 * Legacy JavaScript for the student dashboard.
 * Please do not add anything else to this file unless
 * you have an extremely good reason.  New JavaScript
 * for the dashboard should be implemented as self-contained
 * modules with unit tests.

 /* globals Logger, accessible_modal, interpolate */

 var edx = edx || {};

 (function($, gettext, Logger, accessibleModal, interpolate) {
     'use strict';

     edx.dashboard = edx.dashboard || {};
     edx.dashboard.legacy = {};

     * Initialize the dashboard using legacy JavaScript.
     * @param{Object} urls - The URLs used by the JavaScript,
     *     which are generated by the server and passed into
     *     this function by the rendered page.
     *     Specifically:
     *         - dashboard
     *         - signInUser
     *         - changeEmailSettings
     *         - verifyToggleBannerFailedOff
     edx.dashboard.legacy.init = function(urls) {
         var notifications = $('.dashboard-notifications'),
             upgradeButtonLinks = $('.action-upgrade'),
             verifyButtonLinks = $('.verification-cta > .cta');

        // On initialization, set focus to the first notification available for screen readers.
         if (notifications.children().length > 0) {

        // Track clicks of the upgrade button. The `trackLink` method is a helper that makes
        // a `track` call whenever a bound link is clicked. Usually the page would change before
        // `track` had time to execute; `trackLink` inserts a small timeout to give the `track`
        // call enough time to fire. The clicked link element is passed to `generateProperties`.
         window.analytics.trackLink(upgradeButtonLinks, 'edx.bi.dashboard.upgrade_button.clicked', generateProperties);

        // Track clicks of the "verify now" button.
         window.analytics.trackLink(verifyButtonLinks, 'edx.bi.user.verification.resumed', generateProperties);

        // Track clicks of the LinkedIn "Add to Profile" button
            function(element) {
                var $el = $(element);
                return {
                    category: 'linkedin',
                    label: $el.data('course-id'),
                    mode: $el.data('certificate-mode')

        // Generate the properties object to be passed along with business intelligence events.
         function generateProperties(element) {
             var $el = $(element),
                 properties = {};

             if ($el.hasClass('action-upgrade')) {
                 properties.category = 'upgrade';
             } else if ($el.hasClass('cta')) {
                 properties.category = 'verification';

             properties.label = $el.data('course-id');

             return properties;

         $('#failed-verification-button-dismiss').click(function() {
                 url: urls.verifyToggleBannerFailedOff,
                 type: 'post'

         $('#upgrade-to-verified').click(function(event) {
             var user = $(event.target).closest('.action-upgrade').data('user'),
                 course = $(event.target).closest('.action-upgrade').data('course-id');

             Logger.log('edx.course.enrollment.upgrade.clicked', [user, course], null);

         $('.action-email-settings').click(function(event) {
             var element = $(event.target);
             if ($(event.target).data('optout') === 'False') {
                 $('#receive_emails').prop('checked', true);

         $('.action-unenroll').click(function(event) {
             var element = $(event.target);
             var track_info = element.data('track-info');
             var course_number = element.data('course-number');
             var course_name = element.data('course-name');
             var cert_name_long = element.data('cert-name-long');
             $('#track-info').html(interpolate(track_info, {
                 course_number: "<span id='unenroll_course_number'>" + course_number + '</span>',
                 course_name: "<span id='unenroll_course_name'>" + course_name + '</span>',
                 cert_name_long: "<span id='unenroll_cert_name'>" + cert_name_long + '</span>'
             }, true));

         $('#unenroll_form').on('ajax:complete', function(event, xhr) {
             if (xhr.status === 200) {
                 location.href = urls.dashboard;
             } else if (xhr.status === 403) {
                 location.href = urls.signInUser + '?course_id=' +
                encodeURIComponent($('#unenroll_course_id').val()) + '&enrollment_action=unenroll';
             } else {
                    xhr.responseText ? xhr.responseText : gettext('An error occurred. Please try again later.')
                ).stop().css('display', 'block');

         $('#email_settings_form').submit(function() {
                 type: 'POST',
                 url: urls.changeEmailSettings,
                 data: $(this).serializeArray(),
                 success: function(data) {
                     if (data.success) {
                         location.href = urls.dashboard;
                 error: function(xhr) {
                     if (xhr.status === 403) {
                         location.href = urls.signInUser;
             return false;

         $('.action-email-settings').each(function(index) {
             $(this).attr('id', 'email-settings-' + index);
            // a bit of a hack, but gets the unique selector for the modal trigger
             var trigger = '#' + $(this).attr('id');
                '#email-settings-modal .close-modal',

         $('.action-unenroll').each(function(index) {
             $(this).attr('id', 'unenroll-' + index);
            // a bit of a hack, but gets the unique selector for the modal trigger
             var trigger = '#' + $(this).attr('id');
                '#unenroll-modal .close-modal',

         $('#unregister_block_course').click(function(event) {
 })(jQuery, gettext, Logger, accessible_modal, interpolate);