/* NOTE: This file, which customizes mid-editing styling to match xmodule preview rendering, is 3 of 3 CSS files compiled in our production pipeline  */
.mce-content-body {
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    /* keep font-family in sync with CUSTOM_FONTS constant in Html editor XModule
     * (edx-platform/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/html/edit.coffee)
     * and with acceptance tests in cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature
    font-family: 'Open Sans', Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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.mce-content-body .hd-1 {
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.mce-content-body .hd-2,
.mce-content-body h3 {
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.mce-content-body .hd-3,
.mce-content-body h4,
.mce-content-body .hd-4,
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.mce-content-body .hd-5,
.mce-content-body h6,
.mce-content-body .hd-6 {
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.mce-content-body h4,
.mce-content-body .hd-4 {
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.mce-content-body h5,
.mce-content-body .hd-5 {
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.mce-content-body h6,
.mce-content-body .hd-6 {
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.mce-content-body strong, .mce-content-body b {
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.mce-content-body table td, .mce-content-body th {
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