""" Safe version of tarfile.extractall which does not extract any files that would be, or symlink to a file that is, outside of the directory extracted in. Adapted from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10060069/safely-extract-zip-or-tar-using-python """ from os.path import abspath, realpath, dirname, join as joinpath from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103 def resolved(rpath): """ Returns the canonical absolute path of `rpath`. """ return realpath(abspath(rpath)) def _is_bad_path(path, base): """ Is (the canonical absolute path of) `path` outside `base`? """ return not resolved(joinpath(base, path)).startswith(base) def _is_bad_link(info, base): """ Does the file sym- ord hard-link to files outside `base`? """ # Links are interpreted relative to the directory containing the link tip = resolved(joinpath(base, dirname(info.name))) return _is_bad_path(info.linkname, base=tip) def safemembers(members): """ Check that all elements of a tar file are safe. """ base = resolved(".") for finfo in members: if _is_bad_path(finfo.name, base): log.debug("File %r is blocked (illegal path)", finfo.name) raise SuspiciousOperation("Illegal path") elif finfo.issym() and _is_bad_link(finfo, base): log.debug( "File %r is blocked: Hard link to %r", finfo.name, finfo.linkname) raise SuspiciousOperation("Hard link") elif finfo.islnk() and _is_bad_link(finfo, base): log.debug("File %r is blocked: Symlink to %r", finfo.name, finfo.linkname) raise SuspiciousOperation("Symlink") elif finfo.isdev(): log.debug("File %r is blocked: FIFO, device or character file", finfo.name) raise SuspiciousOperation("Dev file") return members def safetar_extractall(tarf, *args, **kwargs): """ Safe version of `tarf.extractall()`. """ return tarf.extractall(members=safemembers(tarf), *args, **kwargs)