#!/usr/bin/env python """ a release-master multitool """ from path import path from git import Repo import argparse from datetime import date, timedelta from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_datestring import re from collections import OrderedDict import textwrap IGNORED_EMAILS = set(("vagrant@precise32.(none)",)) JIRA_RE = re.compile(r"\b[A-Z]{2,}-\d+\b") PROJECT_ROOT = path(__file__).abspath().dirname() repo = Repo(PROJECT_ROOT) git = repo.git def make_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="release master multitool") parser.add_argument( '--previous', '--prev', '-p', metavar="GITREV", default="origin/release", help="previous release [origin/release]") parser.add_argument( '--current', '--curr', '-c', metavar="GITREV", default="HEAD", help="current release candidate [HEAD]") parser.add_argument( '--date', '-d', help="expected release date: defaults to " "next Tuesday [{}]".format(default_release_date())) parser.add_argument( '--merge', '-m', action="store_true", default=False, help="include merge commits") parser.add_argument( '--table', '-t', action="store_true", default=False, help="only print table") return parser def default_release_date(): """ Returns a date object corresponding to the expected date of the next release: normally, this Tuesday. """ today = date.today() TUESDAY = 2 days_until_tuesday = (TUESDAY - today.isoweekday()) % 7 return today + timedelta(days=days_until_tuesday) def parse_ticket_references(text): """ Given a commit message, return a list of all JIRA ticket references in that message. If there are no ticket references, return an empty list. """ return JIRA_RE.findall(text) def emails(commit_range): """ Returns a set of all email addresses responsible for the commits between the two commit references. """ # %ae prints the authored_by email for the commit # %n prints a newline # %ce prints the committed_by email for the commit emails = set(git.log(commit_range, format='%ae%n%ce').splitlines()) return emails - IGNORED_EMAILS def commits_by_email(commit_range, include_merge=False): """ Return a ordered dictionary of {email: commit_list} The dictionary is alphabetically ordered by email address The commit list is ordered by commit author date """ kwargs = {} if not include_merge: kwargs["no-merges"] = True data = OrderedDict() for email in sorted(emails(commit_range)): authored_commits = set(repo.iter_commits( commit_range, author=email, **kwargs )) committed_commits = set(repo.iter_commits( commit_range, committer=email, **kwargs )) commits = authored_commits | committed_commits data[email] = sorted(commits, key=lambda c: c.authored_date) return data def generate_table(commit_range, include_merge=False): """ Return a string corresponding to a commit table to embed in Confluence """ header = "||Author||Summary||Commit||JIRA||Verified?||" commit_link = "[commit|https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/commit/{sha}]" rows = [header] cbe = commits_by_email(commit_range, include_merge) for email, commits in cbe.items(): for i, commit in enumerate(commits): rows.append("| {author} | {summary} | {commit} | {jira} | {verified} |".format( author=email if i == 0 else "", summary=commit.summary.replace("|", "\|"), commit=commit_link.format(sha=commit.hexsha), jira=", ".join(parse_ticket_references(commit.message)), verified="", )) return "\n".join(rows) def generate_email(commit_range, release_date=None): """ Returns a string roughly approximating an email. """ if release_date is None: release_date = default_release_date() email = """ To: {emails} You've made changes that are about to be released. All of the commits that you either authored or committed are listed below. Please verify them on stage.edx.org and stage-edge.edx.org. Please record your notes on https://edx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ENG/Release+Page%3A+{date} and add any bugs found to the Release Candidate Bugs section. If you are a non-affiliated open-source contributor to edx-platform, the edX employee who merged in your pull request will manually verify your change(s), and you may disregard this message. """.format( emails=", ".join(sorted(emails(commit_range))), date=release_date.isoformat(), ) return textwrap.dedent(email).strip() def main(): parser = make_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if isinstance(args.date, basestring): # user passed in a custom date, so we need to parse it args.date = parse_datestring(args.date).date() commit_range = "{0}..{1}".format(args.previous, args.current) if args.table: print(generate_table(commit_range, include_merge=args.merge)) return print("EMAIL:") print(generate_email(commit_range, release_date=args.date)) print("\n") print("Wiki Table:") print( "Type Ctrl+Shift+D on Confluence to embed the following table " "in your release wiki page" ) print("\n") print(generate_table(commit_range, include_merge=args.merge)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()