Instructor Views
## NOTE: This is the code for the legacy instructor dashboard
## We are no longer supporting this file or accepting changes into it.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import csv
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import urllib

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from markupsafe import escape
from requests.status_codes import codes
from StringIO import StringIO

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.utils import timezone

import xmodule.graders as xmgraders
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey

from courseware import grades
from courseware.access import has_access
from courseware.courses import get_course_with_access, get_cms_course_link
from courseware.models import StudentModule
from django_comment_common.models import FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR
from django_comment_client.utils import has_forum_access
from instructor.offline_gradecalc import student_grades, offline_grades_available
from instructor.views.tools import strip_if_string, bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course, add_block_ids
from instructor_task.api import (
from instructor_task.views import get_task_completion_info
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
from class_dashboard import dashboard_data
from psychometrics import psychoanalyze
from student.models import (
import track.views
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from microsite_configuration import microsite
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import i4xEncoder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# internal commands for managing forum roles:

# For determining if a shibboleth course

def split_by_comma_and_whitespace(a_str):
    Return string a_str, split by , or whitespace
    return re.split(r'[\s,]', a_str)

@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
    """Display the instructor dashboard for a course."""
    course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id)
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'staff', course_key, depth=None)

    instructor_access = has_access(request.user, 'instructor', course)   # an instructor can manage staff lists

    forum_admin_access = has_forum_access(request.user, course_key, FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)

    msg = ''
    show_email_tab = False
    problems = []
    plots = []
    datatable = {}

    # the instructor dashboard page is modal: grades, psychometrics, admin
    # keep that state in request.session (defaults to grades mode)
    idash_mode = request.POST.get('idash_mode', '')
    idash_mode_key = u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(course_id)
    if idash_mode:
        request.session[idash_mode_key] = idash_mode
        idash_mode = request.session.get(idash_mode_key, 'Grades')

    enrollment_number = CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_key)

    # assemble some course statistics for output to instructor
    def get_course_stats_table():
        datatable = {
            'header': ['Statistic', 'Value'],
            'title': _('Course Statistics At A Glance'),

        data = [['Date', timezone.now().isoformat()]]
        data += compute_course_stats(course).items()
        if request.user.is_staff:
            for field in course.fields.values():
                if getattr(field.scope, 'user', False):

                    json.dumps(field.read_json(course), cls=i4xEncoder)
        datatable['data'] = data
        return datatable

    def return_csv(func, datatable, file_pointer=None):
        """Outputs a CSV file from the contents of a datatable."""
        if file_pointer is None:
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = (u'attachment; filename={0}'.format(func)).encode('utf-8')
            response = file_pointer
        writer = csv.writer(response, dialect='excel', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        encoded_row = [unicode(s).encode('utf-8') for s in datatable['header']]
        for datarow in datatable['data']:
            # 's' here may be an integer, float (eg score) or string (eg student name)
            encoded_row = [
                # If s is already a UTF-8 string, trying to make a unicode
                # object out of it will fail unless we pass in an encoding to
                # the constructor. But we can't do that across the board,
                # because s is often a numeric type. So just do this.
                s if isinstance(s, str) else unicode(s).encode('utf-8')
                for s in datarow
        return response

    # process actions from form POST
    action = request.POST.get('action', '')
    use_offline = request.POST.get('use_offline_grades', False)

        if 'GIT pull' in action:
            data_dir = course.data_dir
            log.debug('git pull {0}'.format(data_dir))
            gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / data_dir
            if not os.path.exists(gdir):
                msg += "====> ERROR in gitreload - no such directory {0}".format(gdir)
                cmd = "cd {0}; git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -f -d; git pull origin; chmod g+w course.xml".format(gdir)
                msg += "git pull on {0}:<p>".format(data_dir)
                msg += "<pre>{0}</pre></p>".format(escape(os.popen(cmd).read()))
                track.views.server_track(request, "git-pull", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")

        if 'Reload course' in action:
            log.debug('reloading {0} ({1})'.format(course_key, course))
                data_dir = course.data_dir
                msg += "<br/><p>Course reloaded from {0}</p>".format(data_dir)
                track.views.server_track(request, "reload", {"directory": data_dir}, page="idashboard")
                course_errors = modulestore().get_course_errors(course.id)
                msg += '<ul>'
                for cmsg, cerr in course_errors:
                    msg += "<li>{0}: <pre>{1}</pre>".format(cmsg, escape(cerr))
                msg += '</ul>'
            except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                msg += '<br/><p>Error: {0}</p>'.format(escape(err))

    if action == 'Dump list of enrolled students' or action == 'List enrolled students':
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('List of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key.to_deprecated_string())
        track.views.server_track(request, "list-students", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Dump all RAW grades' in action:
        datatable = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True,
                                                   get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline)
        datatable['title'] = _('Raw Grades of students enrolled in {course_key}').format(course_key=course_key)
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-raw", {}, page="idashboard")

    elif 'Download CSV of all RAW grades' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-grades-csv-raw", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('grades_{0}_raw.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()),
                          get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_raw_scores=True, use_offline=use_offline))

    elif 'Download CSV of answer distributions' in action:
        track.views.server_track(request, "dump-answer-dist-csv", {}, page="idashboard")
        return return_csv('answer_dist_{0}.csv'.format(course_key.to_deprecated_string()), get_answers_distribution(request, course_key))

    # export grades to remote gradebook

    elif action == 'List assignments available in remote gradebook':
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-assignments')
        msg += msg2

    elif action == 'List assignments available for this course':
        allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)

        assignments = [[x] for x in allgrades['assignments']]
        datatable = {'header': [_('Assignment Name')]}
        datatable['data'] = assignments
        datatable['title'] = action

        msg += 'assignments=<pre>%s</pre>' % assignments

    elif action == 'List enrolled students matching remote gradebook':
        stud_data = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=False, use_offline=use_offline)
        msg2, rg_stud_data = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership')
        datatable = {'header': ['Student  email', 'Match?']}
        rg_students = [x['email'] for x in rg_stud_data['retdata']]

        def domatch(student):
            """Returns 'yes' if student is pressent in the remote gradebook student list, else returns 'No'"""
            return 'yes' if student.email in rg_students else 'No'
        datatable['data'] = [[x.email, domatch(x)] for x in stud_data['students']]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action in ['Display grades for assignment', 'Export grades for assignment to remote gradebook',
                    'Export CSV file of grades for assignment']:

        datatable = {}
        aname = request.POST.get('assignment_name', '')
        if not aname:
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(text=_("Please enter an assignment name"))
            allgrades = get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, use_offline=use_offline)
            if aname not in allgrades['assignments']:
                msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font>".format(
                    text=_("Invalid assignment name '{name}'").format(name=aname)
                aidx = allgrades['assignments'].index(aname)
                datatable = {'header': [_('External email'), aname]}
                ddata = []
                for student in allgrades['students']:  # do one by one in case there is a student who has only partial grades
                        ddata.append([student.email, student.grades[aidx]])
                    except IndexError:
                        log.debug('No grade for assignment {idx} ({name}) for student {email}'.format(
                            idx=aidx, name=aname, email=student.email)
                datatable['data'] = ddata

                datatable['title'] = _('Grades for assignment "{name}"').format(name=aname)

                if 'Export CSV' in action:
                    # generate and return CSV file
                    return return_csv('grades {name}.csv'.format(name=aname), datatable)

                elif 'remote gradebook' in action:
                    file_pointer = StringIO()
                    return_csv('', datatable, file_pointer=file_pointer)
                    files = {'datafile': file_pointer}
                    msg2, __ = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'post-grades', files=files)
                    msg += msg2

    # DataDump

    elif 'Download CSV of all responses to problem' in action:
        problem_to_dump = request.POST.get('problem_to_dump', '')

        if problem_to_dump[-4:] == ".xml":
            problem_to_dump = problem_to_dump[:-4]
            module_state_key = course_key.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(problem_to_dump)
            smdat = StudentModule.objects.filter(
            smdat = smdat.order_by('student')
            msg += _("Found {num} records to dump.").format(num=smdat)
        except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            msg += "<font color='red'>{text}</font><pre>{err}</pre>".format(
                text=_("Couldn't find module with that urlname."),
            smdat = []

        if smdat:
            datatable = {'header': ['username', 'state']}
            datatable['data'] = [[x.student.username, x.state] for x in smdat]
            datatable['title'] = _('Student state for problem {problem}').format(problem=problem_to_dump)
            return return_csv('student_state_from_{problem}.csv'.format(problem=problem_to_dump), datatable)

    # enrollment

    elif action == 'List students who may enroll but may not have yet signed up':
        ceaset = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_key)
        datatable = {'header': ['StudentEmail']}
        datatable['data'] = [[x.email] for x in ceaset]
        datatable['title'] = action

    elif action == 'Enroll multiple students':

        is_shib_course = uses_shib(course)
        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        auto_enroll = bool(request.POST.get('auto_enroll'))
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        secure = request.is_secure()
        ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, auto_enroll=auto_enroll, email_students=email_students, is_shib_course=is_shib_course)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'Unenroll multiple students':

        students = request.POST.get('multiple_students', '')
        email_students = bool(request.POST.get('email_students'))
        ret = _do_unenroll_students(course_key, students, email_students=email_students)
        datatable = ret['datatable']

    elif action == 'List sections available in remote gradebook':

        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-sections')
        msg += msg2

    elif action in ['List students in section in remote gradebook',
                    'Overload enrollment list using remote gradebook',
                    'Merge enrollment list with remote gradebook']:

        section = request.POST.get('gradebook_section', '')
        msg2, datatable = _do_remote_gradebook(request.user, course, 'get-membership', dict(section=section))
        msg += msg2

        if 'List' not in action:
            students = ','.join([x['email'] for x in datatable['retdata']])
            overload = 'Overload' in action
            secure = request.is_secure()
            ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=secure, overload=overload)
            datatable = ret['datatable']

    # psychometrics

    elif action == 'Generate Histogram and IRT Plot':
        problem = request.POST['Problem']
        nmsg, plots = psychoanalyze.generate_plots_for_problem(problem)
        msg += nmsg
        track.views.server_track(request, "psychometrics-histogram-generation", {"problem": unicode(problem)}, page="idashboard")

    if idash_mode == 'Psychometrics':
        problems = psychoanalyze.problems_with_psychometric_data(course_key)

    # analytics
    def get_analytics_result(analytics_name):
        """Return data for an Analytic piece, or None if it doesn't exist. It
        logs and swallows errors.
        url = settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + \
                analytics_name, urllib.quote(unicode(course_key)), settings.ANALYTICS_API_KEY
            res = requests.get(url)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            log.exception("Error trying to access analytics at %s", url)
            return None

        if res.status_code == codes.OK:
            # WARNING: do not use req.json because the preloaded json doesn't
            # preserve the order of the original record (hence OrderedDict).
            payload = json.loads(res.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
            return payload
            log.error("Error fetching %s, code: %s, msg: %s",
                      url, res.status_code, res.content)
        return None

    analytics_results = {}

    if idash_mode == 'Analytics':
        dashboard_analytics = [
            # "StudentsAttemptedProblems",  # num students who tried given problem
            "StudentsDailyActivity",  # active students by day
            "StudentsDropoffPerDay",  # active students dropoff by day
            # "OverallGradeDistribution",  # overall point distribution for course
            # "StudentsPerProblemCorrect",  # foreach problem, num students correct
            "ProblemGradeDistribution",  # foreach problem, grade distribution

        for analytic_name in dashboard_analytics:
            analytics_results[analytic_name] = get_analytics_result(analytic_name)

    # Metrics

    metrics_results = {}
    if settings.FEATURES.get('CLASS_DASHBOARD') and idash_mode == 'Metrics':
        metrics_results['section_display_name'] = dashboard_data.get_section_display_name(course_key)
        metrics_results['section_has_problem'] = dashboard_data.get_array_section_has_problem(course_key)

    # offline grades?

    if use_offline:
        msg += "<br/><font color='orange'>{text}</font>".format(
            text=_("Grades from {course_id}").format(

    # generate list of pending background tasks
        instructor_tasks = get_running_instructor_tasks(course_key)
        instructor_tasks = None

    # determine if this is a studio-backed course so we can provide a link to edit this course in studio
    is_studio_course = modulestore().get_modulestore_type(course_key) != ModuleStoreEnum.Type.xml
    studio_url = None
    if is_studio_course:
        studio_url = get_cms_course_link(course)

    if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_key):
        show_email_tab = True

    # display course stats only if there is no other table to display:
    course_stats = None
    if not datatable:
        course_stats = get_course_stats_table()

    # disable buttons for large courses
    disable_buttons = False
    max_enrollment_for_buttons = settings.FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
    if max_enrollment_for_buttons is not None:
        disable_buttons = enrollment_number > max_enrollment_for_buttons

    # context for rendering

    context = {
        'course': course,
        'staff_access': True,
        'admin_access': request.user.is_staff,
        'instructor_access': instructor_access,
        'forum_admin_access': forum_admin_access,
        'datatable': datatable,
        'course_stats': course_stats,
        'msg': msg,
        'modeflag': {idash_mode: 'selectedmode'},
        'studio_url': studio_url,

        'show_email_tab': show_email_tab,  # email

        'problems': problems,  # psychometrics
        'plots': plots,  # psychometrics
        'course_errors': modulestore().get_course_errors(course.id),
        'instructor_tasks': instructor_tasks,
        'offline_grade_log': offline_grades_available(course_key),

        'analytics_results': analytics_results,
        'disable_buttons': disable_buttons,
        'metrics_results': metrics_results,

    context['standard_dashboard_url'] = reverse('instructor_dashboard', kwargs={'course_id': course_key.to_deprecated_string()})

    return render_to_response('courseware/legacy_instructor_dashboard.html', context)

def _do_remote_gradebook(user, course, action, args=None, files=None):
    Perform remote gradebook action.  Returns msg, datatable.
    rgb = course.remote_gradebook
    if not rgb:
        msg = _("No remote gradebook defined in course metadata")
        return msg, {}

    rgburl = settings.FEATURES.get('REMOTE_GRADEBOOK_URL', '')
    if not rgburl:
        msg = _("No remote gradebook url defined in settings.FEATURES")
        return msg, {}

    rgbname = rgb.get('name', '')
    if not rgbname:
        msg = _("No gradebook name defined in course remote_gradebook metadata")
        return msg, {}

    if args is None:
        args = {}
    data = dict(submit=action, gradebook=rgbname, user=user.email)

        resp = requests.post(rgburl, data=data, verify=False, files=files)
        retdict = json.loads(resp.content)
    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        msg = _("Failed to communicate with gradebook server at {url}").format(url=rgburl) + "<br/>"
        msg += _("Error: {err}").format(err=err)
        msg += "<br/>resp={resp}".format(resp=resp.content)
        msg += "<br/>data={data}".format(data=data)
        return msg, {}

    msg = '<pre>{msg}</pre>'.format(msg=retdict['msg'].replace('\n', '<br/>'))
    retdata = retdict['data']  # a list of dicts

    if retdata:
        datatable = {'header': retdata[0].keys()}
        datatable['data'] = [x.values() for x in retdata]
        datatable['title'] = _('Remote gradebook response for {action}').format(action=action)
        datatable['retdata'] = retdata
        datatable = {}

    return msg, datatable

def _role_members_table(role, title, course_key):
    Return a data table of usernames and names of users in group_name.

        role -- a student.roles.AccessRole
        title -- a descriptive title to show the user

        a dictionary with keys
        'header': ['Username', 'Full name'],
        'data': [[username, name] for all users]
        'title': "{title} in course {course}"
    uset = role.users_with_role()
    datatable = {'header': [_('Username'), _('Full name')]}
    datatable['data'] = [[x.username, x.profile.name] for x in uset]
    datatable['title'] = _('{title} in course {course_key}').format(title=title, course_key=course_key.to_deprecated_string())
    return datatable

def _user_from_name_or_email(username_or_email):
    Return the `django.contrib.auth.User` with the supplied username or email.

    If `username_or_email` contains an `@` it is treated as an email, otherwise
    it is treated as the username
    username_or_email = strip_if_string(username_or_email)

    if '@' in username_or_email:
        return User.objects.get(email=username_or_email)
        return User.objects.get(username=username_or_email)

def add_user_to_role(request, username_or_email, role, group_title, event_name):
    Look up the given user by username (if no '@') or email (otherwise), and add them to group.

       request: django request--used for tracking log
       username_or_email: who to add.  Decide if it's an email by presense of an '@'
       group: A group name
       group_title: what to call this group in messages to user--e.g. "beta-testers".
       event_name: what to call this event when logging to tracking logs.

       html to insert in the message field
    username_or_email = strip_if_string(username_or_email)
        user = _user_from_name_or_email(username_or_email)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        return u'<font color="red">Error: unknown username or email "{0}"</font>'.format(username_or_email)


    # Deal with historical event names
    if event_name in ('staff', 'beta-tester'):
                "event_name": event_name,
                "user": unicode(user),
                "event": "add"
        track.views.server_track(request, "add-instructor", {"instructor": unicode(user)}, page="idashboard")

    return '<font color="green">Added {0} to {1}</font>'.format(user, group_title)

def remove_user_from_role(request, username_or_email, role, group_title, event_name):
    Look up the given user by username (if no '@') or email (otherwise), and remove them from the supplied role.

       request: django request--used for tracking log
       username_or_email: who to remove.  Decide if it's an email by presense of an '@'
       role: A student.roles.AccessRole
       group_title: what to call this group in messages to user--e.g. "beta-testers".
       event_name: what to call this event when logging to tracking logs.

       html to insert in the message field

    username_or_email = strip_if_string(username_or_email)
        user = _user_from_name_or_email(username_or_email)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        return u'<font color="red">Error: unknown username or email "{0}"</font>'.format(username_or_email)


    # Deal with historical event names
    if event_name in ('staff', 'beta-tester'):
                "event_name": event_name,
                "user": unicode(user),
                "event": "remove"
        track.views.server_track(request, "remove-instructor", {"instructor": unicode(user)}, page="idashboard")

    return '<font color="green">Removed {0} from {1}</font>'.format(user, group_title)

class GradeTable(object):
    Keep track of grades, by student, for all graded assignment
    components.  Each student's grades are stored in a list.  The
    index of this list specifies the assignment component.  Not
    all lists have the same length, because at the start of going
    through the set of grades, it is unknown what assignment
    compoments exist.  This is because some students may not do
    all the assignment components.

    The student grades are then stored in a dict, with the student
    id as the key.
    def __init__(self):
        self.components = OrderedDict()
        self.grades = {}
        self._current_row = {}

    def _add_grade_to_row(self, component, score):
        """Creates component if needed, and assigns score

            component (str): Course component being graded
            score (float): Score of student on component

        component_index = self.components.setdefault(component, len(self.components))
        self._current_row[component_index] = score

    def add_row(self, student_id):
        """Context management for a row of grades

        Uses a new dictionary to get all grades of a specified student
        and closes by adding that dict to the internal table.

            student_id (str): Student id that is having grades set

        self._current_row = {}
        yield self._add_grade_to_row
        self.grades[student_id] = self._current_row

    def get_grade(self, student_id):
        """Retrieves padded list of grades for specified student

            student_id (str): Student ID for desired grades

            list: Ordered list of grades for student

        row = self.grades.get(student_id, [])
        ncomp = len(self.components)
        return [row.get(comp, None) for comp in range(ncomp)]

    def get_graded_components(self):
        Return a list of components that have been
        discovered so far.
        return self.components.keys()

def get_student_grade_summary_data(request, course, get_grades=True, get_raw_scores=False, use_offline=False):
    Return data arrays with student identity and grades for specified course.

    course = CourseDescriptor
    course_key = course ID

    Note: both are passed in, only because instructor_dashboard already has them already.

    returns datatable = dict(header=header, data=data)

    header = list of strings labeling the data fields
    data = list (one per student) of lists of data corresponding to the fields

    If get_raw_scores=True, then instead of grade summaries, the raw grades for all graded modules are returned.
    course_key = course.id
    enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(

    header = [_('ID'), _('Username'), _('Full Name'), _('edX email'), _('External email')]

    datatable = {'header': header, 'students': enrolled_students}
    data = []

    gtab = GradeTable()

    for student in enrolled_students:
        datarow = [student.id, student.username, student.profile.name, student.email]
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

        if get_grades:
            gradeset = student_grades(student, request, course, keep_raw_scores=get_raw_scores, use_offline=use_offline)
            log.debug('student={0}, gradeset={1}'.format(student, gradeset))
            with gtab.add_row(student.id) as add_grade:
                if get_raw_scores:
                    # TODO (ichuang) encode Score as dict instead of as list, so score[0] -> score['earned']
                    for score in gradeset['raw_scores']:
                        add_grade(score.section, getattr(score, 'earned', score[0]))
                    for grade_item in gradeset['section_breakdown']:
                        add_grade(grade_item['label'], grade_item['percent'])
            student.grades = gtab.get_grade(student.id)


    # if getting grades, need to do a second pass, and add grades to each datarow;
    # on the first pass we don't know all the graded components
    if get_grades:
        for datarow in data:
            # get grades for student
            sgrades = gtab.get_grade(datarow[0])
            datarow += sgrades

        # get graded components and add to table header
        assignments = gtab.get_graded_components()
        header += assignments
        datatable['assignments'] = assignments

    datatable['data'] = data
    return datatable


# Gradebook has moved to instructor.api.spoc_gradebook #

# enrollment

def _do_enroll_students(course, course_key, students, secure=False, overload=False, auto_enroll=False, email_students=False, is_shib_course=False):
    Do the actual work of enrolling multiple students, presented as a string
    of emails separated by commas or returns
    `course` is course object
    `course_key` id of course (a CourseKey)
    `students` string of student emails separated by commas or returns (a `str`)
    `overload` un-enrolls all existing students (a `boolean`)
    `auto_enroll` is user input preference (a `boolean`)
    `email_students` is user input preference (a `boolean`)

    new_students, new_students_lc = get_and_clean_student_list(students)
    status = dict([x, 'unprocessed'] for x in new_students)

    if overload:  # delete all but staff
        todelete = CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=course_key)
        for enrollee in todelete:
            if not has_access(enrollee.user, 'staff', course) and enrollee.user.email.lower() not in new_students_lc:
                status[enrollee.user.email] = 'deleted'
                status[enrollee.user.email] = 'is staff'
        ceaset = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_key)
        for cea in ceaset:
            status[cea.email] = 'removed from pending enrollment list'

    if email_students:
        protocol = 'https' if secure else 'http'
        stripped_site_name = microsite.get_value(
        # TODO: Use request.build_absolute_uri rather than '{proto}://{site}{path}'.format
        # and check with the Services team that this works well with microsites
        registration_url = '{proto}://{site}{path}'.format(
        course_url = '{proto}://{site}{path}'.format(
            path=reverse('course_root', kwargs={'course_id': course_key.to_deprecated_string()})
        # We can't get the url to the course's About page if the marketing site is enabled.
        course_about_url = None
        if not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_MKTG_SITE', False):
            course_about_url = u'{proto}://{site}{path}'.format(
                path=reverse('about_course', kwargs={'course_id': course_key.to_deprecated_string()})

        # Composition of email
        email_data = {
            'site_name': stripped_site_name,
            'registration_url': registration_url,
            'course': course,
            'auto_enroll': auto_enroll,
            'course_url': course_url,
            'course_about_url': course_about_url,
            'is_shib_course': is_shib_course

    for student in new_students:
            user = User.objects.get(email=student)
        except User.DoesNotExist:

            # Student not signed up yet, put in pending enrollment allowed table
            cea = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(email=student, course_id=course_key)

            # If enrollmentallowed already exists, update auto_enroll flag to however it was set in UI
            # Will be 0 or 1 records as there is a unique key on email + course_id
            if cea:
                cea[0].auto_enroll = auto_enroll
                status[student] = 'user does not exist, enrollment already allowed, pending with auto enrollment ' \
                    + ('on' if auto_enroll else 'off')

            # EnrollmentAllowed doesn't exist so create it
            cea = CourseEnrollmentAllowed(email=student, course_id=course_key, auto_enroll=auto_enroll)

            status[student] = 'user does not exist, enrollment allowed, pending with auto enrollment ' \
                + ('on' if auto_enroll else 'off')

            if email_students:
                # User is allowed to enroll but has not signed up yet
                email_data['email_address'] = student
                email_data['message'] = 'allowed_enroll'
                send_mail_ret = send_mail_to_student(student, email_data)
                status[student] += (', email sent' if send_mail_ret else '')

        # Student has already registered
        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, course_key):
            status[student] = 'already enrolled'

            # Not enrolled yet
            CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course_key)
            status[student] = 'added'

            if email_students:
                # User enrolled for first time, populate dict with user specific info
                email_data['email_address'] = student
                email_data['full_name'] = user.profile.name
                email_data['message'] = 'enrolled_enroll'
                send_mail_ret = send_mail_to_student(student, email_data)
                status[student] += (', email sent' if send_mail_ret else '')

        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            status[student] = 'rejected'

    datatable = {'header': ['StudentEmail', 'action']}
    datatable['data'] = [[x, status[x]] for x in sorted(status)]
    datatable['title'] = _('Enrollment of students')

    def sf(stat):
        return [x for x in status if status[x] == stat]

    data = dict(added=sf('added'), rejected=sf('rejected') + sf('exists'),
                deleted=sf('deleted'), datatable=datatable)

    return data

def _do_unenroll_students(course_key, students, email_students=False):
    Do the actual work of un-enrolling multiple students, presented as a string
    of emails separated by commas or returns
    `course_key` is id of course (a `str`)
    `students` is string of student emails separated by commas or returns (a `str`)
    `email_students` is user input preference (a `boolean`)

    old_students, __ = get_and_clean_student_list(students)
    status = dict([x, 'unprocessed'] for x in old_students)

    stripped_site_name = microsite.get_value(
    if email_students:
        course = modulestore().get_course(course_key)
        # Composition of email
        data = {
            'site_name': stripped_site_name,
            'course': course

    for student in old_students:

        isok = False
        cea = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_key, email=student)
        # Will be 0 or 1 records as there is a unique key on email + course_id
        if cea:
            status[student] = "un-enrolled"
            isok = True

            user = User.objects.get(email=student)
        except User.DoesNotExist:

            if isok and email_students:
                # User was allowed to join but had not signed up yet
                data['email_address'] = student
                data['message'] = 'allowed_unenroll'
                send_mail_ret = send_mail_to_student(student, data)
                status[student] += (', email sent' if send_mail_ret else '')


        # Will be 0 or 1 records as there is a unique key on user + course_id
        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(user, course_key):
                CourseEnrollment.unenroll(user, course_key)
                status[student] = "un-enrolled"
                if email_students:
                    # User was enrolled
                    data['email_address'] = student
                    data['full_name'] = user.profile.name
                    data['message'] = 'enrolled_unenroll'
                    send_mail_ret = send_mail_to_student(student, data)
                    status[student] += (', email sent' if send_mail_ret else '')

            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                if not isok:
                    status[student] = "Error!  Failed to un-enroll"

    datatable = {'header': ['StudentEmail', 'action']}
    datatable['data'] = [[x, status[x]] for x in sorted(status)]
    datatable['title'] = _('Un-enrollment of students')

    return dict(datatable=datatable)

def send_mail_to_student(student, param_dict):
    Construct the email using templates and then send it.
    `student` is the student's email address (a `str`),

    `param_dict` is a `dict` with keys [
    `site_name`: name given to edX instance (a `str`)
    `registration_url`: url for registration (a `str`)
    `course_key`: id of course (a CourseKey)
    `auto_enroll`: user input option (a `str`)
    `course_url`: url of course (a `str`)
    `email_address`: email of student (a `str`)
    `full_name`: student full name (a `str`)
    `message`: type of email to send and template to use (a `str`)
    `is_shib_course`: (a `boolean`)
    Returns a boolean indicating whether the email was sent successfully.

    # add some helpers and microconfig subsitutions
    if 'course' in param_dict:
        param_dict['course_name'] = param_dict['course'].display_name_with_default
    param_dict['site_name'] = microsite.get_value(
        param_dict.get('site_name', '')

    subject = None
    message = None

    message_type = param_dict['message']

    email_template_dict = {
        'allowed_enroll': ('emails/enroll_email_allowedsubject.txt', 'emails/enroll_email_allowedmessage.txt'),
        'enrolled_enroll': ('emails/enroll_email_enrolledsubject.txt', 'emails/enroll_email_enrolledmessage.txt'),
        'allowed_unenroll': ('emails/unenroll_email_subject.txt', 'emails/unenroll_email_allowedmessage.txt'),
        'enrolled_unenroll': ('emails/unenroll_email_subject.txt', 'emails/unenroll_email_enrolledmessage.txt'),

    subject_template, message_template = email_template_dict.get(message_type, (None, None))
    if subject_template is not None and message_template is not None:
        subject = render_to_string(subject_template, param_dict)
        message = render_to_string(message_template, param_dict)

    if subject and message:
        # Remove leading and trailing whitespace from body
        message = message.strip()

        # Email subject *must not* contain newlines
        subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines())
        from_address = microsite.get_value(

        send_mail(subject, message, from_address, [student], fail_silently=False)

        return True
        return False

def get_and_clean_student_list(students):
    Separate out individual student email from the comma, or space separated string.
    `students` is string of student emails separated by commas or returns (a `str`)
    students: list of cleaned student emails
    students_lc: list of lower case cleaned student emails

    students = split_by_comma_and_whitespace(students)
    students = [unicode(s.strip()) for s in students]
    students = [s for s in students if s != '']
    students_lc = [x.lower() for x in students]

    return students, students_lc

# answer distribution

def get_answers_distribution(request, course_key):
    Get the distribution of answers for all graded problems in the course.

    Return a dict with two keys:
    'header': a header row
    'data': a list of rows
    course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'staff', course_key)

    course_answer_distributions = grades.answer_distributions(course.id)

    dist = {}
    dist['header'] = ['url_name', 'display name', 'answer id', 'answer', 'count']

    dist['data'] = [
        [url_name, display_name, answer_id, a, answers[a]]
        for (url_name, display_name, answer_id), answers in sorted(course_answer_distributions.items())
        for a in answers
    return dist


def compute_course_stats(course):
    Compute course statistics, including number of problems, videos, html.

    course is a CourseDescriptor from the xmodule system.

    # walk the course by using get_children() until we come to the leaves; count the
    # number of different leaf types

    counts = defaultdict(int)

    def walk(module):
        children = module.get_children()
        category = module.__class__.__name__  # HtmlDescriptor, CapaDescriptor, ...
        counts[category] += 1
        for child in children:

    stats = dict(counts)  # number of each kind of module
    return stats

def dump_grading_context(course):
    Dump information about course grading context (eg which problems are graded in what assignments)
    Very useful for debugging grading_policy.json and policy.json
    msg = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    msg += "Course grader:\n"

    msg += '%s\n' % course.grader.__class__
    graders = {}
    if isinstance(course.grader, xmgraders.WeightedSubsectionsGrader):
        msg += '\n'
        msg += "Graded sections:\n"
        for subgrader, category, weight in course.grader.sections:
            msg += "  subgrader=%s, type=%s, category=%s, weight=%s\n" % (subgrader.__class__, subgrader.type, category, weight)
            subgrader.index = 1
            graders[subgrader.type] = subgrader
    msg += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    msg += "Listing grading context for course %s\n" % course.id

    gcontext = course.grading_context
    msg += "graded sections:\n"

    msg += '%s\n' % gcontext['graded_sections'].keys()
    for (gsections, gsvals) in gcontext['graded_sections'].items():
        msg += "--> Section %s:\n" % (gsections)
        for sec in gsvals:
            sdesc = sec['section_descriptor']
            grade_format = getattr(sdesc, 'grade_format', None)
            aname = ''
            if grade_format in graders:
                gfmt = graders[grade_format]
                aname = '%s %02d' % (gfmt.short_label, gfmt.index)
                gfmt.index += 1
            elif sdesc.display_name in graders:
                gfmt = graders[sdesc.display_name]
                aname = '%s' % gfmt.short_label
            notes = ''
            if getattr(sdesc, 'score_by_attempt', False):
                notes = ', score by attempt!'
            msg += "      %s (grade_format=%s, Assignment=%s%s)\n" % (sdesc.display_name, grade_format, aname, notes)
    msg += "all descriptors:\n"
    msg += "length=%d\n" % len(gcontext['all_descriptors'])
    msg = '<pre>%s</pre>' % msg.replace('<', '&lt;')
    return msg

def get_background_task_table(course_key, problem_url=None, student=None, task_type=None):
    Construct the "datatable" structure to represent background task history.

    Filters the background task history to the specified course and problem.
    If a student is provided, filters to only those tasks for which that student
    was specified.

    Returns a tuple of (msg, datatable), where the msg is a possible error message,
    and the datatable is the datatable to be used for display.
    history_entries = get_instructor_task_history(course_key, problem_url, student, task_type)
    datatable = {}
    msg = ""
    # first check to see if there is any history at all
    # (note that we don't have to check that the arguments are valid; it
    # just won't find any entries.)
    if (history_entries.count()) == 0:
        if problem_url is None:
            msg += '<font color="red">Failed to find any background tasks for course "{course}".</font>'.format(
        elif student is not None:
            template = '<font color="red">' + _('Failed to find any background tasks for course "{course}", module "{problem}" and student "{student}".') + '</font>'
            msg += template.format(course=course_key.to_deprecated_string(), problem=problem_url, student=student.username)
            msg += '<font color="red">' + _('Failed to find any background tasks for course "{course}" and module "{problem}".').format(
                course=course_key.to_deprecated_string(), problem=problem_url
            ) + '</font>'
        datatable['header'] = ["Task Type",
                               "Task Id",
                               "Duration (sec)",
                               "Task State",
                               "Task Status",
                               "Task Output"]

        datatable['data'] = []
        for instructor_task in history_entries:
            # get duration info, if known:
            duration_sec = 'unknown'
            if hasattr(instructor_task, 'task_output') and instructor_task.task_output is not None:
                task_output = json.loads(instructor_task.task_output)
                if 'duration_ms' in task_output:
                    duration_sec = int(task_output['duration_ms'] / 1000.0)
            # get progress status message:
            success, task_message = get_task_completion_info(instructor_task)
            status = "Complete" if success else "Incomplete"
            # generate row for this task:
            row = [
                instructor_task.created.isoformat(' '),

        if problem_url is None:
            datatable['title'] = "{course_id}".format(course_id=course_key.to_deprecated_string())
        elif student is not None:
            datatable['title'] = "{course_id} > {location} > {student}".format(
            datatable['title'] = "{course_id} > {location}".format(
                course_id=course_key.to_deprecated_string(), location=problem_url

    return msg, datatable

def uses_shib(course):
    Used to return whether course has Shibboleth as the enrollment domain

    Returns a boolean indicating if Shibboleth authentication is set for this course.
    return course.enrollment_domain and course.enrollment_domain.startswith(SHIBBOLETH_DOMAIN_PREFIX)