define(["js/views/validation", "underscore", "jquery", "jquery.ui", "js/views/settings/grader"],
    function(ValidatingView, _, $, ui, GraderView) {

var GradingView = ValidatingView.extend({
    // Model class is CMS.Models.Settings.CourseGradingPolicy
    events : {
        "input input" : "updateModel",
        "input textarea" : "updateModel",
        // Leaving change in as fallback for older browsers
        "change input" : "updateModel",
        "change textarea" : "updateModel",
        "input span[contenteditable=true]" : "updateDesignation",
        "click .settings-extra header" : "showSettingsExtras",
        "click .new-grade-button" : "addNewGrade",
        "click .remove-button" : "removeGrade",
        "click .add-grading-data" : "addAssignmentType",
        // would love to move to a general superclass, but event hashes don't inherit in backbone :-(
        'focus :input' : "inputFocus",
        'blur :input' : "inputUnfocus"
    initialize : function() {
        //  load template for grading view
        var self = this;
        this.template = _.template($("#course_grade_policy-tpl").text());
        this.gradeCutoffTemplate = _.template('<li class="grade-specific-bar" style="width:<%= width %>%"><span class="letter-grade" contenteditable="true">' +
                '<%= descriptor %>' +
                '</span><span class="range"></span>' +
                '<% if (removable) {%><a href="#" class="remove-button">remove</a><% ;} %>' +


        this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', this.handleValidationError);
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.showNotificationBar);
        this.model.get('graders').on('reset', this.render, this);
        this.model.get('graders').on('add', this.render, this);
        this.selectorToField = _.invert(this.fieldToSelectorMap);

    render: function() {


        // Create and render the grading type subs
        var self = this;
        var gradelist = this.$el.find('.course-grading-assignment-list');
        // Undo the double invocation error. At some point, fix the double invocation
        var gradeCollection = this.model.get('graders');
        // We need to bind these events here (rather than in
        // initialize), or else we can only press the delete button
        // once due to the graders collection changing when we cancel
        // our changes.
        _.each(['change', 'remove', 'add'],
               function (event) {
                   gradeCollection.on(event, function() {
                       // Since the change event gets fired every time
                       // we type in an input field, we don't need to
                       // (and really shouldn't) rerender the whole view.
                       if(event !== 'change') {
                   }, this);
        gradeCollection.each(function(gradeModel) {
            $(gradelist).append(self.template({model : gradeModel }));
            var newEle = gradelist.children().last();
            var newView = new GraderView({el: newEle,
                model : gradeModel, collection : gradeCollection });
            // Listen in order to rerender when the 'cancel' button is
            // pressed
            self.listenTo(newView, 'revert', _.bind(self.render, self));

        // render the grade cutoffs

        return this;
    addAssignmentType : function(e) {
    fieldToSelectorMap : {
        'grace_period' : 'course-grading-graceperiod'
    renderGracePeriod: function() {
        var format = function(time) {
            return time >= 10 ? time.toString() : '0' + time;
        var grace_period = this.model.get('grace_period');
            format(grace_period.hours) + ':' + format(grace_period.minutes)
    setGracePeriod : function(event) {
        var newVal = this.model.parseGracePeriod($(event.currentTarget).val());
        this.model.set('grace_period', newVal, {validate: true});
    updateModel : function(event) {
        if (!this.selectorToField[]) return;

        switch (this.selectorToField[]) {
        case 'grace_period':


    // Grade sliders attributes and methods
    // Grade bars are li's ordered A -> F with A taking whole width, B overlaying it with its paint, ...
    // The actual cutoff for each grade is the width % of the next lower grade; so, the hack here
    // is to lay down a whole width bar claiming it's A and then lay down bars for each actual grade
    // starting w/ A but posting the label in the preceding li and setting the label of the last to "Fail" or "F"

    // A does not have a drag bar (cannot change its upper limit)
    // Need to insert new bars in right place.
    GRADES : ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],	// defaults for new grade designators
    descendingCutoffs : [],  // array of { designation : , cutoff : }
    gradeBarWidth : null, // cache of value since it won't change (more certain)

    renderCutoffBar: function() {
        var gradeBar =this.$el.find('.grade-bar');
        this.gradeBarWidth = gradeBar.width();
        var gradelist = gradeBar.children('.grades');
        // HACK fixing a duplicate call issue by undoing previous call effect. Need to figure out why called 2x
        var nextWidth = 100; // first width is 100%
        // Can probably be simplified to one variable now.
        var removable = false;
        var draggable = false; // first and last are not removable, first is not draggable
                function(cutoff, index) {
            var newBar = this.gradeCutoffTemplate({
                descriptor : cutoff['designation'] ,
                width : nextWidth,
                removable : removable });
            if (draggable) {
                newBar = gradelist.children().last(); // get the dom object not the unparsed string
                    handles: "e",
                    containment : "parent",
                    start : this.startMoveClosure(),
                    resize : this.moveBarClosure(),
                    stop : this.stopDragClosure()
            // prepare for next
            nextWidth = cutoff['cutoff'];
            removable = true; // first is not removable, all others are
            draggable = true;
        // add fail which is not in data
        var failBar = $(this.gradeCutoffTemplate({
            descriptor : this.failLabel(),
            width : nextWidth,
            removable : false
        failBar.find("span[contenteditable=true]").attr("contenteditable", false);
            handles: "e",
            containment : "parent",
            start : this.startMoveClosure(),
            resize : this.moveBarClosure(),
            stop : this.stopDragClosure()


    showSettingsExtras : function(event) {

    startMoveClosure : function() {
        // set min/max widths
        var cachethis = this;
        var widthPerPoint = cachethis.gradeBarWidth / 100;
        return function(event, ui) {
            var barIndex = ui.element.index();
            // min and max represent limits not labels (note, can's make smaller than 3 points wide)
            var min = (barIndex < cachethis.descendingCutoffs.length ? cachethis.descendingCutoffs[barIndex]['cutoff'] + 3 : 3);
            // minus 2 b/c minus 1 is the element we're effecting. It's max is just shy of the next one above it
            var max = (barIndex >= 2 ? cachethis.descendingCutoffs[barIndex - 2]['cutoff'] - 3 : 97);
            ui.element.resizable("option",{minWidth : min * widthPerPoint, maxWidth : max * widthPerPoint});

    moveBarClosure : function() {
        // 0th ele doesn't have a bar; so, will never invoke this
        var cachethis = this;
        return function(event, ui) {
            var barIndex = ui.element.index();
            // min and max represent limits not labels (note, can's make smaller than 3 points wide)
            var min = (barIndex < cachethis.descendingCutoffs.length ? cachethis.descendingCutoffs[barIndex]['cutoff'] + 3 : 3);
            // minus 2 b/c minus 1 is the element we're effecting. It's max is just shy of the next one above it
            var max = (barIndex >= 2 ? cachethis.descendingCutoffs[barIndex - 2]['cutoff'] - 3 : 100);
            var percentage = Math.min(Math.max(ui.size.width / cachethis.gradeBarWidth * 100, min), max);
            cachethis.descendingCutoffs[barIndex - 1]['cutoff'] = Math.round(percentage);

    renderGradeRanges: function() {
        // the labels showing the range e.g., 71-80
        var cutoffs = this.descendingCutoffs;
        this.$el.find('.range').each(function(i) {
            var min = (i < cutoffs.length ? cutoffs[i]['cutoff'] : 0);
            var max = (i > 0 ? cutoffs[i - 1]['cutoff'] : 100);
            $(this).text(min + '-' + max);

    stopDragClosure: function() {
        var cachethis = this;
        return function(event, ui) {
            // for some reason the resize is setting height to 0

    saveCutoffs: function() {
                        function(object, cutoff) {
                    object[cutoff['designation']] = cutoff['cutoff'] / 100.0;
                    return object;
                {validate: true});

    addNewGrade: function(e) {
        var gradeLength = this.descendingCutoffs.length; // cutoffs doesn't include fail/f so this is only the passing grades
        if(gradeLength > 3) {
            // TODO shouldn't we disable the button
        var failBarWidth = this.descendingCutoffs[gradeLength - 1]['cutoff'];
        // going to split the grade above the insertion point in half leaving fail in same place
        var nextGradeTop = (gradeLength > 1 ? this.descendingCutoffs[gradeLength - 2]['cutoff'] : 100);
        var targetWidth = failBarWidth + ((nextGradeTop - failBarWidth) / 2);
        this.descendingCutoffs.push({designation: this.GRADES[gradeLength], cutoff: failBarWidth});
        this.descendingCutoffs[gradeLength - 1]['cutoff'] = Math.round(targetWidth);

        var $newGradeBar = this.gradeCutoffTemplate({ descriptor : this.GRADES[gradeLength],
            width : targetWidth, removable : true });
        var gradeDom = this.$el.find('.grades');
        var newEle = gradeDom.children()[gradeLength];
            handles: "e",
            containment : "parent",
            start : this.startMoveClosure(),
            resize : this.moveBarClosure(),
            stop : this.stopDragClosure()

        // Munge existing grade labels?
        // If going from Pass/Fail to 3 levels, change to Pass to A
        if (gradeLength === 1 && this.descendingCutoffs[0]['designation'] === 'Pass') {
            this.descendingCutoffs[0]['designation'] = this.GRADES[0];


    removeGrade: function(e) {
        var domElement = $(e.currentTarget).closest('li');
        var index = domElement.index();
        // copy the boundary up to the next higher grade then remove
        this.descendingCutoffs[index - 1]['cutoff'] = this.descendingCutoffs[index]['cutoff'];
        this.descendingCutoffs.splice(index, 1);

        if (this.descendingCutoffs.length === 1 && this.descendingCutoffs[0]['designation'] === this.GRADES[0]) {
            this.descendingCutoffs[0]['designation'] = 'Pass';

    updateDesignation: function(e) {
        var index = $(e.currentTarget).closest('li').index();
        this.descendingCutoffs[index]['designation'] = $(e.currentTarget).html();

    failLabel: function() {
        if (this.descendingCutoffs.length === 1) return 'Fail';
        else return 'F';
    setFailLabel: function() {
        this.$el.find('.grades .letter-grade').last().html(this.failLabel());
    setTopGradeLabel: function() {
        this.$el.find('.grades .letter-grade').first().html(this.descendingCutoffs[0]['designation']);
    setupCutoffs: function() {
        // Instrument grading scale
        // convert cutoffs to inversely ordered list
        var modelCutoffs = this.model.get('grade_cutoffs');
        for (var cutoff in modelCutoffs) {
            this.descendingCutoffs.push({designation: cutoff, cutoff: Math.round(modelCutoffs[cutoff] * 100)});
        this.descendingCutoffs = _.sortBy(this.descendingCutoffs,
                                          function (gradeEle) { return -gradeEle['cutoff']; });
    revertView: function() {
        var self = this;
            success: function() {
                self.descendingCutoffs = [];
            reset: true,
            silent: true});
    showNotificationBar: function() {
        // We always call showNotificationBar with the same args, just
        // delegate to superclass,
                                                          _.bind(this.saveView, this),
                                                          _.bind(this.revertView, this));

return GradingView;

}); // end define()