<div class="wrapper-license"> <h3 class="label setting-label"> <%= gettext("License Type") %> </h3> <ul class="license-types"> <% var link_start_tpl = '<a href="{url}" target="_blank">'; %> <% _.each(licenseInfo, function(license, licenseType) { %> <li class="license-type" data-license="<%- licenseType %>"> <button name="license-<%- licenseType %>" class="action license-button <% if(model.type === licenseType) { print("is-selected"); } %>" aria-pressed="<%- (model.type === licenseType).toString() %>" <% if (license.tooltip) { %>data-tooltip="<%- license.tooltip %>"<% } %>> <%- license.name %> </button> <p class="tip"> <% if(license.url) { %> <a href="<%- license.url %>" target="_blank"> <%= gettext("Learn more about {license_name}") .replace("{license_name}", license.name) %> </a> <% } else { %> <% } %> </p> </li> <% }) %> </ul> <% var license = licenseInfo[model.type]; %> <% if(license && !_.isEmpty(license.options)) { %> <div class="wrapper-license-options"> <h4 class="label setting-label"> <%- gettext("Options for {license_name}").replace("{license_name}", license.name) %> </h4> <p class='tip tip-inline'> <%- gettext("The following options are available for the {license_name} license.") .replace("{license_name}", license.name) %> </p> <ul class="license-options"> <% _.each(license.option_order, function(optionKey) { %> <% var optionInfo = license.options[optionKey]; %> <% if (optionInfo.type == "boolean") { %> <% var optionSelected = model.options[optionKey]; %> <% var optionDisabled = optionInfo.disabled %> <li data-option="<%- optionKey %>" class="action-item license-option <% if (optionSelected) { print("is-selected"); } %> <% if (optionDisabled) { print("is-disabled"); } else { print("is-clickable"); } %>" > <input type="checkbox" id="<%- model.type %>-<%- optionKey %>" name="<%- model.type %>-<%- optionKey %>" aria-describedby="<%- optionKey %>-explanation" <% if(optionSelected) { print('checked="checked"'); } %> <% if(optionDisabled) { print('disabled="disabled"'); } %> /> <label for="<%- model.type %>-<%- optionKey %>" class="option-name"> <%- optionInfo.name %> </label> <div id="<%- optionKey %>-explanation" class="explanation"> <%- optionInfo.help %> </div> </li> <% } // could implement other types here %> <% }) %> </ul> </div> <% } %> <% if (showPreview) { %> <div class="wrapper-license-preview"> <h4 class="label setting-label"> <%= gettext("License Display") %> </h4> <p class="tip"> <%= gettext("The following message will be displayed at the bottom of the courseware pages within your course:") %> </p> <div class="license-preview"> <% // keep this synchronized with the contents of common/templates/license.html %> <% if (model.type === "all-rights-reserved") { %> © <span class="license-text"><%= gettext("All Rights Reserved") %></span> <% } else if (model.type === "creative-commons") { var possible = ["by", "nc", "nd", "sa"]; var enabled = _.filter(possible, function(option) { return model.options[option] === true || model.options[option.toUpperCase()] === true; }); var version = model.options.ver || "4.0"; if (_.isEmpty(enabled)) { enabled = ["zero"]; version = model.options.ver || "1.0"; } %> <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/<%- enabled.join("-") %>/<%- version %>/"> <% if (previewButton) { %> <img src="https://licensebuttons.net/l/<%- enabled.join("-") %>/<%- version %>/<%- typeof buttonSize == "string" ? buttonSize : "88x31" %>.png" alt="<%- typeof licenseString == "string" ? licenseString : "" %>" /> <% } else { %> <% //<span> must come before <i> icon or else spacing gets messed up %> <span class="sr">gettext("Creative Commons licensed content, with terms as follow:") </span><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon-cc"></i> <% _.each(enabled, function(option) { %> <span class="sr"><%- license.options[option.toUpperCase()].name %> </span><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon-cc-<%- option %>"></i> <% }); %> <span class="license-text"><%= gettext("Some Rights Reserved") %></span> <% } %> <% } else { %> <%= typeof licenseString == "string" ? licenseString : "" %> <% // Default to ARR license %> © <span class="license-text"><%= gettext("All Rights Reserved") %></span> <% } %> </a> </div> <% } %> </div>