(function (requirejs, require, define) { define(['logme'], function (logme) { return { 'check': check, 'update': update }; function update(state) { var draggables, tempObj; draggables = []; if (state.config.individualTargets === false) { (function (c1) { while (c1 < state.draggables.length) { if (state.draggables[c1].x !== -1) { tempObj = {}; tempObj[state.draggables[c1].id] = [ state.draggables[c1].x, state.draggables[c1].y ]; draggables.push(tempObj); tempObj = null; } c1 += 1; } }(0)); } else { (function (c1) { while (c1 < state.targets.length) { (function (c2) { while (c2 < state.targets[c1].draggableList.length) { tempObj = {}; if (state.targets[c1].type === 'base') { tempObj[state.targets[c1].draggableList[c2].id] = state.targets[c1].id; } else { addTargetRecursively(tempObj, state.targets[c1].draggableList[c2], state.targets[c1]); } draggables.push(tempObj); tempObj = null; c2 += 1; } }(0)); c1 += 1; } }(0)); } $('#input_' + state.problemId).val(JSON.stringify(draggables)); } function addTargetRecursively(tempObj, draggable, target) { if (target.type === 'base') { tempObj[draggable.id] = target.id; } else { tempObj[draggable.id] = {}; tempObj[draggable.id][target.id] = {}; addTargetRecursively(tempObj[draggable.id][target.id], target.draggableObj, target.draggableObj.onTarget); } } // Check if input has an answer from server. If yes, then position // all draggables according to answer. function check(state) { var inputElVal; inputElVal = $('#input_' + state.problemId).val(); if (inputElVal.length === 0) { return false; } repositionDraggables(state, JSON.parse(inputElVal)); return true; } function processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i) { var baseDraggableId, baseDraggable, baseTargetId, baseTarget, layeredDraggableId, layeredDraggable, layeredTargetId, layeredTarget, chain; if (depth === 0) { // We are at the lowest depth? The end. return; } if (answerSortedByDepth.hasOwnProperty(depth) === false) { // We have a depth that ts not valid, we decrease the depth by one. processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth - 1, 0); return; } if (answerSortedByDepth[depth].length <= i) { // We ran out of answers at this depth, go to the next depth down. processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth - 1, 0); return; } chain = answerSortedByDepth[depth][i]; baseDraggableId = Object.keys(chain)[0]; // This is a hack. For now we will work with depths 1 and 3. if (depth === 1) { baseTargetId = chain[baseDraggableId]; layeredTargetId = null; layeredDraggableId = null; // createBaseDraggableOnTarget(state, baseDraggableId, baseTargetId); } else if (depth === 3) { layeredDraggableId = baseDraggableId; layeredTargetId = Object.keys(chain[layeredDraggableId])[0]; baseDraggableId = Object.keys(chain[layeredDraggableId][layeredTargetId])[0]; baseTargetId = chain[layeredDraggableId][layeredTargetId][baseDraggableId]; } checkBaseDraggable(); return; function checkBaseDraggable() { if ((baseDraggable = getById(state, 'draggables', baseDraggableId, null, false, baseTargetId)) === null) { createBaseDraggableOnTarget(state, baseDraggableId, baseTargetId, true, function () { if ((baseDraggable = getById(state, 'draggables', baseDraggableId, null, false, baseTargetId)) === null) { console.log('ERROR: Could not successfully create a base draggable on a base target.'); } else { baseTarget = baseDraggable.onTarget; if ((layeredTargetId === null) || (layeredDraggableId === null)) { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i + 1); } else { checklayeredDraggable(); } } }); } else { baseTarget = baseDraggable.onTarget; if ((layeredTargetId === null) || (layeredDraggableId === null)) { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i + 1); } else { checklayeredDraggable(); } } } function checklayeredDraggable() { if ((layeredDraggable = getById(state, 'draggables', layeredDraggableId, null, false, layeredTargetId, baseDraggableId, baseTargetId)) === null) { layeredDraggable = getById(state, 'draggables', layeredDraggableId); layeredTarget = null; baseDraggable.targetField.every(function (target) { if (target.id === layeredTargetId) { layeredTarget = target; } return true; }); if ((layeredDraggable !== null) && (layeredTarget !== null)) { layeredDraggable.moveDraggableTo('target', layeredTarget, function () { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i + 1); }); } else { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i + 1); } } else { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, depth, i + 1); } } } function createBaseDraggableOnTarget(state, draggableId, targetId, reportError, funcCallback) { var draggable, target; if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) { if (reportError !== false) { logme( 'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' + 'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' + 'draggable with this ID could be found.' ); } return false; } if ((target = getById(state, 'targets', targetId)) === null) { if (reportError !== false) { logme( 'ERROR: In answer there exists a target ' + 'ID "' + targetId + '". No target with this ' + 'ID could be found.' ); } return false; } draggable.moveDraggableTo('target', target, funcCallback); return true; } function processAnswerPositions(state, answer) { var draggableId, draggable; (function (c1) { while (c1 < answer.length) { for (draggableId in answer[c1]) { if (answer[c1].hasOwnProperty(draggableId) === false) { continue; } if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) { logme( 'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' + 'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' + 'draggable with this ID could be found.' ); continue; } draggable.moveDraggableTo('XY', { 'x': answer[c1][draggableId][0], 'y': answer[c1][draggableId][1] }); } c1 += 1; } }(0)); } function repositionDraggables(state, answer) { var answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth; answerSortedByDepth = {}; minDepth = 1000; maxDepth = 0; answer.every(function (chain) { var depth; depth = findDepth(chain, 0); if (depth < minDepth) { minDepth = depth; } if (depth > maxDepth) { maxDepth = depth; } if (answerSortedByDepth.hasOwnProperty(depth) === false) { answerSortedByDepth[depth] = []; } answerSortedByDepth[depth].push(chain); return true; }); if (answer.length === 0) { return; } // For now we support only one case. if ((minDepth < 1) || (maxDepth > 3)) { return; } if (state.config.individualTargets === true) { processAnswerTargets(state, answerSortedByDepth, minDepth, maxDepth, maxDepth, 0); } else if (state.config.individualTargets === false) { processAnswerPositions(state, answer); } } function findDepth(tempObj, depth) { var i; if ($.isPlainObject(tempObj) === false) { return depth; } depth += 1; for (i in tempObj) { if (tempObj.hasOwnProperty(i) === true) { depth = findDepth(tempObj[i], depth); } } return depth; } function getById(state, type, id, fromTargetField, inContainer, targetId, baseDraggableId, baseTargetId) { return (function (c1) { while (c1 < state[type].length) { if (type === 'draggables') { if ((targetId !== undefined) && (inContainer === false) && (baseDraggableId !== undefined) && (baseTargetId !== undefined)) { if ( (state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].inContainer === false) && (state[type][c1].onTarget.id === targetId) && (state[type][c1].onTarget.type === 'on_drag') && (state[type][c1].onTarget.draggableObj.id === baseDraggableId) && (state[type][c1].onTarget.draggableObj.onTarget.id === baseTargetId) ) { return state[type][c1]; } } else if ((targetId !== undefined) && (inContainer === false)) { if ( (state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].inContainer === false) && (state[type][c1].onTarget.id === targetId) ) { return state[type][c1]; } } else { if (inContainer === false) { if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].inContainer === false)) { return state[type][c1]; } } else { if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].inContainer === true)) { return state[type][c1]; } } } } else { // 'targets' if (fromTargetField === true) { if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].type === 'on_drag')) { return state[type][c1]; } } else { if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].type === 'base')) { return state[type][c1]; } } } c1 += 1; } return null; }(0)); } }); // End-of: define(['logme'], function (logme) { }(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define) {