-item >"))[sr_index] for_attrib_correct = annotator_field_label.get_attribute("for") == "annotator-field-" + str(field_index) if for_attrib_correct and (annotator_field_label.text == expected_text): label_exists = True self.q(css="body") self.wait_for_notes_invisibility() return label_exists